? ? ? ? In this Era of prevailing economic knowledge, If you look at the state of people (with myself included)you will find that most, if not all are busy with work and study.Each person is preoccupied with the tiniest and most gigantic concerns in life. And each one lives with an increasing anxiety in their hearts. Thus, in a situation such as this,financial freedom is more like a quick relief pill, that can soothe fears and insecurities. It’s a very striking vision.
? ? ? ? My Teacher, Li Xiaolai once said that,“Financial freedom is a word which shines on many people’s hearts.”So why don’t we stop and really think about that for a moment. Let’s ask ourselves this, “If we will have financial freedom tomorrow, and won’t have to sell away our time each day, what kind of life would we like to have?”
? ? ? ? I don’t really know how to contain my happiness and excitement while typing these words. And while thinking about the life that I would want to live after I’ve attained my freedom financially. I just want to live a life that would allow me to do everything that I like!I want to have a lot of free time. I want to pursue my dreams. I want to become a person of value. Most importantly, I want to help a lot of people. And I believe that most people are just like me, if without the shackles of money and other concerns in life, perhaps they will also be doing the things which they really like to do or which they are passionate about. And they would surely live their lives the way they want to. So, in order to achieve this beautiful dream, for the vast majority of ordinary people like us, wise money management is a reliable way through which financial freedom is most likely to be achieved.
? ? ? So, what is the right way to start “money management”?
? ? ? First, let’s carefully review our own experiences and everything around it.If you don’t have much savings when you work, when you marry and when you become a parent all the way after graduation, and you always feel short of money, living a life of routine will surely zap the joy out of you. Or let’s say, you have your own house, your own car and your own personal cause,through your own efforts. But, you are always busy and you have no time to stop and enjoy the beauty of life. No matter which of the situations mentioned above you can relate with, at this moment, I invite you to stop and think for a few seconds. Ask yourself,what is the real meaning of “rich”?
? ? ?
The poor and the “middle class” are always working for money, but they don’t know that, their living a vicious cycle of getting up——working(doing business)——paying? the bills——then getting up (again)——doing business (again) ---and the cycle goes on. They are afraid of losing money, afraid of losing their big houses (with mortgages),the luxurious cars (with loans), and their lives that seem all good and well. And because of such fears mentioned, they work very hard to earn money, and so they become slaves to money. But they don’t know, that in most cases, their feelings think ahead of them,and they are only getting busier. They are stuck in the “busy trap” without them knowing the way out.
On the other hand, the rich people let the money work for them. They don’t have to sell their time to provide for their necessary expenses. The rich also have plenty of time to do the things that they want, to achieve self-worth and to live an attractive life that everyone would wish or hope for. It’s just so nice just to think about that kind of life, right? So, to realize the financial freedom, first, we must have the right mindset. We must have the“rich mind”. If you don’t have it yet, please make a commitment to change your mind.
Next, let’s look at two different ways of thinking in the comparative table below:
? ? ? ? ? ? As you looked at the above table, has it dawned on you already why you have been poor for many years?Well, I have good news for you. It’s not yet too late to take action.So instead of focusing on the current, unpleasant situation.? Why not train your mind to think the way the rich people do?
? ? ? ? ? Let me share some of the steps that I have started doing, as a suggestion that might be useful to all of us.
? ? ? ? ? First, read more books as possible as you can.You can start by reading the “Rich Dad and Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki, which is one of the best books to build the mindset of the bottom rich. Regarding this, I want to thank the teacher named Wu Long Ming Yue for recommending this book to me. Because of this book, I now have a better understanding of the rich mind.? Thus, it will be very helpful to read a lot of these books and start some actual action.Second, create opportunities to contact the rich as possible as you can, and observe them at a close range.Have the attitude to learn. Don’t focus solely on your inferiority when communicating with the rich people. But, seek for the information that you want to have… patiently, by just simply talking to them. Find the one thing that the rich people have in common. For sure, they have at least one skill which they are very good and excellent at. Or maybe they have specific fields that they are engaged in before achieving the financial freedom. And you will find that they are the person who rise early, and who constantly wait for the suitable opportunity to come at any time.Third, take action after thinking.This is very important. So many things have been said and done, if your feet are slow, you might pitifully miss the last step. So rush off!
? ? ? ? ? Let’s change our minds together, and start managing money through the right method and mindset. In that way, everyone can achieve financial freedom.