hi everybody this ishappyto be on this call today supporting action piand supporting all of the beautiful Chinese,hello大家好我是Janet检盼,然后在我身旁的是Chris老師儿咱,今天我們兩個(gè)人真的非常非常開心,能夠參加今天的這樣一次線上的直播鸵闪,能夠支持到行動(dòng)派檐晕,也能夠支持到我們美麗的中國朋友們achallenges that you're now。Asia蚌讼,因?yàn)槲乙步?jīng)常到亞洲去授課辟灰,那我們現(xiàn)在也非常的清楚,大家正面臨著這個(gè)新型冠狀病毒的挑戰(zhàn)
as a matter of篡石,fact芥喇。I'm very very cut up on what's going on。要飛去亞洲了凰萨,我即將去往曼谷继控,然后去到印度械馆,然后去到日本,我真的非常的關(guān)切我的亞洲朋友們武通,也非常的清楚大家現(xiàn)在所面臨的情境霹崎。
in China telling me about their experience with the virus and the challenges thateach and every one of you are facing,在中國那我也有很多非常非常愛的學(xué)生們冶忱,他們也最近也經(jīng)常跟我交流尾菇,告訴我在中國他們最近在經(jīng)歷著什么,在這一場疫情當(dāng)中他們的挑戰(zhàn)挑戰(zhàn)所在囚枪。that some of you don't even have enough food to eat because the stories have been the start because of fear派诬,我知道現(xiàn)在對于一些小伙伴來說呢,在家需要隔離在家里面链沼,然后可能也需要為食物而發(fā)愁默赂,甚至有些小伙伴可能會(huì)有降薪甚至找不到工作的情況,and so括勺,many缆八,numerous,with朝刊,your耀里,day,today拾氓,life冯挎,has,beentotally disrupt ID by this current virus咙鞍,我相信也有許多的小伙伴的生活房官,因?yàn)檫@一次的冠狀病毒而受到了非常大的沖擊,today i am续滋,so翰守,excited,to疲酌,share蜡峰,with each,and every朗恳,one湿颅,of,you粥诫,a beautiful油航,exercise,from怀浆,my谊囚,master怕享,of,self镰踏,love program函筋。非常開心能夠和大家去分享一個(gè)我覺得非常好用的工具,嗯奠伪,是我們在愛自己人生自信力的課程里面經(jīng)常教導(dǎo)大家的驻呐。
that's all aboutreally looking at what's going on in your lifeand seeing it in a way that is working for you not against you,這個(gè)練習(xí)的名稱呢叫做重構(gòu)經(jīng)歷芳来,通過這樣一個(gè)練習(xí),我們可以改變我們的視角猜拾,去看到任何發(fā)生在我們周邊的一切是如何為我們而來即舌,而非沖我們而來,share with挎袜,you顽聂,about,this盯仪,beautiful紊搪,exercise and each and every,one全景,of耀石,you,can爸黄,do滞伟,so,that炕贵,your梆奈,life,has称开,more亩钟,joy,in鳖轰,it清酥,i want,to脆霎,go总处,over,some睛蛛,verybasic truth鹦马。every moment is a giftno exception胧谈。
那在我和大家分享這一個(gè)我們每個(gè)人都可以使用的非常簡單的工具之前呢,我想要和大家先一起來復(fù)習(xí)一些荸频,對我們的生命而言很基礎(chǔ)的真理菱肖,這個(gè)真理就是每一個(gè)時(shí)刻都是禮物,絕無例外旭从,也就是說事實(shí)就是事實(shí)稳强,如果我們真的非常頭腦清醒的話,我們將會(huì)意識到所有的事實(shí)和悦,他本來就是如此退疫,我們可以接納事實(shí),the other鸽素,basic褒繁,truth,is馍忽,what棒坏,iswhat iswhen i am what is is what i want。the other truth is that everything happens for menot to meand so my question is are you creating the world you choose to create or are you creating the world you don't choose to create遭笋,另外一個(gè)我們需要一起來了解的原則就是一切都是為我而來坝冕,而不是沖我們而來,我們通過這樣的積極的思維瓦呼,我們就可以去創(chuàng)造我們選擇創(chuàng)造的世界喂窟,而非我們不想創(chuàng)造的世界,
so吵血,these谎替,are,very蹋辅,ancient钱贯,truthfrom time in memorialand if this truth is is real every moment is a giftthenif all of you are enjoying what is going on with youthinking needs to be real。
so霹菊,with,this支竹,beautiful旋廷,process鸠按,of,reform饶碘,and it's目尖,very,very扎运,easy瑟曲,to,put豪治,your洞拨,thinking,back on负拟,trackso that you really enjoying every moment and really living every moment is a gift扣甲,
所以呢,我們的這個(gè)經(jīng)歷重構(gòu)的練習(xí)齿椅,就是幫助大家能夠真正的以一種能夠有益于我們生命的方式去思考真正的享受我們生命當(dāng)中的每一刻爆捞,真正的認(rèn)為這生命的每一刻是送給我們的美好的禮物捏顺。let me give an example of what I'm talking about in terms of reform INGi was working with one of my students in Japanand he saidshe hated that he had been when he was young,我也想和大家分享一個(gè)例子凑兰,關(guān)于到底怎么樣才是經(jīng)歷重構(gòu)呢寥茫?我在日本有一個(gè)學(xué)生遣蚀,他曾經(jīng)在很年少的時(shí)候被霸凌and even though it was。
and even弄喘,though玖喘,it was,when蘑志,he累奈,wasyounghe is stillcarry this happiness this burden of being with him wherever he wentand this is his ability to truly love others。雖然她遭遇霸凌的這個(gè)事件是在小時(shí)候發(fā)生的急但,但是呢澎媒,他依然帶著這種沉重的感受一直到長大,而這深深的影響了他卻愛的能力去信任的能力去再一次享受生命的歡樂的能力波桩,
so戒努,when,he镐躲,came储玫,to侍筛,my,program缘缚,i asked勾笆,you,know桥滨,with窝爪,someone,give齐媒,me an蒲每,example,of喻括,something邀杏,that,you唬血,hate望蜡,it that,happened拷恨,to脖律,you,in腕侄,your小泉,lifeand this is when he cared about being with me所以呢,后來當(dāng)這位同學(xué)來到我的課堂上的時(shí)候冕杠,有一次我在課堂上就問微姊,有誰能夠跟我分享一個(gè)你生命中的經(jīng)歷是你非常討厭發(fā)生的嗎?就是在那個(gè)時(shí)候他和我分享了他曾經(jīng)遭遇霸凌的這個(gè)故事分预,he was deadi said can't see youlet me ask yougive me one thingthat you can seethat happenedbecause of that that is help to now in your life one thingfrom having that experience of beingthat is help you in your life right nowwhat are you what kind of work are you doing right now兢交,我就問他說,那親愛的Yuki在你人生當(dāng)中發(fā)生的這一件遭受霸凌的事件笼痹,你能不能找到其中有一點(diǎn)它是能夠服務(wù)于你當(dāng)前的人生的魁淳,能夠幫助你現(xiàn)在的人生變得更加有價(jià)值的,你能否找到其中的一點(diǎn)呢与倡?he界逛,said,I'm纺座,working息拜,with,he,said少欺,I'm喳瓣,working,with赞别,teen畏陕,agers,and仿滔。he said I'm working with he said I'm working with teen agers andi guess the one thing that i can see is thatunderstand what a teen age of fields are a young person feels when they have been so i actually I'm a really good Coach for them惠毁,他對我說現(xiàn)在呢,我所從事的工作是去輔導(dǎo)青少年崎页,所以因?yàn)槲夷晟贂r(shí)的經(jīng)歷非常的體會(huì)鞠绰,青少年敏感敏感的感受,我也非常能理解那些在學(xué)校當(dāng)中遭受霸凌的同學(xué)的感受飒焦,因而我便成了他們最好的教練蜈膨。i said there is the evidence of how every moment is a gift that is one evidenceanother thing bethat is a gift from being bullet when you were youngand cuts you can take some time and he said wellanother thing is that i would never treat someone like that because i know how it feels so I'm always kind to others,我對他說沒錯(cuò)牺荠,這就是一個(gè)證據(jù)能夠證明我們曾經(jīng)發(fā)生的事件翁巍,它也可以是成為我們生命中的一個(gè)禮物,盡管當(dāng)時(shí)在我們看來他非常的痛苦休雌,但事實(shí)上也許我們還可以找到的另一個(gè)禮物是曙咽,你永遠(yuǎn)都不會(huì)像小時(shí)候欺凌你的人一樣去欺凌他人,因?yàn)槟闶翘袅尽I钌畹闹滥怯卸嗝吹耐纯啵瑃here is another giftwithout the experience when you were young of being bully how would you know how to be a great Coach and how would you know what young people are feelingif you haven't had that experience孝情,那我們可以想想鱼蝉,如果你沒有年少時(shí)遭受霸凌的這個(gè)經(jīng)歷,那么你如何能夠現(xiàn)在這么好的去輔導(dǎo)年輕的朋友們呢箫荡,你如何能夠成為一個(gè)這么棒的教練呢魁亦?因?yàn)槿绻麤]有那份經(jīng)歷,也許你并無法同理他們真正的感受羔挡。you can get this huge smile on his face and he said i got it i got it洁奈。他說我理解了,在他的臉上綻放出了一個(gè)巨大的笑容绞灼,他好像在那一刻得到了一個(gè)頓悟利术,他說我明白了,我明白了低矮,my students印叁,who,is,also轮蜕,from昨悼,Japan,came跃洛,to率触,my,master汇竭,training program葱蝗,programand she was sharing about how to her life was because she had tried to commit suicidefour times when she was younger,我還有另外一個(gè)日本學(xué)生叫做泥口韩玩,他曾經(jīng)來參加了我一個(gè)九為期9天的愛自己的督導(dǎo)師班的課程垒玲,在我們的課程上,他分享了他的生命是多么的充滿悲劇找颓,他說他曾經(jīng)因?yàn)樘^于悲傷合愈,在他年輕的時(shí)候嘗試嘗試過自殺4次,even when she came to me she still didn't understand why she had such a terrible lifeexperience so much of use from her father had physical violence and sexual violence in her life击狮。and felt this huge burden on her.
的課堂他都仍然非常難以理解佛析,為什么在他的生命中要經(jīng)歷這么多的悲傷的時(shí)刻,他不明白為什么小時(shí)候會(huì)受到父親的暴力彪蓬,他也不明白在他的生活中為什么會(huì)受到那么多的欺壓寸莫,甚至有信心的行為,他感覺到生活有巨大的一個(gè)面相都是黑暗的i said Nicolenow that your orderand you're still alivewhere can you find a gift and what happened to you and trying to commit suicide in having sexual abuse and experience in physical abuse where is the giftthe gift is always there档冬,就像我對前面那位同學(xué)所做的一樣膘茎,我也依然去問Yuki,我說親愛的你口盡管小時(shí)候已然發(fā)生這樣的事件酷誓,我們現(xiàn)在無法去改變過去披坏,現(xiàn)在你已經(jīng)長大一些了,同時(shí)你也仍然活著盐数,那么你可以在你過往的這個(gè)經(jīng)歷當(dāng)中找到什么樣的禮物呢棒拂?在你過去那么多黑暗,體驗(yàn)過自殺這樣的經(jīng)歷當(dāng)中玫氢,你能找到禮物嗎帚屉?禮物一定在那里的。
at the first time and over twenty yearsstarted smiling in that moment and her life has never change if your life is just gone up word ever sincebecause she realizedher漾峡。that her passion was to work with kids who in Japan who will try to have tried to commit suicide and she realized that she had to have that experience in her lifeso that she would be able to really speak to them and noonewent through
而就在那一刻攻旦,你可也是當(dāng)然的頓悟了,那一刻可能是他將近有20多年以來生逸,第1次臉上露出了笑容敬特,因?yàn)樗蝗婚g意識到掰邢,他自己最大的熱情之一,就是去幫助日本的孩子們伟阔,尤其是那些曾經(jīng)有過自殺的經(jīng)歷辣之。感到生活非常的黑暗,只經(jīng)歷了很多的苦難皱炉,沒有人關(guān)心他們怀估,愛他們的那些孩子們,你可能突然意識到合搅,如果他以前沒有經(jīng)歷過那樣的人生多搀,那么它將無法很好的幫助這些孩子,就在那一刻灾部,他的人生幾乎都翻轉(zhuǎn)了i saidif you had when you were youngnow to work with these young peoplewould you change your life in any wayand she immediately said no no i am so happy and I'm so thankful for everything that happens and now i really see that every moment is a gift that everything happens for menot to me康铭,我說你口袋里的人。背課文一口說赌髓,我說你口在你的人生當(dāng)中經(jīng)歷過了這么多重大的創(chuàng)傷从藤,而現(xiàn)在呢,他能夠服務(wù)于你當(dāng)前的事業(yè)锁蠕,能夠很好的去幫助這些孩子們夷野,如果你可以重來,你會(huì)希望你過往的人生有所改變嗎荣倾?他說不悯搔,我不希望他改變,現(xiàn)在我感覺到很開心舌仍,我覺得我非常的感謝我生命中所發(fā)生的這一切妒貌,我這一刻真的能夠意識到,每一刻都是禮物铸豁,每一科真的都是為我而來灌曙,而非沖我而來,
so推姻,now,it's框沟,your藏古,turnyour turn to do rie frame ING in your life as a conscious create and the fact that you are honest to day said you are so consciousi really feel like China is if not now in the future going to be the stronger the world。and how do you get that you don't get that status by being the press and happy and complain ING about your lifeu satisfy really understand ING truthand really taking a look at the things that have happened to you in your life and we from me忍燥。the things you thought was so awful how is it serving you now
現(xiàn)在輪到大家來重構(gòu)自己的人生了拧晕,現(xiàn)在輪到大家去成為你生命的有意識的那個(gè)創(chuàng)造者了,事實(shí)上在座的各位今天能夠來到這里聽課梅垄,就已經(jīng)證明了大家都是非常有覺知有意識去成長的一群人厂捞,我真實(shí)的感受到我覺得中國要么是現(xiàn)在,要么是在。世界最強(qiáng)有力的領(lǐng)袖靡馁,而如何才能成為領(lǐng)袖呢欲鹏?我們成為領(lǐng)袖的方式,不會(huì)是通過我們總是感到壓抑悲傷或者抱怨來成為領(lǐng)袖而逝去臭墨,贏得這個(gè)世界的尊重赔嚎,我們通過理解事實(shí),能夠很好的去看待這個(gè)人生胧弛,能夠找出每一個(gè)時(shí)刻的尤误。但是如何服務(wù)我們,才能夠成為真正的那個(gè)強(qiáng)而有力的領(lǐng)袖结缚,sosomeone who wins in there is someone who is someone who is getting things done some one who is up lifting energy for othersis taking every moment that they think was a tragedy and turning it into损晤。所以呢,是要做受害者還是做勝利者红竭,是大家的選擇尤勋,勝利者就是贏得人生的人,他能夠真正的搞定食物德崭,它能夠真正的去改變他人的能量斥黑,通過他自己去將生命的每一顆看待成禮物,通過他自己能夠有這個(gè)能力去重構(gòu)眉厨。影響他人的人so your homework homework homework is after this call write down what is the things that are happening to you write that have happened to you since the crown of violence let you is that exampleand start writing things have been stuck in my Houseand you know my father and mother have been and whatever锌奴。ever it isthat is the ring you and find the gift find the gift and when you find the gift and you start to do that in your life every single day and make it a habityou become the gift for others to be up lift ID by,
so here is the choice you can either enjoy being on this and not doing the work or you can do the work and really enjoy your lifeand so now i'd like to introduce my best friend my business partnerwho is going to share with you are beautiful process from master of self love and the passion testit's called nature guidance。所以呢倔叼,現(xiàn)在也是大家的選擇汗唱,大家既可以選擇享受聽聽這個(gè)分享就好,然后不做作業(yè)缀雳,也可以選擇去寫作業(yè)渡嚣,然后享受你的人生,那這個(gè)就是我想和大家分享的這個(gè)真正改變我的生命的工具肥印,那接下來我想要和大家介紹的是我最好的朋友也是我最好的商業(yè)伙伴 老師识椰,他將和大家分享一個(gè)非常好用的工具,也是來自于愛自己和熱情測試指導(dǎo)師系列的課程深碱,它的名字叫做自然引導(dǎo)系統(tǒng)腹鹉,所以呢,現(xiàn)在也是大家的敷硅。I'm losing someone isso the gift and losing someone isthe gift that they have given you why do you love themyou know you can't do anything aboutthe fact that someone has died what is is when I'm clear what is is what i want so what your practiceis to keep your attention on the great gifts that they gave you功咒。you never really have lost them then there always in your heart
On nature's guidance system is really all about how do you deal with those moments in life which are challenging which are difficult where it feels like life is falling apart like we lose someone who's dear to us or we experience the break up of a relationship or we have some catastrophe that happens in our life. How do we handle that situation and respond to it in a way that is healthy and it adds to our life rather than taking away from it. This is what nature's guidance system is all about. Hello大家好,我是chris肉盹,那接下來我要和大家分享的是自然引導(dǎo)系統(tǒng)昔驱,事實(shí)上這樣一個(gè)體系也是幫助大家在你的生活當(dāng)中遇到挑戰(zhàn)疹尾,遇到困難的時(shí)刻上忍,怎么樣去重振你的經(jīng)歷你可能遇到過一些很心碎的時(shí)光就像剛才那位朋友提到的你失去的親人? 體驗(yàn)過生命中的種種的困難骤肛,在這樣的時(shí)候我們?nèi)绾文軌蝽樌娜ザ冗^,讓這樣的時(shí)光能夠給我們的生命增添意義和美好窍蓝,而不是將我們的心給拿走腋颠,讓我們更加的痛苦呢。
And downs there are times when things.The nature of life is life always goes through UPS and downs. There are times when things are going great and times when it feels like the whole world is falling apart. And we always have a choice. This is the key being a conscious creator of your life means you have a choice how to respond to the downs in life in a way that allows your life to become richer and fuller rather than something being taken away from life. 人生充滿起起伏伏吓笙,我們不可避免的會(huì)體驗(yàn)到人生的低谷淑玫,有時(shí)候我們感覺到世界好像一切都順風(fēng)順?biāo)猴L(fēng)得意面睛,有的時(shí)候我們感覺好像整個(gè)世界都崩塌了在人生的低谷時(shí)期我們更需要去成為那個(gè)我們的生命有意識的共同創(chuàng)造者去選擇我們真正有的時(shí)候我們感覺好像整個(gè)世界都崩塌了絮蒿,那么在人生的低谷時(shí)期,我們更需要去成為那個(gè)我們的生命有意識的共同創(chuàng)造者去選擇我們真正想要選擇的人生叁鉴,我們?nèi)ミx擇我們?nèi)绾螌Πl(fā)生的事情來進(jìn)行反應(yīng)土涝,讓它成為能夠豐富我們的生命,讓我們變得更加圓滿的世界幌墓,而非是讓它奪走我們生命的歡樂呢但壮。
Understand how to to and to to use nature's guidance system. I'd like you to all get out a piece of paper right now and a pen or a pencil, 為了幫助大家更好的去理解自然引導(dǎo)系統(tǒng)呢,現(xiàn)在我想要邀請大家每位同學(xué)自己拿出一張一張紙一支筆常侣,然后跟隨著我一起來感受一下蜡饵,一起來畫一下。At the bottom of your paper, write the word misery and the Top of your pea put the paper so that it's vertical and at the Top of your paper write the word joy at the bottom of your paper, write the word misery, and draw a line that connects joy and misery, 那大家可以跟隨著我們一起來體驗(yàn)一下胳施,這樣你的感受會(huì)更加的深刻溯祸,那你可以在你的紙張的上方去寫上喜悅和滿足,在紙的下方寫上悲慘和受苦巾乳。
This is the continuum of life. Life is always moving between these 2 extremes, and our choice is to be able to respond to the circumstances in our life in a way that increases our joy, or to respond in a way where we're focused on the problem and we increase our misery您没,大家可以在這兩點(diǎn)之間呢去畫一個(gè)線條,大家可以發(fā)現(xiàn)胆绊,事實(shí)上我們的生命永遠(yuǎn)都是在這樣一個(gè)流動(dòng)當(dāng)中的氨鹏,我們在這兩集當(dāng)中循環(huán)著,生命不可能變化不止压状,那當(dāng)我們處在悲慘的時(shí)刻仆抵,我們?nèi)绾文軌蛲ㄟ^我們機(jī)制的反應(yīng)去增加我們生命的喜悅,而不是把專注點(diǎn)全部放在這些悲慘上面去增加我們的痛苦和折磨呢种冬。To understand this we have to begin by uh by understanding the principles of.To understand this, we have to begin by uh by understanding the principles of expansion and contraction. So i'd like you on the left side of the line on your paper near the Top, right? The word expansion, and then draw like a red stop light. If you have a red pen, use a red pen, otherwise just fill it in. So it looks like a red stop light, but write the word expansion and then a red stop light.?
去寫下一個(gè)詞镣丑,然后呢,大家可以在紙張的右方啊去寫下一個(gè)詞叫做擴(kuò)展娱两,因?yàn)闉榱俗屛覀兏玫睦斫廨航常覀內(nèi)绾稳ピ诒瘧K的時(shí)刻去反應(yīng),我們還需要理解另外一個(gè)概念十兢,就是擴(kuò)展和收縮趣竣,大家請?jiān)诩垙埖挠曳侥貙懮弦粋€(gè)擴(kuò)展摇庙,并且畫一個(gè)大大的綠色的標(biāo)志,一個(gè)圓點(diǎn)遥缕。And then on the right side. On track side of the line at the near the Top of your paper, write the word contraction and make a red stop light, so expansion, green contraction red.
然后就畫上一個(gè)紅點(diǎn)卫袒,就像紅燈一樣。And now think of some words that describe how you feel when you feel contracted contraction has to do with those things that where life doesn't feel like it's going well. So what what are some of those words? I feel sad, I feel depressed, I feel frustrated, I feel irritated right in the chat right down share with everyone, what are some words that you would use to describe when you feel contracted, 那我想邀請大家去想象一下单匣,當(dāng)你的生活處于收縮狀態(tài)的時(shí)候夕凝,也就是那些你覺得好像生活怎么都進(jìn)展不順的時(shí)候,你通常會(huì)有一些什么樣的感受呢户秤?比如說悲傷或者生氣或者等等码秉,當(dāng)你處于收縮不順的狀態(tài)下,你可能會(huì)聯(lián)系上哪一些感受呢鸡号,請大家可以把這些感受詞可以發(fā)送到泡徙。Things are going well when life is flowing when everything seems to be falling into place, how can so what what are some words then that describe how you feel when you feel expand it. My expansion is that feeling when things are going well when life is flowing, when everything seems to be falling into place, how do you feel at that time when you feel expanded, what is some words to describe it, you know maybe you feel happy. Maybe feel on fire passion that excited turned on uh maybe feel loving, generous, kind compassionate, what are some words that you would use and please feel it to write them in the chat. How do you feel when you feel expanded, 那大家再思考一下,當(dāng)你感到擴(kuò)張的時(shí)候膜蠢,就是那些生活好像哇一帆風(fēng)順堪藐,你感到如此的棒,這樣的時(shí)候你有一些什么樣的感受呢可能你會(huì)覺得感動(dòng)這樣的時(shí)候你有一些什么樣的感受呢挑围,可能你會(huì)覺得感動(dòng)礁竞,興奮,開心幸福杉辙,感受到被愛甜蜜或者等等模捂,大家也可以把自己經(jīng)常在擴(kuò)張的時(shí)候所體會(huì)到的感受詞寫在我們的聊天框中
And so the lists do contraction for so heartbroken sad when I die. I mean, these are the ways we feel when we're contracted, right? When things are just falling apart or when we've lost someone we love dearly. And and when I like you to do now with yourself since I can't see you, i've just asked you to do it in your chair, just take your arms in your body and physically. Breathe do uh show me if I could see you, uh you would show me how you feel when you feel contracted for me, my arms come in, my head goes down, my body goes all together because I just want to curl up in a ball. How how does it look for you哦剛才佳昕已經(jīng)跟我分享了大家在聊天框里所說的那些詞有些同學(xué)感覺到非常的難過甚至非常的無力等等看不見大家,但是我有些同學(xué)感覺到非常的難過蜘矢,甚至非常的無力等等狂男,那么雖然我在屏幕這一頭啊,看不見大家品腹,但是我想要讓大家用自己的肢體語言去感受一下岖食,當(dāng)你處于收縮的狀態(tài)時(shí)候,你感受一下你的身體是一個(gè)什么樣子呢舞吭,對我來說泡垃,當(dāng)我處于收縮狀態(tài)的時(shí)候,我會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)我會(huì)自然的頭耷拉下來羡鸥,然后身體蜷縮到了一起好像有氣無力蔑穴,那請大家在屏幕的那一頭用自己的身體去感受一下收縮的狀態(tài)。Full turned on excited light. And then when we feel expanded all these wonderful words, we feel happy, wonderful turned on an excited life is good to take your body, and show me what it looks like when you feel expanded, how do you uh use your arms and how does it feel when you feel expanded for me, my arms go out, my body is open, my head comes back. And I just feel like the whole world is available. How do you feel so use your body show us how does it feel when you feel expanded, 那也同樣的惧浴,當(dāng)你感受到擴(kuò)張的時(shí)候存和,你的身體又是一種什么樣的狀態(tài)呢?請大家在屏幕旁屏幕的那一頭,用自己的身體去親身的感受一下捐腿,那對我來說當(dāng)我感覺到開心興奮快樂的時(shí)候祭饭,我的整個(gè)的頭都仰起來的,我的雙臂也展開了叙量,我感覺到精神振奮。You say most of us tend to label expansion as good contraction is bad when I feel happy and wonderful and loving and generous and kind that's a good thing. And when I feel contracted and shut down and sad and depressed and like I want to die that's a bad thing because those feelings don't feel so good the truth of like, is it neither expansion nor contraction are good nor bad, they are simply signals nature the nature of life is telling us what to do in that moment. And so the question to use when you're using nature's guidance system is am I expanded or am I contracted, 那可能呢九串,大家通過剛才的感受已經(jīng)會(huì)感覺绞佩,唉,我好像更喜歡我擴(kuò)張的時(shí)候的那種感受猪钮,而不喜歡我收縮的狀態(tài)品山,也正是因?yàn)檫@樣在世界上有大多數(shù)的人tmd,大家通過剛才的感受已經(jīng)會(huì)感覺烤低,唉肘交,我好像更喜歡我擴(kuò)張的時(shí)候的那種感受,而不喜歡我收縮的狀態(tài)扑馁,也正是因?yàn)檫@樣在世界上有大多數(shù)的人會(huì)給擴(kuò)張和收縮去貼一個(gè)標(biāo)簽涯呻,認(rèn)為擴(kuò)張就是好的,收縮就是不好的腻要,可是呢复罐,真正的事實(shí)其實(shí)是收縮或者擴(kuò)張都沒有所謂的好壞,他們只是大自然我們的生命給予我們的一個(gè)信號雄家,去告訴我們接下來該做什么效诅,事實(shí)上如果善用它的話,它可以是成為服務(wù)我們的很棒的工具趟济。Now here's the secretHere's the secret. You're ready for a secret. Okay, here is the secret is that when you feel expanded, it's easy to feel joy, no problem, right when things are going well. So the only thing that we truly need to learn in life in order to live a fulfilled life is how do I deal with contraction those times that don't feel good in a way that moves me closer to joy or at least does not lead me into misery. And that's the key i'd like to share with you now. 那接下來呢乱投,我將和大家分享一個(gè)秘密,一個(gè)始終活在喜悅當(dāng)中的秘密顷编,大家準(zhǔn)備好要聽秘密了嗎戚炫?那當(dāng)我們處于擴(kuò)張的狀態(tài)時(shí)候,當(dāng)然比較容易開心和喜悅媳纬,那是當(dāng)然嘹悼,所以我們也不必去過多的去分享,怎么在你擴(kuò)張的時(shí)候更加的開心层宫,那唯一的我們需要面臨的挑戰(zhàn)杨伙,可能是當(dāng)你處于收縮的時(shí)候你該怎么樣讓自己不至于更快的跌落到那個(gè)很悲慘的狀態(tài)呢,這就是我接下來要和大家分享的萌腿。
If you did this exercise of of showing with your body, what contraction looks like, what expansion looks like then you know that expansion it is the expression of energy going outward expansion is the time to take action to do things to get things done. That is the signal that nature is giving you, contraction. On the other hand, your arms come in your head comes down, you roll into a ball contraction is the energy coming in. That's because nature is saying this is the time to go inward. This is the time to reflect. It's time to to be with yourself. It's time to go deeper and be more clearly contraction is always a chance to gain more clarity, 如果大家剛剛和我們一起做了那個(gè)用身體去感受擴(kuò)張和收縮限匣。? 和收縮這兩種狀態(tài)的練習(xí)的話,可能大家能夠感受到,當(dāng)你感到擴(kuò)張的時(shí)候米死,你的整個(gè)身身體都是向外的锌历,事實(shí)上這就是大自然生命在給你一個(gè)信號,告訴你現(xiàn)在是時(shí)候出發(fā)了峦筒,你可以去行動(dòng)去快速的去完成很多的事情究西,只是不需友誼,而當(dāng)你感到收縮的時(shí)候物喷,就想大家用身體感受到啊卤材,我的頭也耷拉下來了,我的臂手臂也彎起來了峦失,我的身體也蜷縮起來了扇丛,這個(gè)時(shí)候我們整個(gè)人的能量都是向內(nèi)的,那這事實(shí)上也是大自然再給到我們一個(gè)信號尉辑,告訴告訴我們此時(shí)是我們要往內(nèi)走的時(shí)刻帆精,是我們需要去反思的時(shí)刻,是我是我們需要和自己多待一會(huì)的時(shí)刻
So you're practice now after this call is to begin to consciously notice, am I expanded or am I contracted at any time during the day and my extended or am I contracted and when you notice that you're contracted, then give yourself consciously the opportunity to go in the opportunity to take time to reflect. This is a time to nurse yourself be kind to yourself be gentle with yourself if you need to take a break and ask to take a break if you need to take a walk. Go for a walk if you need some fresh air get some fresh air what this is a time contraction is a time to be easy on yourself. Because in that relaxed state, a solution or the next phase of expansion will naturally appear.
Fortunately what most of us do when we feel contract. Unfortunately what most of us do when we feel contracted or what many people do is we start to beat up on ourselves, we start to make ourselves wrong. We said we we think why can't I be different? Why can't I act differently? Why can I respond differently? And contraction is not a time for all of that. The contraction is a time to allow yourself to feel the feelings that are coming up if you've lost someone dear to you give yourself time to breathe, cry, sob.Solve your heart out, you don't have to do it in public you can do it in private but allow the feelings to be heard felt because it is in feeling those feelings that that healing takes place those feelings are some wound that is needing to be released inside so allow yourself to feel the feel
If you're a parent or even if you're not a parent think how you would treat your child if your child was crying was upset was unhappy in any way when you tell that child don't cry, what's wrong with you, you can't stop that crying. No, you wouldn't do that at all. What you would do is you take the child in your arms you love the child nourish the child, you let the child know hey, it's gonna be okay, it's nothing to worry about. This is the way you need to treat the child in you when you feel contracted be kind to yourself, gentle with yourself, nurse yourself and when you're in a state of relaxation, then whatever the problem with the difficulty that you may be facing that is more, much more likely to arise in that relaxed state.如果我們在座的學(xué)員當(dāng)中已經(jīng)有為人父母的窒盐,那大家可以想一想,當(dāng)你的孩子在哭泣感到悲傷的時(shí)候钢拧,大家千萬不要去告訴他們你到底怎么回事蟹漓,你不要哭了,不要這樣去對待他們源内,相反你可以把他們抱起來去給到他們更多的愛牧牢,去告訴他們說哭泣也是OK的,可以的,你可以允許你的情緒去流動(dòng)塔鳍,不要對自己太過于糟糕伯铣,要對自己好,一點(diǎn)轮纫,這個(gè)時(shí)候腔寡,事實(shí)上你就是在教導(dǎo)孩子如何去正常的更好的去度過收縮的時(shí)間,如何對自己更溫柔一些掌唾,以便更快的度過這個(gè)收獲的時(shí)收縮的時(shí)間放前,那當(dāng)孩子們以后自己在面臨困難的時(shí)候,他們便會(huì)知道該如何對待自己糯彬,幫助那個(gè)在悲傷當(dāng)中的自己化悲傷為喜悅凭语。
So please remember.Ask yourself, am I expanded or am I contracted and when you notice that you're contracted allow yourself to do things that are fun things that are gentle things that nurse you things that feel good to you, if you have responsibilities, keep your responsibilities, but give yourself the the the ease of relaxing from feeling pressure in that moment. Just know that in this moment in this time it's a time to be more quiet to be more inward and this is the essence of nature's guidance listening to the to the movement of expansion and contraction and then responding appropriately to each, 所以呢撩扒,總的來說在大家處于收縮的狀態(tài)時(shí),大家要允許自己去享受一些生活當(dāng)中更多的樂趣炒辉,去做一些你真正喜歡的黔寇,你覺得有趣的事情缝裤,對自己溫柔一些去滋養(yǎng)自己,這樣你才袭艺。的事情對自己溫柔一些去滋養(yǎng)自己瘤睹,這樣你才有可能去更快的進(jìn)入到喜悅擴(kuò)張的狀態(tài)轰传,也許這樣的時(shí)刻正是讓你去原諒過去犯錯(cuò)誤的自己获茬,這個(gè)時(shí)候是需要把自己從壓力當(dāng)中解放出來,去放松一些鹏氧,而非對自己更加的狠毒的時(shí)刻把还,那此時(shí)此刻在收縮的時(shí)刻是你向內(nèi)走的時(shí)刻,這便是我們自然引導(dǎo)系統(tǒng)里的精髓调鬓,只有這樣你的生命才會(huì)重新的流動(dòng)起來缀踪,經(jīng)由你在擴(kuò)張和收縮的時(shí)候做出正確的反應(yīng)辜贵,你會(huì)更加順利的去經(jīng)歷人生的起起伏伏去在人生的每一刻當(dāng)中去得到那一刻的禮物归形。So John and I want to thank you for the opportunity To be here with you to share some tools, I hope will be helpful to you that we want you to know that our hearts are with you, uh we every time we've been in China the we are just amazed by the beautiful hearts of the people that we need and we're sending you all of our love and please know that that our hearts are completely with you in this time and when we do see you in China please know we are going to share our fun day which is our new program and share with you how do you make joy in every moment and will all be together sharing that joy,