?? “We should start back,” Gared urged as thewoods began to grow dark around them. “The wildlings are dead.”
?? “Do the dead frighten you?” Ser Waymar Royceasked with just the hint of a smile.
?? Gared did notrise to the bait. He was an old man, past fifty,and he had seen the lordlings come and go. “Dead is dead,” he said. “We have nobusiness with the dead.”
?? “Are they dead?” Royce asked softly. “Whatproof have we?”
?? “Will saw them,” Gared said. “If he saysthey are dead, that’s proof enough for me.”
?? Will had known they would drag him into thequarrel sooner or later. He wished it had been later rather than sooner. “Mymother told me that dead men sing no songs,” he put in.
?? “My wet nurse said the same thing, Will,”Royce replied. “Never believe anything you hear at awoman’s tit. There are things to be learnedeven from the dead.” His voiceechoed, tooloudin thetwilit forest.
?? “We have a long ride before us,” Garedpointed out. “Eight days, maybe nine. And night is falling.”
?? Ser Waymar Royceglanced atthe sky withdisinterest. “It does thatevery day about this time. Are youunmannedby the dark, Gared?”
?? Will could see thetightnessaround Gared’s mouth, the barelysuppressedanger in hiseyes under thethick black
hood of his cloak. Gared had spent forty years in the Night’s Watch, manand boy, and he was not accustomed to being made light of. Yet it was more thanthat. Under thewounded
pride, Will could sense something else in the older man. You couldtasteit; a nervoustension that came perilous close to fear.
?? Will shared his unease. He had been fouryears on the Wall. The first time he had been sent beyond, all the old storieshad come rushing back, and his bowels had turned to water. He had laughed aboutit afterward. He was a veteran of a hundred rangings by now, and the endlessdark wilderness that the southron called the haunted forest had no more terrorsfor him.
?? Until tonight. Something was differenttonight. There was an edge to this darkness that made his hackles rise. Ninedays they had been riding, north and northwest and then north again, fartherand farther from the Wall, hard on the track of a band of wildling raiders.Each day had been worse than the day that had come before it. Today was theworst of all. A cold wind was blowing out of the north, and it made the treesrustle like living things. All day, Will had felt as though something werewatching him, something cold and implacable that loved him not. Gared had feltit too. Will wanted nothing so much as to ride hellbent for the safety of theWall, but that was not a feeling to share with your commander.
?? Especially not a commander like this one.
?? Ser Waymar Royce was the youngest son of anancient house with too many heirs. He was a handsome youth of eighteen,grey-eyed and graceful and slender as a knife. Mounted on his huge blackdestrier, the knight towered above Will and Gared on their smaller garrons. Hewore black leather boots, black woolen pants, black moleskin gloves, and a finesupple coat of gleaming black ringmail over layers of black wool and boiledleather. Ser Waymar had been a Sworn Brother of the Night’s Watch for less thanhalf a year, but no one could say he had not prepared for his vocation. Atleast insofar as his wardrobe was concerned.
?? His cloak was his crowning glory; sable,thick and black and soft as sin. “Bet he killed them all himself, he did,”Gared told the barracks over wine, “twisted their little heads off, our mightywarrior.” They had all shared the laugh.
?? It is hard to take orders from a man youlaughed at in your cups, Will reflected as he sat shivering atop his garron.Gared must have felt the same.
?? “Mormont said as we should track them, andwe did,” Gared said. “They’re dead. They shan’t trouble us no more. There’shard riding before us. I don’t like this weather. If it snows, we could be afortnight getting back, and snow’s the best we can hope for. Ever seen an icestorm, my lord?”
?? The lordling seemed not to hear him. Hestudied the deepening twilight in that half-bored, half-distracted way he had.Will had ridden with the knight long enough to understand that it was best notto interrupt him when he looked like that. “Tell me again what you saw, Will.All the details. Leave nothing out.”
?? Will had been a hunter before he joined theNight’s Watch. Well, a poacher in truth. Mallister freeriders had caught himred-handed in the Mallisters’ own woods, skinning one of the Mallisters’ ownbucks, and it had been a choice of putting on the black or losing a hand. Noone could move through the woods as silent as Will, and it had not taken theblack brothers long to discover his talent.
?? “The camp is two miles farther on, over thatridge, hard beside a stream,” Will said. “I got close as I dared. There’s eightof them, men and women both. No children I could see. They put up a lean-toagainst the rock. The snow’s pretty well covered it now, but I could still makeit out. No fire burning, but the firepit was still plain as day. No one moving.I watched a long time. No living man ever lay so still.”
?? “Did you see any blood?”
?? “Well, no,” Will admitted.
?? “Did you see any weapons?”
?? “Some swords, a few bows. One man had anaxe. Heavy-looking, double-bladed, a cruel piece of iron. It was on the groundbeside him, right by his hand.”
?? “Did you make note of the position of thebodies?”
?? Will shrugged. “A couple are sitting upagainst the rock. Most of them on the ground. Fallen, like.”
?? “Or sleeping,” Royce suggested.
?? “Fallen,” Will insisted. “There’s one womanup an ironwood, half-hid in the branches. A far-eyes.” He smiled thinly. “Itook care she never saw me. When I got closer, I saw that she wasn’t movingneither.” Despite himself, he shivered.
?? “You have a chill?” Royce asked.
?? “Some,” Will muttered. “The wind, m’lord.”
?? The young knight turned back to his grizzledman-at-arms. Frostfallen leaves whispered past them, and Royce’s destrier movedrestlessly. “What do you think might have killed these men, Gared?” Ser Waymarasked casually. He adjusted the drape of his long sable cloak.
?? “It was the cold,” Gared said with ironcertainty. “I saw men freeze last winter, and the one before, when I was half aboy. Everyone talks about snows forty foot deep, and how the ice wind comeshowling out of the north, but the real enemy is the cold. It steals up on youquieter than Will, and at first you shiver and your teeth chatter and you stampyour feet and dream of mulled wine and nice hot fires. It burns, it does.Nothing burns like the cold. But only for a while. Then it gets inside you andstarts to fill you up, and after a while you don’t have the strength to fightit. It’s easier just to sit down or go to sleep. They say you don’t feel anypain toward the end. First you go weak and drowsy, and everything starts tofade, and then it’s like sinking into a sea of warm milk. Peaceful, like.”
?? “Such eloquence, Gared,” Ser Waymarobserved. “I never suspected you had it in you.”
?? “I’ve had the cold in me too, lordling.”Gared pulled back his hood, giving Ser Waymar a good long look at the stumpswhere his ears had been. “Two ears, three toes, and the little finger off myleft hand. I got off light. We found my brother frozen at his watch, with asmile on his face.”
?? Ser Waymar shrugged. “You ought dress morewarmly, Gared.”
?? Gared glared at the lordling, the scarsaround his ear holes flushed red with anger where Maester Aemon had cut theears away. “We’ll see how warm you can dress when the winter comes.” He pulledup his hood and hunched over his garron, silent and sullen.
?? “If Gared said it was the cold?.?.?.?” Willbegan.
?? “Have you drawn any watches this past week,Will?”
?? “Yes, m’lord.” There never was a week whenhe did not draw a dozen bloody watches. What was the man driving at?
?? “And how did you find the Wall?”
?? “Weeping,” Will said, frowning. He saw itclear enough, now that the lordling had pointed it out. “They couldn’t havefroze. Not if the Wall was weeping. It wasn’t cold enough.”
?? Royce nodded. “Bright lad. We’ve had a fewlight frosts this past week, and a quick flurry of snow now and then, butsurely no cold fierce enough to kill eight grown men. Men clad in fur andleather, let me remind you, with shelter near at hand, and the means of makingfire.” The knight’s smile was cocksure. “Will, lead us there. I would see thesedead men for myself.”
?? And then there was nothing to be done forit. The order had been given, and honor bound them to obey.
?? Will went in front, his shaggy little garronpicking the way carefully through the undergrowth. A light snow had fallen thenight before, and there were stones and roots and hidden sinks lying just underits crust, waiting for the careless and the unwary. Ser Waymar Royce came next,his great black destrier snorting impatiently. The warhorse was the wrong mountfor ranging, but try and tell that to the lordling. Gared brought up the rear.The old man-at-arms muttered to himself as he rode.
?? Twilight deepened. The cloudless sky turneda deep purple, the color of an old bruise, then faded to black. The stars beganto come out. A half-moon rose. Will was grateful for the light.
?? “We can make a better pace than this,surely,” Royce said when the moon was full risen.
? ?“Notwith this horse,” Will said. Fear had made him insolent. “Perhaps my lord wouldcare to take the lead?”
?? Ser Waymar Royce did not deign to reply.
?? Somewhere off in the wood a wolf howled.
?? Will pulled his garron over beneath anancient gnarled ironwood and dismounted.
?? “Why are you stopping?” Ser Waymar asked.
?? “Best go the rest of the way on foot,m’lord. It’s just over that ridge.”
?? Royce paused a moment, staring off into thedistance, his face reflective. A cold wind whispered through the trees. Hisgreat sable cloak stirred behind like something half-alive.
?? “There’s something wrong here,” Garedmuttered.
?? The young knight gave him a disdainfulsmile. “Is there?”
?? “Can’t you feel it?” Gared asked. “Listen tothe darkness.”
?? Will could feel it. Four years in theNight’s Watch, and he had never been so afraid. What was it?
?? “Wind. Trees rustling. A wolf. Which soundis it that unmans you so, Gared?” When Gared did not answer, Royce slidgracefully from his saddle. He tied the destrier securely to a low-hanginglimb, well away from the other horses, and drew his longsword from its sheath.Jewels glittered in its hilt, and the moonlight ran down the shining steel. Itwas a splendid weapon, castle-forged, and new-made from the look of it. Willdoubted it had ever been swung in anger.
?? “The trees press close here,” Will warned.“That sword will tangle you up, m’lord. Better a knife.”
?? “If I need instruction, I will ask for it,”the young lord said. “Gared, stay here. Guard the horses.”
?? Gared dismounted. “We need a fire. I’ll seeto it.”
?? “How big a fool are you, old man? If thereare enemies in this wood, a fire is the last thing we want.”
?? “There’s some enemies a fire will keepaway,” Gared said. “Bears and direwolves and?.?.?.?and other things?.?.?.?”
?? Ser Waymar’s mouth became a hard line. “Nofire.”
?? Gared’s hood shadowed his face, but Willcould see the hard glitter in his eyes as he stared at the knight. For a momenthe was afraid the older man would go for his sword. It was a short, ugly thing,its grip discolored by sweat, its edge nicked from hard use, but Will would nothave given an iron bob for the lordling’s life if Gared pulled it from itsscabbard.
?? Finally Gared looked down. “No fire,” hemuttered, low under his breath.
?? Royce took it for acquiescence and turnedaway. “Lead on,” he said to Will.
?? Will threaded their way through a thicket,then started up the slope to the low ridge where he had found his vantage pointunder a sentinel tree. Under the thin crust of snow, the ground was damp andmuddy, slick footing, with rocks and hidden roots to trip you up. Will made nosound as he climbed. Behind him, he heard the soft metallic slither of thelordling’s ringmail, the rustle of leaves, and muttered curses as reachingbranches grabbed at his longsword and tugged on his splendid sable cloak.
?? The great sentinel was right there at thetop of the ridge, where Will had known it would be, its lowest branches a barefoot off the ground. Will slid in underneath, flat on his belly in the snow andthe mud, and looked down on the empty clearing below.
?? His heart stopped in his chest. For a momenthe dared not breathe. Moonlight shone down on the clearing, the ashes of thefirepit, the snow-covered lean-to, the great rock, the little half-frozenstream. Everything was just as it had been a few hours ago.
?? They were gone. All the bodies were gone.
?? “Gods!” he heard behind him. A sword slashedat a branch as Ser Waymar Royce gained the ridge. He stood there beside thesentinel, longsword in hand, his cloak billowing behind him as the wind cameup, outlined nobly against the stars for all to see.
?? “Get down!” Will whispered urgently.“Something’s wrong.”
?? Royce did not move. He looked down at theempty clearing and laughed. “Your dead men seem to have moved camp, Will.”
?? Will’s voice abandoned him. He groped forwords that did not come. It was not possible. His eyes swept back and forthover the abandoned campsite, stopped on the axe. A huge double-bladedbattle-axe, still lying where he had seen it last, untouched. A valuableweapon?.?.?.?
?? “On your feet, Will,” Ser Waymar commanded.“There’s no one here. I won’t have you hiding under a bush.”
?? Reluctantly, Will obeyed.
?? Ser Waymar looked him over with opendisapproval. “I am not going back to Castle Black a failure on my firstranging. We will find these men.” He glanced around. “Up the tree. Be quick aboutit. Look for a fire.”
?? Will turned away, wordless. There was no useto argue. The wind was moving. It cut right through him. He went to the tree, avaulting grey-green sentinel, and began to climb. Soon his hands were stickywith sap, and he was lost among the needles. Fear filled his gut like a meal hecould not digest. He whispered a prayer to the nameless gods of the wood, andslipped his dirk free of its sheath. He put it between his teeth to keep bothhands free for climbing. The taste of cold iron in his mouth gave him comfort.
?? Down below, the lordling called outsuddenly, “Who goes there?” Will heard uncertainty in the challenge. He stoppedclimbing; he listened; he watched.
?? The woods gave answer: the rustle of leaves,the icy rush of the stream, a distant hoot of a snow owl.
?? The Others made no sound.
?? Will saw movement from the corner of hiseye. Pale shapes gliding through the wood. He turned his head, glimpsed a whiteshadow in the darkness. Then it was gone. Branches stirred gently in the wind,scratching at one another with wooden fingers. Will opened his mouth to calldown a warning, and the words seemed to freeze in his throat. Perhaps he waswrong. Perhaps it had only been a bird, a reflection on the snow, some trick ofthe moonlight. What had he seen, after all?
?? “Will, where are you?” Ser Waymar called up.“Can you see anything?” He was turning in a slow circle, suddenly wary, hissword in hand. He must have felt them, as Will felt them. There was nothing tosee. “Answer me! Why is it so cold?”
?? It was cold. Shivering, Will clung moretightly to his perch. His face pressed hard against the trunk of the sentinel.He could feel the sweet, sticky sap on his cheek.
?? A shadow emerged from the dark of the wood.It stood in front of Royce. Tall, it was, and gaunt and hard as old bones, withflesh pale as milk. Its armor seemed to change color as it moved; here it waswhite as new-fallen snow, there black as shadow, everywhere dappled with thedeep grey-green of the trees. The patterns ran like moonlight on water withevery step it took.
?? Will heard the breath go out of Ser WaymarRoyce in a long hiss. “Come no farther,” the lordling warned. His voice crackedlike a boy’s. He threw the long sable cloak back over his shoulders, to freehis arms for battle, and took his sword in both hands. The wind had stopped. Itwas very cold.
?? The Other slid forward on silent feet. Inits hand was a longsword like none that Will had ever seen. No human metal hadgone into the forging of that blade. It was alive with moonlight, translucent,a shard of crystal so thin that it seemed almost to vanish when seen edge-on.There was a faint blue shimmer to the thing, a ghost-light that played aroundits edges, and somehow Will knew it was sharper than any razor.
?? Ser Waymar met him bravely. “Dance with methen.” He lifted his sword high over his head, defiant. His hands trembled fromthe weight of it, or perhaps from the cold. Yet in that moment, Will thought,he was a boy no longer, but a man of the Night’s Watch.
? ?TheOther halted. Will saw its eyes; blue, deeper and bluer than any human eyes, ablue that burned like ice. They fixed on the longsword trembling on high,watched the moonlight running cold along the metal. For a heartbeat he dared tohope.
?? They emerged silently from the shadows,twins to the first. Three of them?.?.?.?four?.?.?.?five?.?.?.?Ser Waymar mayhave felt the cold that came with them, but he never saw them, never heardthem. Will had to call out. It was his duty. And his death, if he did. Heshivered, and hugged the tree, and kept the silence.
?? The pale sword came shivering through theair.
?? Ser Waymar met it with steel. When theblades met, there was no ring of metal on metal; only a high, thin sound at theedge of hearing, like an animal screaming in pain. Royce checked a second blow,and a third, then fell back a step. Another flurry of blows, and he fell backagain.
?? Behind him, to right, to left, all aroundhim, the watchers stood patient, faceless, silent, the shifting patterns oftheir delicate armor making them all but invisible in the wood. Yet they madeno move to interfere.
?? Again and again the swords met, until Willwanted to cover his ears against the strange anguished keening of their clash.Ser Waymar was panting from the effort now, his breath steaming in themoonlight. His blade was white with frost; the Other’s danced with pale bluelight.
?? Then Royce’s parry came a beat too late. Thepale sword bit through the ringmail beneath his arm. The young lord cried outin pain. Blood welled between the rings. It steamed in the cold, and thedroplets seemed red as fire where they touched the snow. Ser Waymar’s fingersbrushed his side. His moleskin glove came away soaked with red.
?? The Other said something in a language thatWill did not know; his voice was like the cracking of ice on a winter lake, andthe words were mocking.
?? Ser Waymar Royce found his fury. “ForRobert!” he shouted, and he came up snarling, lifting the frost-coveredlongsword with both hands and swinging it around in a flat sidearm slash withall his weight behind it. The Other’s parry was almost lazy.
?? When the blades touched, the steelshattered.
?? A scream echoed through the forest night,and the longsword shivered into a hundred brittle pieces, the shards scatteringlike a rain of needles. Royce went to his knees, shrieking, and covered hiseyes. Blood welled between his fingers.
?? The watchers moved forward together, as ifsome signal had been given. Swords rose and fell, all in a deathly silence. Itwas cold butchery. The pale blades sliced through ringmail as if it were silk.Will closed his eyes. Far beneath him, he heard their voices and laughter sharpas icicles.
?? When he found the courage to look again, along time had passed, and the ridge below was empty.
?? He stayed in the tree, scarce daring tobreathe, while the moon crept slowly across the black sky. Finally, his musclescramping and his fingers numb with cold, he climbed down.
?? Royce’s body lay facedown in the snow, onearm outflung. The thick sable cloak had been slashed in a dozen places. Lyingdead like that, you saw how young he was. A boy.
?? He found what was left of the sword a fewfeet away, the end splintered and twisted like a tree struck by lightning. Willknelt, looked around warily, and snatched it up. The broken sword would be hisproof. Gared would know what to make of it, and if not him, then surely thatold bear Mormont or Maester Aemon. Would Gared still be waiting with thehorses? He had to hurry.
?? Will rose. Ser Waymar Royce stood over him.
?? His fine clothes were a tatter, his face aruin. A shard from his sword transfixed the blind white pupil of his left eye.
?? The right eye was open. The pupil burnedblue. It saw.
?? The broken sword fell from nervelessfingers. Will closed his eyes to pray. Long, elegant hands brushed his cheek,then tightened around his throat. They were gloved in the finest moleskin andsticky with blood, yet the touch was icy cold.