init() {
// perform some initialization here
} ```
#####如在結構體Fahrenheit 中定義一個無參數初始化方法:
struct Fahrenheit {
var temperature: Double
init() {
temperature = 32.0
var f = Fahrenheit()//在這里執(zhí)行了init方法
print("The default temperature is (f.temperature)° Fahrenheit")
// Prints "The default temperature is 32.0° Fahrenheit"```
一個類宫蛆、結構體、枚舉里面可以定義多個init方法的猛,在Celsius 結構體中自定義內部參數分別為fahrenheit和kelvin 外部參數為fromFahrenheit 和fromKelvin 的init方法耀盗,需要不同的對象就調用不同的方法。
struct Celsius {
var temperatureInCelsius: Double
init(fromFahrenheit fahrenheit: Double) {
temperatureInCelsius = (fahrenheit - 32.0) / 1.8
init(fromKelvin kelvin: Double) {
temperatureInCelsius = kelvin - 273.15
let boilingPointOfWater = Celsius(fromFahrenheit: 212.0)
// boilingPointOfWater.temperatureInCelsius is 100.0
let freezingPointOfWater = Celsius(fromKelvin: 273.15)
// freezingPointOfWater.temperatureInCelsius is 0.0```
一般來講為了區(qū)分多個init方法傳參的時候外部參數名是必須寫的卦尊,如果要省略需要在定義init的參數名前面加上_如下面的init(_ celsius: Double)
struct Celsius {
var temperatureInCelsius: Double
init(fromFahrenheit fahrenheit: Double) {
temperatureInCelsius = (fahrenheit - 32.0) / 1.8
init(fromKelvin kelvin: Double) {
temperatureInCelsius = kelvin - 273.15
init(_ celsius: Double) {
temperatureInCelsius = celsius
let bodyTemperature = Celsius(37.0)
// bodyTemperature.temperatureInCelsius is 37.0```
class SurveyQuestion {
var text: String
var response: String?
init(text: String) {
self.text = text
func ask() {
let cheeseQuestion = SurveyQuestion(text: "Do you like cheese?")
// Prints "Do you like cheese?"
cheeseQuestion.response = "Yes, I do like cheese."```
class SurveyQuestion {
let text: String//聲明一個text常量
var response: String?
init(text: String) {
self.text = text//只能在這里修改值
func ask() {
let beetsQuestion = SurveyQuestion(text: "How about beets?")
// Prints "How about beets?"
beetsQuestion.response = "I also like beets. (But not with cheese.)"```
初始化一個ShoppingListItem 類的實例在沒有定義init方法時,ShoppingListItem (name的默認值是nil)由于每個屬性都有默認值就會把默認值分配給它的屬性
class ShoppingListItem {
var name: String?//因為類型后面加了躏哩?所以默認值是nil初始化可以不賦值
var quantity = 1
var purchased = false
var item = ShoppingListItem()```
struct Size {
var width = 0.0, height = 0.0
let twoByTwo = Size(width: 2.0, height: 2.0)```
定義一個Vehicle 類再定義一個Bicycle繼承它震庭,在init前面加override關鍵字Bicycle中重寫父類的init方法并且在init方法通過super.init()調用父類的init方法瑰抵。
class Vehicle {
var numberOfWheels = 0
var description: String {
return "\(numberOfWheels) wheel(s)"
let vehicle = Vehicle()
print("Vehicle: \(vehicle.description)")
// Vehicle: 0 wheel(s)
class Bicycle: Vehicle {
override init() {
numberOfWheels = 2
let bicycle = Bicycle()
print("Bicycle: \(bicycle.description)")
// Bicycle: 2 wheel(s)```
class Food {
var name: String
init(name: String) {
self.name = name
convenience init() {
self.init(name: "[Unnamed]")
class RecipeIngredient: Food {
var quantity: Int
init(name: String, quantity: Int) {
self.quantity = quantity
super.init(name: name)
override convenience init(name: String) {
self.init(name: name, quantity: 1)
let oneMysteryItem = RecipeIngredient()//繼承父類的init方法
let oneBacon = RecipeIngredient(name: "Bacon")//重寫父類的 convenience init
let sixEggs = RecipeIngredient(name: "Eggs", quantity: 6)//自己的init方法```
聲明ShoppingListItem類繼承RecipeIngredient 雖然ShoppingListItem沒有聲明init方法但是它繼承了RecipeIngredient 的三個init方法。
1.class ShoppingListItem: RecipeIngredient {
2.var purchased = false
3.var description: String {
4.var output = "\(quantity) x \(name)"
5.output += purchased ? " ?" : " ?"
6.return output

有時候會因為條件不滿足可以執(zhí)行可失敗的初始化方法return nil并且要在init關鍵字后面加上問號拨拓,如下所示定義一個Animal 結構體肴颊,如果species屬性的值是空的話就會return nil。
struct Animal {
let species: String
init?(species: String) {
if species.isEmpty { return nil }
self.species = species
let someCreature = Animal(species: "Giraffe")//初始化成功
//someCreature is of type Animal?, not Animal
if let giraffe = someCreature {
print("An animal was initialized with a species of (giraffe.species)")
// Prints "An animal was initialized with a species of Giraffe"
let anonymousCreature = Animal(species: "")//初始化化失敗
// anonymousCreature is of type Animal?, not Animal
if anonymousCreature == nil {
print("The anonymous creature could not be initialized")
// Prints "The anonymous creature could not be initialized"```
枚舉也有可能初始化失敗如果枚舉沒有有效的值傳入init方法中的話會和其他語言一樣有一個default選項return nil表示初始化失敗渣磷。如創(chuàng)建一個TemperatureUnit枚舉
enum TemperatureUnit {
case Kelvin, Celsius, Fahrenheit
init?(symbol: Character) {
switch symbol {
case "K":
self = .Kelvin
case "C":
self = .Celsius
case "F":
self = .Fahrenheit
return nil//初始化失敗執(zhí)行這里
let fahrenheitUnit = TemperatureUnit(symbol: "F")
if fahrenheitUnit != nil {
print("This is a defined temperature unit, so initialization succeeded.")
// Prints "This is a defined temperature unit, so initialization succeeded."
let unknownUnit = TemperatureUnit(symbol: "X")
if unknownUnit == nil {
print("This is not a defined temperature unit, so initialization failed.")
// Prints "This is not a defined temperature unit, so initialization failed."```
enum TemperatureUnit: Character {
case Kelvin = "K", Celsius = "C", Fahrenheit = "F"
let fahrenheitUnit = TemperatureUnit(rawValue: "F")
if fahrenheitUnit != nil {
print("This is a defined temperature unit, so initialization succeeded.")
// Prints "This is a defined temperature unit, so initialization succeeded."
let unknownUnit = TemperatureUnit(rawValue: "X")
if unknownUnit == nil {
print("This is not a defined temperature unit, so initialization failed.")
// Prints "This is not a defined temperature unit, so initialization failed."```
class Product {
let name: String
init?(name: String) {
if name.isEmpty { return nil }
self.name = name
class CartItem: Product {
let quantity: Int
init?(name: String, quantity: Int) {
if quantity < 1 { return nil }
self.quantity = quantity
super.init(name: name)//如果調用父類的init方法失敗也會導致失敗的初始化
if let oneUnnamed = CartItem(name: "", quantity: 1) {
print("Item: \(oneUnnamed.name), quantity: \(oneUnnamed.quantity)")
} else {
print("Unable to initialize one unnamed product")
// Prints "Unable to initialize one unnamed product"```
如果init方法前面有required 關鍵字意味著子類必須override重寫覆蓋實現這個方法或者子類也用required 等待下一個子類實現例如:
class SomeClass {
required init() {
// initializer implementation goes here
class SomeSubclass: SomeClass {
required init() {//等待它的子類用override實現父類的required init
// subclass implementation of the required initializer goes here
} ```