For? me? the? flight? of? these? birds? has? rent? a? veil? of? stillness ,and? reveals? an? immense flutter? in? this? deep? silence.
veil:? n. 面紗? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? immense:adj. 巨大的爸黄,無邊無際的 flutter :? n. 撲閃的翅膀,翼動? ? ? ? ? ? ? in this deep? silence:在這靜寂深處
? I? see? these? hills? and? forests? fly? across time? to? unknown, and? darkness? thrill? into fire? as? the? stars? wing? by.
thrill:? v. 顫抖? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? as the stars wing by直譯:當星星像翅膀一樣飛過梆奈。
? I? feel? in? my? own? being? the? rush? of? the sea-crossing bird, cleaving a? way beyond the limits of life and death, while the? migrant world cries? with? a? myriads voices:"Not here, but somewhere else, in the bosom of the Far–away."
being: n. 存在? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? cleave: vi. 劈開乓梨,披荊斬棘地前進? ? ? ? rush:名詞的原意表“沖,奔”主要表? ? ? ? ? ? 現(xiàn)出一種很快的感覺清酥,這里用? ? ? ? ? ? ? 于修飾鳥兒就可以表示飛翔著? ? ? ? ? ? ? 俯沖扶镀。? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? migrant:adj.? 漂泊的? ? ? ? ? ? ? myriads:adj. 無數(shù)的? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Far-away:adj. 遙遠的,這里做名詞? bosom:n.? 胸膛焰轻,也表示“心中”