Swoole 源碼分析——Reactor 模塊之 ReactorEpoll

Epoll 對(duì)象的創(chuàng)建

  • linux 中女淑,最為高效的 reactor 機(jī)制就是 epoll键耕。swReactorobject 會(huì)存儲(chǔ) epoll 的對(duì)象 swReactorEpoll_s尖坤。該數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)中 epfdepollid传黄,events 用于在 epoll_wait 函數(shù)接受就緒的事件突想。
  • 該函數(shù)最重要的是 epoll_create刀诬,該函數(shù)會(huì)創(chuàng)建 epoll 對(duì)象
typedef struct swReactorEpoll_s swReactorEpoll;

struct swReactorEpoll_s
    int epfd;
    struct epoll_event *events;

int swReactorEpoll_create(swReactor *reactor, int max_event_num)
    //create reactor object
    swReactorEpoll *reactor_object = sw_malloc(sizeof(swReactorEpoll));
    if (reactor_object == NULL)
        swWarn("malloc[0] failed.");
        return SW_ERR;
    bzero(reactor_object, sizeof(swReactorEpoll));
    reactor->object = reactor_object;
    reactor->max_event_num = max_event_num;

    reactor_object->events = sw_calloc(max_event_num, sizeof(struct epoll_event));

    if (reactor_object->events == NULL)
        swWarn("malloc[1] failed.");
        return SW_ERR;
    //epoll create
    reactor_object->epfd = epoll_create(512);
    if (reactor_object->epfd < 0)
        swWarn("epoll_create failed. Error: %s[%d]", strerror(errno), errno);
        return SW_ERR;
    //binding method
    reactor->add = swReactorEpoll_add;
    reactor->set = swReactorEpoll_set;
    reactor->del = swReactorEpoll_del;
    reactor->wait = swReactorEpoll_wait;
    reactor->free = swReactorEpoll_free;

    return SW_OK;

Epoll 添加監(jiān)聽

  • swReactorEpoll_event_set 函數(shù)用于轉(zhuǎn)化可讀(SW_EVENT_READ)、可寫(SW_EVENT_WRITE)的狀態(tài)為 epoll 函數(shù)可用的 EPOLLIN屋灌、EPOLLOUT洁段、EPOLLERR
static sw_inline int swReactorEpoll_event_set(int fdtype)
    uint32_t flag = 0;
    if (swReactor_event_read(fdtype))
        flag |= EPOLLIN;
    if (swReactor_event_write(fdtype))
        flag |= EPOLLOUT;
    if (swReactor_event_error(fdtype))
        //flag |= (EPOLLRDHUP);
    return flag;
  • swReactorEpoll_add 函數(shù)用于為 reactor 添加新的文件描述符進(jìn)行監(jiān)控
  • 添加 fd 最為重要的的是利用 epoll_ctl 函數(shù)的 EPOLL_CTL_ADD 命令。為了能夠更為簡(jiǎn)便在調(diào)用 epoll_wait 后獲取 fd 的類型共郭,并不會(huì)僅僅向 epoll_ctl 函數(shù)添加 fd祠丝,而是會(huì)添加 swFd 類型,該數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)中包含文件描述符和文件類型除嘹。
  • swReactor_add 函數(shù)用于更新 reactor->socket_listfdtypeevents
  • 最后需要自增 event_num 的數(shù)值
typedef struct _swFd
    uint32_t fd;
    uint32_t fdtype;
} swFd;

static int swReactorEpoll_add(swReactor *reactor, int fd, int fdtype)
    swReactorEpoll *object = reactor->object;
    struct epoll_event e;
    swFd fd_;
    bzero(&e, sizeof(struct epoll_event));

    fd_.fd = fd;
    fd_.fdtype = swReactor_fdtype(fdtype);
    e.events = swReactorEpoll_event_set(fdtype);

    swReactor_add(reactor, fd, fdtype);

    memcpy(&(e.data.u64), &fd_, sizeof(fd_));
    if (epoll_ctl(object->epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &e) < 0)
        swSysError("add events[fd=%d#%d, type=%d, events=%d] failed.", fd, reactor->id, fd_.fdtype, e.events);
        swReactor_del(reactor, fd);
        return SW_ERR;

    swTraceLog(SW_TRACE_EVENT, "add event[reactor_id=%d, fd=%d, events=%d]", reactor->id, fd, swReactor_events(fdtype));

    return SW_OK;

static sw_inline void swReactor_add(swReactor *reactor, int fd, int type)
    swConnection *socket = swReactor_get(reactor, fd);
    socket->fdtype = swReactor_fdtype(type);
    socket->events = swReactor_events(type);
    socket->removed = 0;

Epoll 修改監(jiān)聽

  • 修改監(jiān)聽主要調(diào)用 epoll_ctlEPOLL_CTL_MOD 命令
static int swReactorEpoll_set(swReactor *reactor, int fd, int fdtype)
    swReactorEpoll *object = reactor->object;
    swFd fd_;
    struct epoll_event e;
    int ret;

    bzero(&e, sizeof(struct epoll_event));
    e.events = swReactorEpoll_event_set(fdtype);

    if (e.events & EPOLLOUT)
        assert(fd > 2);

    fd_.fd = fd;
    fd_.fdtype = swReactor_fdtype(fdtype);
    memcpy(&(e.data.u64), &fd_, sizeof(fd_));

    ret = epoll_ctl(object->epfd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, &e);
    if (ret < 0)
        swSysError("reactor#%d->set(fd=%d|type=%d|events=%d) failed.", reactor->id, fd, fd_.fdtype, e.events);
        return SW_ERR;
    swTraceLog(SW_TRACE_EVENT, "set event[reactor_id=%d, fd=%d, events=%d]", reactor->id, fd, swReactor_events(fdtype));
    //execute parent method
    swReactor_set(reactor, fd, fdtype);
    return SW_OK;

Epoll 刪除監(jiān)聽

  • 修改監(jiān)聽主要調(diào)用 epoll_ctlEPOLL_CTL_DEL 命令
  • 最后需要更新 event_num
static int swReactorEpoll_del(swReactor *reactor, int fd)
    swReactorEpoll *object = reactor->object;
    if (epoll_ctl(object->epfd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, NULL) < 0)
        swSysError("epoll remove fd[%d#%d] failed.", fd, reactor->id);
        return SW_ERR;

    swTraceLog(SW_TRACE_REACTOR, "remove event[reactor_id=%d|fd=%d]", reactor->id, fd);
    reactor->event_num = reactor->event_num <= 0 ? 0 : reactor->event_num - 1;
    swReactor_del(reactor, fd);

    return SW_OK;

Epoll 監(jiān)聽等待就緒

  • swReactorEpoll_waitreactor 的核心写半,該函數(shù)最重要的就是調(diào)用 epoll_wait
  • 首先需要通過(guò) timeo 參數(shù)設(shè)置 msec,利用 object->events 設(shè)置 events
  • epoll_wait 函數(shù)返回之后尉咕,如果 n<0叠蝇,那么需要先檢查 erron,如果是 EINTR年缎,那么說(shuō)明有信號(hào)觸發(fā)悔捶,此時(shí)需要進(jìn)行信號(hào)的回調(diào)函數(shù)铃慷,然后再繼續(xù)事件循環(huán)。如果不是 EINTR蜕该,那么就要返回錯(cuò)誤犁柜,結(jié)束事件循環(huán)
  • 如果 n == 0,一般是由于 epoll_wait 已超時(shí)堂淡,此時(shí)需要調(diào)用超時(shí)回調(diào)函數(shù)
  • 如果 n > 0馋缅,那么就要從 events 中取出已經(jīng)就緒的 swFd 對(duì)象,并利用該對(duì)象的值初始化 event
  • 接下來(lái)就要檢查 events[i].events 的值淤齐,來(lái)判斷具體是讀就緒股囊、寫就緒還是發(fā)生了錯(cuò)誤,值得注意的是 EPOLLRDHUP 事件更啄,此事件代表著對(duì)端斷開連接稚疹,這個(gè)是 linux 自從 2.6.17 的新特性
  • 利用 swReactor_getHandle 函數(shù)取出對(duì)應(yīng)的文件描述符類型的事件回調(diào)函數(shù)
  • 事件循環(huán)的最后調(diào)用 onFinish 函數(shù)
  • 如果設(shè)置了 once,說(shuō)明此 reactor 只會(huì)循環(huán)一次祭务,立即退出内狗;否則,繼續(xù)事件循環(huán)
typedef struct _swEvent
    int fd;
    int16_t from_id;
    uint8_t type;
    swConnection *socket;
} swEvent;

static int swReactorEpoll_wait(swReactor *reactor, struct timeval *timeo)
    swEvent event;
    swReactorEpoll *object = reactor->object;
    swReactor_handle handle;
    int i, n, ret, msec;

    int reactor_id = reactor->id;
    int epoll_fd = object->epfd;
    int max_event_num = reactor->max_event_num;
    struct epoll_event *events = object->events;

    if (reactor->timeout_msec == 0)
        if (timeo == NULL)
            reactor->timeout_msec = -1;
            reactor->timeout_msec = timeo->tv_sec * 1000 + timeo->tv_usec / 1000;

    reactor->start = 1;

    while (reactor->running > 0)
        if (reactor->onBegin != NULL)
        msec = reactor->timeout_msec;
        n = epoll_wait(epoll_fd, events, max_event_num, msec);
        if (n < 0)
            if (swReactor_error(reactor) < 0)
                swWarn("[Reactor#%d] epoll_wait failed. Error: %s[%d]", reactor_id, strerror(errno), errno);
                return SW_ERR;
        else if (n == 0)
            if (reactor->onTimeout != NULL)
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            event.fd = events[i].data.u64;
            event.from_id = reactor_id;
            event.type = events[i].data.u64 >> 32;
            event.socket = swReactor_get(reactor, event.fd);

            if ((events[i].events & EPOLLIN) && !event.socket->removed)
                handle = swReactor_getHandle(reactor, SW_EVENT_READ, event.type);
                ret = handle(reactor, &event);
                if (ret < 0)
                    swSysError("EPOLLIN handle failed. fd=%d.", event.fd);
            if ((events[i].events & EPOLLOUT) && !event.socket->removed)
                handle = swReactor_getHandle(reactor, SW_EVENT_WRITE, event.type);
                ret = handle(reactor, &event);
                if (ret < 0)
                    swSysError("EPOLLOUT handle failed. fd=%d.", event.fd);
            if ((events[i].events & (EPOLLRDHUP | EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP)) && !event.socket->removed)
            if ((events[i].events & (EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP)) && !event.socket->removed)
                //ignore ERR and HUP, because event is already processed at IN and OUT handler.
                if ((events[i].events & EPOLLIN) || (events[i].events & EPOLLOUT))
                handle = swReactor_getHandle(reactor, SW_EVENT_ERROR, event.type);
                ret = handle(reactor, &event);
                if (ret < 0)
                    swSysError("EPOLLERR handle failed. fd=%d.", event.fd);

        if (reactor->onFinish != NULL)
        if (reactor->once)
    return 0;

static sw_inline int swReactor_error(swReactor *reactor)
    switch (errno)
    case EINTR:
        if (reactor->singal_no)
            reactor->singal_no = 0;
        return SW_OK;
    return SW_ERR;

static sw_inline swReactor_handle swReactor_getHandle(swReactor *reactor, int event_type, int fdtype)
    if (event_type == SW_EVENT_WRITE)
        return (reactor->write_handle[fdtype] != NULL) ? reactor->write_handle[fdtype] : reactor->handle[SW_FD_WRITE];
    else if (event_type == SW_EVENT_ERROR)
        return (reactor->error_handle[fdtype] != NULL) ? reactor->error_handle[fdtype] : reactor->handle[SW_FD_CLOSE];
    return reactor->handle[fdtype];
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