《 The Weather》Illustrated by Sophie Kniffke,Created by Gallimard Jeunesse and Pascale de Bourgoing.
My first discoveries科普系列叢書之一
“我的第一次發(fā)現(xiàn)”透視眼紙板書, 它是法國(guó)的moonlight出版社制作的一套經(jīng)典的“透視眼”紙板繪本,全集得有70多本.
In the spring,the sun warms the air.
Suddenly,there is a shower.
But it stops very quickly.
The sun comes out again and there is a rainbow. Can you see its seven clolours?
Rainbows never last long.
In the summer, the sun is hot, sun is hot. Black clouds bring thunder and lightning.
The thunderstorm is over.The sun comes out again.
AT the seaside, the wind blows the clouds away.
Sometimes the wind blows too hard!
After the summer comes autumn,The sky is grey.
IToften rains, and Leaves puddles.
Morning mist spreads everywhere.
But it is usually gone by lunchtime.
In winter, the air becomes very cold. The rain turns into snow.
After a heavy snowfall, everything is voverd in a sft white carpet. Snow is slippery to walk on!
Snow is made of millions of tiny snowflakes.
Each snowflake has a different shape.
Up in the hills and mountains…
… snowploughs are hard at work to clear the roads.
Frost covers everything with ice.
Ponds and lakes freeze over. It is bitterly cold outside…
But inside,it is warm and cosy!
See a rainbow after a spring shoer and the sudden arrival of a thunderstorm.Sense the warmth of the summer sun, the damp of autumn nists and the freezing cold of winter snow.