aforementioned adj.
釋義:mentioned before in an earlier part of a document, article, book etc
“aforementioned”是形容詞困檩,從它的構(gòu)詞(afore + mentioned)可以看得出它的意思是“前面提到的那槽、前述”悼沿。它相當于 that is previously mentioned骚灸,一般用在比較正式的口語和寫作中糟趾,讓語言變得簡潔甚牲。在有字數(shù)限制的寫作中(比如申請文書)义郑,這個詞非常有用丈钙。
在一篇文章非驮、一個演講或介紹中先提到過某人或某物著恩,后面再次提到就可以用這個詞院尔。注意:一般在 aforementioned 前面會加 the喉誊,比如 the aforementioned city邀摆。?
例①《華爾街日報》中有這么一句:? ?
Some brands, like the aforementioned the Sleeper, Fleur du Mal and Attico, were founded expressly to make all-day loungewear. (這句中的 the Sleeper伍茄,F(xiàn)leur du Mal 和 Attico 就是三個前面提到過的品牌栋盹。)
例②《經(jīng)濟學(xué)人》網(wǎng)站有一篇文章標題是 Academic view: Learning how to trust敷矫,邀請了兩名商學(xué)院教授撰稿例获。文章的開頭是這么寫的:? ?
Ideally we shouldn't have to teach students how to be trustworthy. We might expect most to consider it the right thing to be in and of itself. Even for those less virtuous, there is a sound business case; research has shown that trusted leaders inspire teams to create more value, while employees who feel trusted reciprocate with superior performance.? ? ?
However, high-profile affairs such as phone-tapping at News International, corporate scandals at Olympus and Siemens, or the shenanigans over British MPs' expenses, suggest that not everybody ranks trust and trustworthiness as a work priority. Indeed, some care little for it, seeing it as naive or unreliable. Some even seek to thrive on wilful mistrust.? ?
例③ 后文有這么一句用到了 the aforementioned曹仗,讓行文更加連貫、簡潔:
There are plenty of examples, including at the banks during the financial crisis or the aforementioned cases at News International and Siemens.? ?
In contrast, philosophy graduates, whose salaries tend to be in line with those of their peers, actually earn around 10% less after taking into account the aforementioned controls.? ?
掌握了 aforementioned怎茫,還可以順便學(xué)學(xué)它的同義詞 above-mentioned收壕。
1. 翻譯: 這本書第 5 章里的一個觀點好像和前面提到的觀點相沖突轨蛤。
A point of view in Chapter 5 of this book seems to be a conflict with the aforementioned one.
(參考翻譯:An argument in the fifth chapter seems to be contradictory to the aforementioned claim.)
2. 造句練習(xí)
場景: 元旦假期去上海旅行,體驗了當?shù)嘏笥阎疤岬降暮苡忻囊患視辍?/p>
造句: On New Year holiday, I made a short trip to Shanghai and visited a famous book store aforementioned by one of my local friends.