基本語(yǔ)句包括select 語(yǔ)句1? ?柠横,? union【union選項(xiàng)】? ?窃款,? ?select語(yǔ)句2。牍氛。晨继。。
union選項(xiàng)? ?: all保留所有不管重復(fù)? ? ? ? ? distinct? ?去重? 默認(rèn)的
1 . select * from my_class?
union? ? --- 默認(rèn)去重
select * from my_class
2.?select * from my_class?
union? ?all? ?--- 不去重
select * from my_class
3. select id , c_name,room from my_class
union all ---不去重
select name,number,id from my_student
select * from my_student order by sex asc,height desc
--需求:男生升序搬俊,女生降序(年齡)? ?(select* from my_student where sex=' 男 ' order by age asc? ? limit? 999999)? ? ? ? ? ? union? ? ? ? ? ?(select * from my_student where sex=' 女 ' order by age desc limit? 999999)
子查詢(sub query)
1 按位置分類? ? ? ?
from 子查詢紊扬,
?exists子查詢 唉擂。 select * from my_student where exists(select * from my_class)? ---是否成立
select * from my_student where exists(select * from my_class where id = 3)
select * from my_student where exist (select * from my_class where id = 2)
2 按結(jié)果分類? ? ??
[1]標(biāo)量 子查詢(一行一列)餐屎,
select * from my_class? ? ? ? ? ? ? select * from my_student
select * from my_student where c_id=?? ? ?select id from my_class where c_name = 'Python1910'? ? ---id一定只有一個(gè)值(一行一列)
[2]列? 子查詢(一列多行),
select * from my_class? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? select * from my_student where c_id in(select id from my_class)
1 玩祟。 =any等價(jià)于in? ?--其中一個(gè)就可以? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? select * from my_student where c_id =? any(select id from my_class)? ? ? ? ? ---所有結(jié)果除了NULL除外
2腹缩。 any等價(jià)于some? ?---二者是一樣的select * from my_student where c_id =? some(select id from my_class)? ? ? ? ? ? ??---所有結(jié)果除了NULL除外
3 。 == all為全部? ?? select * from my_student where c_id =? all(select id from my_class)? ???---NULL除外
---查詢年齡最大且身高最高? ? ? ?select * from my_student where age = (select max(age) from my_student) and height = (select max(age) from my_student)
[3]行 子查詢(多列一行或多行多列)空扎,select * from my_student where? ? ? ? ? ?--(age ,height)稱為行元素? ? ? ?(age,height) = (select? max (age),max(height) from my_student)
select * from my_student order by age desc,height desclimit 1 --可能查詢結(jié)果不是預(yù)想的
[4]表 子查詢(多行多列)
---插入學(xué)生? ? insert into? my_student value(null,'bc200007','小紅','23',''186)
--查找每個(gè)班身高最高的學(xué)生? ?select * from (select * from my_student order by height desc limit 999999 ) as student group? by c_id? ? ? ?-----每個(gè)班選出一個(gè)學(xué)生
基本語(yǔ)句? create view 視圖名字 as select 語(yǔ)句;
創(chuàng)建單表視圖? 基表只有一個(gè)?
創(chuàng)建多表視圖? 基表來源至少兩個(gè)
--視圖: 單表+ 多表
? ?create view my_v1 as? ? ? ?select * from my_student
create view my_v2 as? ? ? ? ?select * from my_class?
create view my_v3? as? ? ? select * from my_student as s left join my_class as c on s.c_id? ? -----錯(cuò)誤转锈, id重復(fù)
create view my_v3? as? ? ? select s.*,c.c_name,c.room? from my_student as s join my_class as c on s.c_id?
外鏈接? 不符合條件不放入
內(nèi)鏈接? 符合條件放入
--查看視圖創(chuàng)建語(yǔ)句? ? show create view my_v3\G
show tables[like] / desc 視圖名/ show create table 視圖名
show create view my_v3\G? --查看視圖創(chuàng)建語(yǔ)句
show views? 不可以v查看所有視圖
show * from my_v1
show * from my_v2
show * from my_v3
alter view 視圖名字? as 新的select語(yǔ)句
alter view my_ v1 as? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? select id,name,age,sex,height,c_id from my_student
drop view? 視圖名字
create view my_v4 as? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? select * from my_student? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ---刪除視圖v4? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? drop table my_v4? ?--刪除失斉坦选(不能刪表)? ?drop? view my_v4? - -- 刪除成功
{ 1 }多表視圖不能新增數(shù)據(jù)
---多表視圖不能插入數(shù)據(jù)? ?insert into my_v3 value(null,'bc20200008','張山','男',15,180,3,'Python1910','A204')? ? ? -----插入失敗
--將學(xué)生表的學(xué)號(hào)字段設(shè)置成不允許為空? ?alter tabel my_student modify number char(10) not null? unique? ??
{ 2 }? 可以向單表視圖插入數(shù)據(jù),但是視圖中包含的字段必須有基表中所不能為空黑忱,或沒默認(rèn)值的字段
---單表視圖插入數(shù)據(jù)? : 視圖不包含所有不允許為空的字段? insert into my_v1 values(null,'張山','男',15,180,3)
--單表視圖插入數(shù)據(jù)? ?insert? into my_v2 values(2,'Python1903','A204')
{ 3 }? 視圖是可以向基表插入數(shù)據(jù)的
更新限制? with check option
---視圖? age 字段限制更新
create view my_v4 as?
select * from? my_student where age>30 with cheak option
--表示視圖的數(shù)據(jù)來源都是年齡大于30歲 是由where age 》30 的
--將視圖可以查到數(shù)據(jù)改成年齡小與30? ?update my_v4 set? age = 29 where id = 5??
---可以修改數(shù)據(jù)源讓視圖可以查到 可以該? ? 但是無(wú)效果
uodate my_v4 set? age = 32 where id=3