Which? subjects? do you like? best ?
I like health? lesson.
In? the? morning , we? have? a health class.
The teacher told us that? red? eyes health , why? can? have?
"Why ?"
A? classmate put up your hands,"call? me!? call? me!"
The teacher let him stand up and say.
He said:" I know ,a person got red eyes , because they both eyes touch together have? red? eyes ."
"Ha!? ha!? ha!"
We all laughed...
The class began to? noice...
Ok!? I knew , the toothache was caused by a mouth to mouth !
We laughed...
Our? teacher also smiled.
Suddenly 榴徐,the door opened.
Our maths teacher came in, she said :" could you please? borrow? this lesson to me?"
"Oh!? teacher , our? health? tacher, you? say 'No'? !""you don't!"we all think.
But? she? said:" Ok! here? you are!"
Oh!? No!