前言:Ascend C算子(TIK C++)使用C/C++作為前端開發(fā)語言椭符,通過四層接口抽象恨胚、并行編程范式、孿生調(diào)試等技術(shù)徘键,極大提高算子開發(fā)效率练对,助力AI開發(fā)者低成本完成算子開發(fā)和模型調(diào)優(yōu)部署。學(xué)習(xí)完理論后吹害,上代碼螟凭,通過實(shí)踐理解Ascend C算子的概念,掌握開發(fā)流程它呀,以及內(nèi)核調(diào)用符方式的調(diào)試方法螺男。
????????Add算子的數(shù)學(xué)公式:z= x+y纵穿,為簡單起見下隧,設(shè)定輸入張量x, y,z為固定shape(8,2048),數(shù)據(jù)類型dtype為half類型谓媒,數(shù)據(jù)排布類型format為ND淆院。
????????1、計(jì)算邏輯:輸入數(shù)據(jù)需要先搬入到片上存儲句惯,然后使用計(jì)算接口(TIK C++ API/矢量計(jì)算/雙目/ADD土辩,采用2級接口)完成兩個加法運(yùn)算,得到最終結(jié)果抢野,再搬出到外部存儲拷淘。
????????入?yún)?個,x昧互,y挽铁,z:x,y為輸入向量在Global Memory上的內(nèi)存地址敞掘,z為計(jì)算結(jié)果輸出到Global Memory上的內(nèi)存地址叽掘。?
extern "C" __global__ __aicore__ void add_tik2(__gm__ uint8_t* x, __gm__ uint8_t* y, __gm__ uint8_t* z)
extern "C" __global__ __aicore__ void add_tik2(__gm__ uint8_t* x, __gm__ uint8_t* y, __gm__ uint8_t* z)
? ? KernelAdd op;
? ? op.Init(x, y, z);
? ? op.Process();
class KernelAdd {
? ? __aicore__ inline KernelAdd() {}
? ? __aicore__ inline void Init(__gm__ uint8_t* x, __gm__ uint8_t* y, __gm__ uint8_t* z)
? ? {
? ? ? ? // get start index for current core, core parallel
? ? ? ? xGm.SetGlobalBuffer((__gm__ half*)x + block_idx * BLOCK_LENGTH, BLOCK_LENGTH);
? ? ? ? yGm.SetGlobalBuffer((__gm__ half*)y + block_idx * BLOCK_LENGTH, BLOCK_LENGTH);
? ? ? ? zGm.SetGlobalBuffer((__gm__ half*)z + block_idx * BLOCK_LENGTH, BLOCK_LENGTH);
? ? ? ? // pipe alloc memory to queue, the unit is Bytes
? ? ? ? pipe.InitBuffer(inQueueX, BUFFER_NUM, TILE_LENGTH * sizeof(half));
? ? ? ? pipe.InitBuffer(inQueueY, BUFFER_NUM, TILE_LENGTH * sizeof(half));
? ? ? ? pipe.InitBuffer(outQueueZ, BUFFER_NUM, TILE_LENGTH * sizeof(half));
? ? }
? ? __aicore__ inline void Process()
? ? {
? ? ? ? // loop count need to be doubled, due to double buffer
? ? ? ? constexpr int32_t loopCount = TILE_NUM * BUFFER_NUM;
? ? ? ? // tiling strategy, pipeline parallel
? ? ? ? for (int32_t i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) {
? ? ? ? ? ? CopyIn(i);
? ? ? ? ? ? Compute(i);
? ? ? ? ? ? CopyOut(i);
? ? ? ? }
? ? }
? ? __aicore__ inline void CopyIn(int32_t progress)
? ? {
? ? ? ? // alloc tensor from queue memory
? ? ? ? LocalTensor<half> xLocal = inQueueX.AllocTensor<half>();
? ? ? ? LocalTensor<half> yLocal = inQueueY.AllocTensor<half>();
? ? ? ? // copy progress_th tile from global tensor to local tensor
? ? ? ? DataCopy(xLocal, xGm[progress * TILE_LENGTH], TILE_LENGTH);
? ? ? ? DataCopy(yLocal, yGm[progress * TILE_LENGTH], TILE_LENGTH);
? ? ? ? // enque input tensors to VECIN queue
? ? ? ? inQueueX.EnQue(xLocal);
? ? ? ? inQueueY.EnQue(yLocal);
? ? }
? ? __aicore__ inline void Compute(int32_t progress)
? ? {
? ? ? ? // deque input tensors from VECIN queue
? ? ? ? LocalTensor<half> xLocal = inQueueX.DeQue<half>();
? ? ? ? LocalTensor<half> yLocal = inQueueY.DeQue<half>();
? ? ? ? LocalTensor<half> zLocal = outQueueZ.AllocTensor<half>();
? ? ? ? // call Add instr for computation
? ? ? ? Add(zLocal, xLocal, yLocal, TILE_LENGTH);
? ? ? ? // enque the output tensor to VECOUT queue
? ? ? ? outQueueZ.EnQue<half>(zLocal);
? ? ? ? // free input tensors for reuse
? ? ? ? inQueueX.FreeTensor(xLocal);
? ? ? ? inQueueY.FreeTensor(yLocal);
? ? }
? ? __aicore__ inline void CopyOut(int32_t progress)
? ? {
? ? ? ? // deque output tensor from VECOUT queue
? ? ? ? LocalTensor<half> zLocal = outQueueZ.DeQue<half>();
? ? ? ? // copy progress_th tile from local tensor to global tensor
? ? ? ? DataCopy(zGm[progress * TILE_LENGTH], zLocal, TILE_LENGTH);
? ? ? ? // free output tensor for reuse
? ? ? ? outQueueZ.FreeTensor(zLocal);
? ? }
? ? TPipe pipe;
? ? // create queues for input, in this case depth is equal to buffer num
? ? TQue<QuePosition::VECIN, BUFFER_NUM> inQueueX, inQueueY;
? ? // create queue for output, in this case depth is equal to buffer num
? ? TQue<QuePosition::VECOUT, BUFFER_NUM> outQueueZ;
? ? GlobalTensor<half> xGm, yGm, zGm;
__aicore__ inline void Init(__gm__ uint8_t* x, __gm__ uint8_t* y, __gm__ uint8_t* z)
? ? // get start index for current core, core parallel
? ? xGm.SetGlobalBuffer((__gm__ half*)x + block_idx * BLOCK_LENGTH, BLOCK_LENGTH);
? ? yGm.SetGlobalBuffer((__gm__ half*)y + block_idx * BLOCK_LENGTH, BLOCK_LENGTH);
? ? zGm.SetGlobalBuffer((__gm__ half*)z + block_idx * BLOCK_LENGTH, BLOCK_LENGTH);
? ? // pipe alloc memory to queue, the unit is Bytes
? ? pipe.InitBuffer(inQueueX, BUFFER_NUM, TILE_LENGTH * sizeof(half));
? ? pipe.InitBuffer(inQueueY, BUFFER_NUM, TILE_LENGTH * sizeof(half));
? ? pipe.InitBuffer(outQueueZ, BUFFER_NUM, TILE_LENGTH * sizeof(half));
__aicore__ inline void Process()
? ? // loop count need to be doubled, due to double buffer
? ? constexpr int32_t loopCount = TILE_NUM * BUFFER_NUM;
? ? // tiling strategy, pipeline parallel
? ? for (int32_t i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) {
? ? ? ? CopyIn(i);
? ? ? ? Compute(i);
? ? ? ? CopyOut(i);
? ? }
__aicore__ inline void CopyIn(int32_t progress)
? ? // alloc tensor from queue memory
? ? LocalTensor<half> xLocal = inQueueX.AllocTensor<half>();
? ? LocalTensor<half> yLocal = inQueueY.AllocTensor<half>();
? ? // copy progress_th tile from global tensor to local tensor
? ? DataCopy(xLocal, xGm[progress * TILE_LENGTH], TILE_LENGTH);
? ? DataCopy(yLocal, yGm[progress * TILE_LENGTH], TILE_LENGTH);
? ? // enque input tensors to VECIN queue
? ? inQueueX.EnQue(xLocal);
? ? inQueueY.EnQue(yLocal);
__aicore__ inline void Compute(int32_t progress)
? ? // deque input tensors from VECIN queue
? ? LocalTensor<half> xLocal = inQueueX.DeQue<half>();
? ? LocalTensor<half> yLocal = inQueueY.DeQue<half>();
? ? LocalTensor<half> zLocal = outQueueZ.AllocTensor<half>();
? ? // call Add instr for computation
? ? Add(zLocal, xLocal, yLocal, TILE_LENGTH);
? ? // enque the output tensor to VECOUT queue
? ? outQueueZ.EnQue<half>(zLocal);
? ? // free input tensors for reuse
? ? inQueueX.FreeTensor(xLocal);
? ? inQueueY.FreeTensor(yLocal);
__aicore__ inline void CopyOut(int32_t progress)
? ? // deque output tensor from VECOUT queue
? ? LocalTensor<half> zLocal = outQueueZ.DeQue<half>();
? ? // copy progress_th tile from local tensor to global tensor
? ? DataCopy(zGm[progress * TILE_LENGTH], zLocal, TILE_LENGTH);
? ? // free output tensor for reuse
? ? outQueueZ.FreeTensor(zLocal);
#ifdef __CCE_KT_TEST__
? ? uint8_t* x = (uint8_t*)tik2::GmAlloc(inputByteSize);
? ? uint8_t* y = (uint8_t*)tik2::GmAlloc(inputByteSize);
? ? uint8_t* z = (uint8_t*)tik2::GmAlloc(outputByteSize);
? ? ReadFile("./input/input_x.bin", inputByteSize, x, inputByteSize);
? ? // PrintData(x, 16, printDataType::HALF);
? ? ReadFile("./input/input_y.bin", inputByteSize, y, inputByteSize);
? ? // PrintData(y, 16, printDataType::HALF);
? ? ICPU_RUN_KF(add_tik2, blockDim, x, y, z); // use this macro for cpu debug
? ? // PrintData(z, 16, printDataType::HALF);
? ? WriteFile("./output/output_z.bin", z, outputByteSize);
? ? tik2::GmFree((void *)x);
? ? tik2::GmFree((void *)y);
? ? tik2::GmFree((void *)z);
#ifdef __CCE_KT_TEST__
//cpu 方式
? ? aclInit(nullptr);
? ? aclrtContext context;
? ? aclError error;
? ? int32_t deviceId = 0;
? ? aclrtCreateContext(&context, deviceId);
? ? aclrtStream stream = nullptr;
? ? aclrtCreateStream(&stream);
? ? uint8_t *xHost, *yHost, *zHost;
? ? uint8_t *xDevice, *yDevice, *zDevice;
? ? aclrtMallocHost((void**)(&xHost), inputByteSize);
? ? aclrtMallocHost((void**)(&yHost), inputByteSize);
? ? aclrtMallocHost((void**)(&zHost), outputByteSize);
? ? aclrtMalloc((void**)&xDevice, inputByteSize, ACL_MEM_MALLOC_HUGE_FIRST);
? ? aclrtMalloc((void**)&yDevice, outputByteSize, ACL_MEM_MALLOC_HUGE_FIRST);
? ? aclrtMalloc((void**)&zDevice, outputByteSize, ACL_MEM_MALLOC_HUGE_FIRST);
? ? ReadFile("./input/input_x.bin", inputByteSize, xHost, inputByteSize);
? ? // PrintData(xHost, 16, printDataType::HALF);
? ? ReadFile("./input/input_y.bin", inputByteSize, yHost, inputByteSize);
? ? // PrintData(yHost, 16, printDataType::HALF);
? ? aclrtMemcpy(xDevice, inputByteSize, xHost, inputByteSize, ACL_MEMCPY_HOST_TO_DEVICE);
? ? aclrtMemcpy(yDevice, inputByteSize, yHost, inputByteSize, ACL_MEMCPY_HOST_TO_DEVICE);
? ? add_tik2_do(blockDim, nullptr, stream, xDevice, yDevice, zDevice); // call kernel in this function
? ? aclrtSynchronizeStream(stream);
? ? aclrtMemcpy(zHost, outputByteSize, zDevice, outputByteSize, ACL_MEMCPY_DEVICE_TO_HOST);
? ? // PrintData(zHost, 16, printDataType::HALF);
? ? WriteFile("./output/output_z.bin", zHost, outputByteSize);
? ? aclrtFree(xDevice);
? ? aclrtFree(yDevice);
? ? aclrtFree(zDevice);
? ? aclrtFreeHost(xHost);
? ? aclrtFreeHost(yHost);
? ? aclrtFreeHost(zHost);
? ? aclrtDestroyStream(stream);
? ? aclrtResetDevice(deviceId);
? ? aclFinalize();
#ifndef __CCE_KT_TEST__
// call of kernel function
void add_tik2_do(uint32_t blockDim, void* l2ctrl, void* stream, uint8_t* x, uint8_t* y, uint8_t* z)
? ? add_tik2<<<blockDim, l2ctrl, stream>>>(x, y, z);
import numpy as np
def gen_golden_data_simple():
? ? input_x = np.random.uniform(-100, 100, [8, 2048]).astype(np.float16)
? ? input_y = np.random.uniform(-100, 100, [8, 2048]).astype(np.float16)
? ? golden = (input_x + input_y).astype(np.float16)
? ? input_x.tofile("./input/input_x.bin")
? ? input_y.tofile("./input/input_y.bin")
? ? golden.tofile("./output/golden.bin")
if __name__ == "__main__":
? ? gen_golden_data_simple()
# 驗(yàn)證計(jì)算結(jié)果
echo "md5sum: ";md5sum output/*.bin
bash run.sh add_tik2 ascend910 aicore cpu
set follow-fork-mode child
? ? ? ? 這樣洛退,停留在遇到斷點(diǎn)的第一個子進(jìn)程中。其余不再贅述杰标。
bash run.sh add_tik2 ascend910 aicore npu
msprof --application="./add_tik2_npu" --output="./out" --ai-core=on --aic-metrics="PipeUtilization"
? ? ? ? 執(zhí)行過程如下: