Leon and Amy:
衣服昵时,clothes. 襯衫捷雕,shirt. 裙子、禮服壹甥,dress.
在美劇《欲望都市》里面救巷,一個女孩問男朋友:我今天看起來怎么樣?男朋友回答:Interesting clothes(有趣的衣服)句柠。女孩問:What do you mean?你什么意思浦译?男朋友還是回答:Interesting clothes.
你已經(jīng)有這么多衣服了棒假,為什么還要買?You already have so many clothes, why do you want to buy more? 已經(jīng)精盅,already.
女孩子喜歡購物帽哑,尤其喜歡買衣服。Girls like shopping, especially like to buy clothes.
你這條裙子很漂亮叹俏,和帽子很搭妻枕。Your skirt is very beautiful, and it matches the hat very well.裙子,skirt. 漂亮, beautiful. 帽子粘驰,hat. 搭配佳头,match.
我很喜歡穿我的巴薩球衣,很舒服晴氨。I like to wear my Barcelona jersey, very comfortable. 穿康嘉,wear. 球衣,jersey. 舒服籽前,comfortable.
許多女孩子在夏天穿裙子亭珍,冬天穿羽絨服。Many girls wear skirts in summer, and wear down jackets in winter. 羽絨服枝哄,down jacket. 夏天肄梨,summer. 冬天, winter.
她穿短褲很性感。 She wears shorts very sexy./ She is very sexy wearing pants. 短褲挠锥,shorts众羡、pants.
文胸,bra. 短袖蓖租,Short sleeve粱侣、T-shirt. 背心,vest. 內(nèi)衣蓖宦,underwear.
他穿大衣的樣子非称胗ぃ酷。 He looks very cool in his overcoat. 酷稠茂,cool. 大衣柠偶,coat、overcoat.
外面好冷睬关,你應(yīng)該穿上你的夾克诱担。It's so cold outside, you should put on your jacket. 冷,cold. 穿上, put on. 脫下电爹,take off. 夾克蔫仙,jacket.
媽媽給小男孩買了兩雙新襪子。 Mother bought the little boy two pairs of new socks. 小男孩藐不,little boy. 雙匀哄,pair. 襪子秦效,sock.