What is a frustrating problem
It's a situation where none of the options placed before you is ideal or good,however,you feel like having to make a choice among them, even they are not good at all. Before this leads to a result regreting or frustrating, you may even be faced with a painful zone where you have to make choices before those one you don't want at all.
How to solve this
Supposed you were in the situation above, you should have abandoned those inappropriate choices, however, you just stay in that circle and force yourself to make a choice.
So let's just try to get the things we should have done done.
First of all, stop thinking that there's only limited solutions like those two you have but don't like. This mindset is wrong, free your mind and I'm sure you'll find more possibility.
Second, broaden your perspective.One way is to change the subject, thinking about what will those excellent guys do given this situation. Try to mock their example and make the right choice. The ohter way is to set this situaiton in a different time, suppose what will you gonna deal with this staff 10 days, a month or 5 years later. Something won't even bother when we look back on them. So try to look ahead or gain experience from the past.
Third, accept its existence. This is more about mental and emotion acceptance. You have to admit that this problem lies to you, it's yours, it's there, and there's no way back or escape. So just as I've always said:"embrace the pain that you cannot escape."
**Fourth, re-define your issue to one that you can handle. For example, your roommate is driving you nuts, however anyway you cannot change your roomate.
So you can try to think about what's the problem really is,or think like this:
my roomate is driving me nuts; True; why do I feel like getting drived nuts; I just feel stressed or uneasy with those things he does; Can I change him?
Nope;OK, so I can try to find a way for me not to get stressed or uneasy with the way he deals with things.
Then we are done here.
Fifth, always focus on our intention, even it's not possbile right now.
You are in love with someone by mistake, you feel like this relationship is not that kind you want, you feel exausted with endless fight and coming back aagin. And during another intervals between a new fight you feel like neither saying apology nor tolerating your lover's taunt or bad words which are previous way you deal with this. This time, you can abandon them all and make sth, just break up with him/her, stay single, and begin a happy life which you really want with expectation of a ideal relationship you truly want.
**Remember, abondon choices you don't like doesn't mean that you just give it up, give up the right for a good result. You have to do sth to change the current situation and try your best to make it a win-win one. **
Just like the relationship example above, you end up a bad relationship(win1), and get started with a new life improving yourself with ecpecation of an ideal love sroty(win2).
As long as we can, we do the best and never compromise.