And ?at the farm of Howe,she being in service here,we spoke directly to the women Marian Isbister,and after laid bonds on her .She lay that night in the laird's house,in a narrow place under the roof.
In the morning ,therefore,she not yet having broken fast,the Loire comes to her.
?L:Tell us your name
M:You know my name well,was I not with your lady at her confinement in winter
L:Answer to the point,and with respect,your name
M:I was called Marian.
L:What's your age
M:I was eighteen
L:are you a witch
At this,she raised her fists to her head and made no further answer.
That some day,in the afternoon,she was convoyed to Kirkwall on horseback,to the palace of the earl there.All that road she spoke not a word.There in Kirkwall a chain was hung between her arm and the stone.
Next morning came to her Andrew Monteith,chaplain to the earl.
Mo:you know not fear me. I'm a man in holy orders.
M :I fear you and everyone.My father should be there .
Mo:you have a.scunner at me for that I'm a man of god and you art a servant of the deveil.
M:How can I answer well?They keep food for me
Mo: ? I will speak for food to be given you
M:I thank you
Mo:Will you not be plain with me
M:All would say,this was the cunning of the evil one ,to make me speak plain.I do speak plain,for I'mnot a witch,but a plain country girl.
'Mo:you art as miserable a wretch as ever sat against that wall.
M:I'm indeed
Mo:your guilt is plain in your face
M:John should be here
Mo:what man is that
M:The shepherd on Greenay Hill.Hewould not suffer you to say such ill words against me
Mo:Is my sweetheart
M:Often enough he called himself that.