Mo Tzu's Criticism of Confucianism
According to Mo Tzu, "the principles of the Confucianists ruin the whole world in four ways":?
(1) The Confucianists do not believe in the existence of God or of spirits, "with the result that God and the spirits are displeased."?
(2.) The Confucianists insist on elaborate funerals and the practice of three years of mourning on the death of a parent, so that the wealth and energy of the people are thereby wasted.?
(3) The Confucianists lay stress on the practice of music, leading to an identical result.?
(4) The Confucianists believe in a predetermined fate, causing the people to be lazy and to resign themselves to this fate. (The Mo-tzu, ch. 4§.)?
In another chapter entitled "Anti-Confucianism," the Mo-tzu also says: "Even those with long life cannot exhaust the learning required for their [Confucianist] studies. Even people with the vigor of youth cannot perform all the ceremonial duties. And even those who have amassed wealth cannot afford music. They [the Confucianists] enhance the beauty of wicked arts and lead their sovereign astray. Their doctrine cannot meet the needs of the age, nor can their learning educate the people." (Ch.39.)?
These criticisms reveal the differing social backgrounds of the Confucianists and Mohists.?
Already before Confucius, persons who were better educated and more sophisticated had been abandoning the belief in the existence of a personal God and of divine spirits.?
People of the lower classes, however, had, as always in such matters, lagged behind in this rise of skepticism, and Mo Tzu held the point of view of the lower classes.?
This is the significance of his first point of criticism against the Confucianists.?
The second and third points, too, were made from the same basis.?
The fourth point, however, was really irrelevant, because, though the Confucianists often spoke about Ming (Fate, Decree), what they meant by it was not the predetermined fate attacked by Mo Tzu.?
This has been pointed out in the last chapter, where we have seen that Ming, for the Confucianists, signified something that is beyond human control.?
But there are other things that remain within man's power to control if he will exert himself.?
Only after man has done everything he can himself, therefore, should he accept with calm and resignation what comes thereafter as inevitable.?
Such is what the Confucianists meant when they spoke of "knowing Ming."