I know full well that you are used to hearing women say that they love you. But I am sure that no one else has ever loved you so slavishly, with such doglike fidelity, with such devotion, as I did and do. Nothing can equal the unnoticed love of a child. It is hopeless and subservient; it is patient and passionate; it is something which the covetous love of a grown woman, the love that is unconsciously exacting can never be. None but lonely children can cherish such a passion.? The others will squander their feelings in companionship, will dissipate them in confidential talks.? They have heard and read much of love, and they know that it comes to all. They play with it like a toy; they flaunt it as a boy flaunts his first cigarette. But I had no confidant; I had been neither taught nor warned; I was inexperienced and unsuspecting.
I rushed to meet my fate.
我知道你習慣了女人說愛你. 但我確信沒有人像我一樣如此盲目, 如此卑微又忠貞地愛著你. 因為沒有什么能比得上一個孩子不被人察覺的愛情. 它充滿了絕望和卑微, 卻又持久, 飽含激情. 它不同于成熟女人那貪求回報的愛, 那種愛難以取悅.
只有孤獨的孩子才會珍惜這種感情. 其他人會把它揮霍在同伴身上, 或者密友的交談上. 他們聽過或讀過太多的愛情故事, 也知道愛情總會到來. 他們玩弄愛情,像男孩炫耀自己的第一根煙一樣.
但我沒有密友, 沒人教我或提醒我, 我毫無經(jīng)驗, 毫無準備. 我一頭扎進我的命運.