Don't do it if you still want to keep the current relationship, do it if you really want to get something even if you will hurt someone. Don’t insult your victims by feeling sorry afterwards saying it is always easier than doing it. Yes ,we may say it easier and faster but how about the result and what will happen after saying it. Even for those famous sentences, everyone knows that we should not hurt the people who we care for. But when the things happen and how many people may copy with it in the right way. Then we get the words which I mentioned in the beginning. Don’t do or do it coolly not only for the things but also for the people even ourselves. Just today, I met a person for the first time and I smiled and say, hello etc. but guess what she replied to me, “hi jenna, you know that you're late and you should come to office earlier. And I say, oh ,oh, get it. But is that right and is that the real thing I want to reply to her? Actually , no. because we met each other for the first time and we are in the different position . so why did she shout at me and say those thing to me. I want to? reply to her, who are you, and are you the manager or why did you say those words to me . but I didn’t say anything ,just nod . but right now, if she give me another chance I may say, none of your business and if you couldn’t accept then just go away because this is my way to feel satisfied and also she won’t say anything to me like that next time.”
Maybe you couldn’t accept my way on how to deal with the issue but I just want to say, treat others nice and in a common way but if we met a person that isn't real then we dont need to follow the common way to deal with them. Just do and say it and also let them know we are not so soft and we need to do something to protect ourselves it's not always being nice to other people to help us and also say something to you again. thanks