這個(gè)月讀的英文原版書是《Exercise Every Day》揍瑟,來(lái)看看每天鍛煉的習(xí)慣怎么養(yǎng)成蟆盹?四周時(shí)間阐滩,我們一起來(lái)探尋吧漂洋。
I am big on goals and plans. I understand the need tohave some answers and have direction, but the problem is that some people wantto have all the answers before they start. This indecision can often preventyou from starting an exercise program, so the best thing you can do is stopresearching and just start moving.
Remember that “paralysis by analysis” often preventspeople from changing their lives. It’s easy to get stuck in research mode, somake the decision to cover two to three resources and then commit to taking action.
Remember, the goal is not to have a “new you” in oneday. That is humanly impossible, anyway. Focus on one thing at a time and buildon small wins.