自從秋天后回國這段時間,一直沒“閑著”……那些茫茫的感情和碌碌的 action 仍然沒讓我放棄我對那個理想的執(zhí)念……也正因如此滞时,這只貓咪的到來對我來說是一件很幸福的事情滤灯,盡管 my parents doesn't want it,我也從來都是一個 obedient girl窒百,但是我知道我想怎樣做也知道我應(yīng)該怎樣做豫尽!
人總需要一個 alive 的理由美旧!我們是為了什么活著?我們是為了什么而來榴嗅?
If you keep thinking of it , you WILL find it out one day! @v@b
"When enough people make false promises, words stop meaning anything."
《權(quán)力的游戲》第七季中 Jon Snow 說的這句話贯吓,正讓我想起《Kingdom of Heaven》的貝里昂——一個真正的騎士悄谐!西方的“真正的騎士”(a true knight),一個東方文明中的“圣賢”(真人)们陆!
很感謝這兩年來看到的經(jīng)歷情屹,我哭過,笑過椅文,什么都有過……但是我一點(diǎn)也沒后悔我所做的所有他人會認(rèn)為我“crazy”的決定和行動惜颇,I am no fool, but a true human being.
In this fake "heaven", I need a team —— a True team that full of real human beings together! And we will change the world! This world needs to turn to be a Heaven! A real Heaven!
“Remember this, boy. All dwarfs may be bastards, yet not all bastards need be dwarfs." And with that he turned and sauntered back into the feast, whistling a tune. When he opened the door, the light from within threw his shadow clear across the yard, and for just a moment Tyrion Lannister stood tall as a king.”
― George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones
這是一個多么 Blind 的世界劣摇。多少那兩雙眼睛根本看不見真正的“人”,唯一看得到的是那些被自己心智所迷戀著的東西……也就是自己所以迷戀钧惧,才會所以覺得這才是 “awesome”,but of course 歷來如此吧……
You know nothing, Jon Snow
從這段時間與這只貓的接觸我才發(fā)現(xiàn)荧库,原來 my character ready does look like a cat sometimes. We are living for our dignity even when we are so poor and even we have been thrown out by… But there is a problem, the problem is that we don't know if this human likes me or not, if she does, why this "silly human" doesn't let me in her home then?…… but it's not really a "fault" being simple, isn't it? my poor little cat! I like you, that was the reason I have started to cook, but I have got my own problems and orders… love suffering, but I think I might have a cat one day in the future… only worries if it will die and make me sad… no, no…
BTW, for love, for anger, for sad, for nothing, for anything… I shall never give up, but what is the thing keep me going!? I don't know how to be "you" if I am "me"… no, no I can't…no, maybe I can…
當(dāng)我聽到 Jon Snow 在 最關(guān)鍵的場合時仍然說出實(shí)話被龍女王他們指責(zé)和無奈時候,他說了這句話:
"When enough people make false promises, words stop meaning anything."
我是多么感恩那邀桑!謝謝你告訴我在日后的生活中應(yīng)該怎樣面對他們科乎,怎樣回答他們了茅茂。這也正是我想說的,只是 Jon 更有魄力空闲,更敢言敢做碴倾!所以他才是真正的北境之王掉丽!The King in the North异雁!
From:QsLuna| 騎士盧娜