朋友推薦的書返劲,現(xiàn)美國喜劇家的成長故事玲昧。生長于南非特殊年代的Trevor Noah,文筆風(fēng)趣幽默篮绿。父親瑞士人孵延,母親南非黑人,政治原因下亲配,他從小不跟父親生活在一起尘应。長大成人的十年里沒有任何聯(lián)絡(luò),23歲的時候重遇父親吼虎。重逢的這一章節(jié)瞬間戳中我犬钢,想念我的爸爸。
I felt a flood of emotions rushing through me. It was everything I could do not to start crying. It felt like this ten-year gap in my life closed right up in an instant, like only a day had passed since I'd last seen him.? ???
For years I'd so many questions. Is he thinking about me? Does he know what I'm doing? Is he proud of me? But he'd been with me the whole time. He'd always been proud of me. Circumstance had pulled us apart, but he was never not my father.