1 self-conscious = embarrassed = shy?
2 How have you been? (代替Long time no see)
3 get big-brothery and judgemental? (擺出大哥架子來教訓)
4 no peeking (偷看)
self conscious:(因顧慮自己的外表或表現)局促不安的,害羞的,不自然的
這個詞組可以代替embarrassed或者shy,比如唧取,有時候聊天時底桂,談到一些話題的事情會有點點尷尬窟赏,就可以說:She felt a little bit self conscious when taking about the topic? 或者說:We need to steer clear of the topic, because we felt too self conscious.
How have you been? 表示近來怎么樣呀笆搓?
很長時間不見時膏蚓,我們常常開口第一句話時:Long time no see实愚,其實可以以問句的方式來提問:How have you been? 需要注意的是:how have you been兼呵?的回答,不是簡單的一句話Good/great來回答爆侣,而是說說最近生活的情況萍程。
比如,好久沒有見到AJ啦兔仰,周三見到他時:就可以問:How have you been?
最近常常叫nichel大哥茫负,英文就是:big brother。查了字典后乎赴,又一次知道big brother 表示老大哥(控制人們思想行為的虛偽領導者/政府)
get-brothery and judgmental 表示擺出大哥架子來教訓我忍法。造個句子吧:I don't like you, because you always gets big-brothery and judgemental.
peek 表示偷看,固定搭配:peek at