More and more people are taking up e-learning as a way of saving time and being flexible about how and when they learn. Because of the increased demand for e-learning courses in a multitude of languages, translating e-learning courses into many different languages is becoming very popular. So that’s one opportunity the language translation industry will be watching with interest in 2018.
目前流纹,越來越多的人開始采用數字化學習方式梗摇,因為(as a way of)它既省時当悔,又能夠靈活安排學習時間和方式(how and when )娘汞。隨著人們對多種語言數字化課程需求的增加何缓,將數字化課程翻譯成各種語言就變得十分熱門。因此盒让,這也是2018年翻譯行業(yè)喜聞樂見(watching with interest)的一大機遇搜锰。
Furthermore, multi-nationals are emphasising the use of the language translation industry and are continually on the look-out for good translators.
此外,跨國企業(yè)(multi-nationals )對翻譯的需求量也在增加身坐,并且在不斷尋求著(look-out for)優(yōu)秀的譯員囊陡。
Machine translation is taking over more and more and many organizationsare in the process of initiating the use of translation tools based on machine tools such as “translation memory” and a Google invention that has recently been released. Both have the capability to perform a translation into many languages with great ease and increased efficiency.
機器翻譯正在不斷滲透到翻譯領域(taking over more and more 記得加名詞),許多組織正在開始使用(initiating the use of)基于機器的翻譯工具掀亥,例如“翻譯記憶”和最近谷歌發(fā)布的一款機翻產品(invention)結合上下文翻譯invention撞反。二者都能夠輕松實現(xiàn)多語種(many languages)翻譯,并且效率也在不斷提升搪花。
Video translation is on the increase. The future of the translation industry is certainly seeing the greater use of online videos and there is the likelihood that translations of video content will become more prominent. A particular emphasis will be on eLearning courses that use video. This is because more and more people are signing up for eLearning courses from all over the world.
視頻翻譯需求不斷增長遏片。未來翻譯行業(yè)的在線視頻使用量一定會不斷增加,視頻內容的翻譯水平很可能會得到提高(more prominent)愿意為更加突出撮竿。特別是使用視頻教學的數字化課程將得以發(fā)展吮便,因為世界各地越來越多的用戶都在報名(signing up for)參加數字化學習課程。
Translation apps are likely to become one of the translation trends. Translation apps are improving what they can do and are a useful addition to a business person’s travel luggage as they are making the task of translating so much easier and less clumsy and time-consuming. More of these will be seen in 2018.
翻譯類app也很可能成為翻譯行業(yè)的一大趨勢幢踏。翻譯類app的功能正在逐漸完善髓需,對于商務人士來說,是非常有用的差旅隨行物(addition)房蝉,因為此類app讓翻譯變得簡單僚匆、輕巧(less clumsy 不那么笨拙)、省時搭幻。2018年咧擂,我們將看到翻譯類app更多地出現(xiàn)。
Multilingual courses are expected to increase as virtually every significant business is trying to attract more and more customers wherever they are in the world. With this has come a rise in demand for eLearning courses in many different languages. This trend is set to continue well into 2018.
Translation is becoming a necessity as more and more organizations are trying to be seen in action globally, the translation that occurs between languages at present is becoming an absolute necessity. So, the language translation industry is going to be in top gear as a result of this initiative.
越來越多的組織希望給人們留下活躍在( in action)世界舞臺的印象贸桶,因此翻譯變得必不可少舅逸。當下語言之間的翻譯已經完全成為一種必需品,由此(of this initiative.)語言翻譯行業(yè)將會迎來迅猛發(fā)展(in top gear)皇筛。