The highwayman: Willie Nelson
① He was already an old soul in 1956 when he recorded his first single, "No Place For Me", in a voice somehow both nasal and sweet, like whiskey with honey.
② At 84 he has just released "Last Man Standing", and that instrument hardly changed. But it has a new lyrical tone.
③ The outlaw feel of classics like "Whiskey River" is replaced with mourning lost friends such as Merle Haggard, who died in 2016, as Mr Nelson ponders how long he has left: "I don't wanna be the last man standing...or maybe I do."
④ The album's music is, nevertheless, upbeat, and Mr Nelson is indomitable.
⑤ On May 16th he will—inevitably—be on the road again, touring for the rest of the year.
⑥ His masterful and much-overlooked guitar work is a special highlight of seeing him live.
⑦ He really is the last man standing from a great era in American music.
⑧ Catch him while you can.
news report /r??p??t/: 新聞報導
feature /?fi?t??/: n. 特稿;特寫
highwayman /?h??we?m?n/: n.(騎馬持槍的)強盜(文中偏向指“正義的俠客形象”)
old soul /s??l/: 老靈魂(在智識上/對于生活的理解和洞察上有著超過自己年齡深度的人)
single /?s??ɡ(?)l/: n. 單曲 adj. 單一/個的
hit single(s): 熱門單曲
somehow /?s?mha?/: adv. 莫名其妙地;不知怎么地
nasal /?ne?z(?)l/: adj. 帶鼻音的
whiskey /?w?ski/: n. 威士忌
honey /?h?ni/: n. 蜂蜜
release /r??li?s/: vt. 發(fā)布;釋放
release album/information/potential/stress/prisoner: 發(fā)布專輯/發(fā)布信息/釋放潛能/釋放壓力/釋放犯人
instrument /??nstr?m(?)nt/: n. 樂器(文中指“嗓音”)
lyric /?l?r?k/: n. 歌詞脾猛;抒情詩
lyrical /?l?r?k(?)l/: adj. 抒情的;深情的
tone /t??n/: n. 感情基調塘砸;腔調
outlaw /?a?tl??/: n. 離經叛道者足淆;亡命之徒
mourn /m??n/: vt. 哀悼;為……感到悲傷
lost /l?st/: adj. 離世的丧裁;丟失的
ponder /?p?nd?/: vt. 沉思护桦;掂量
nevertheless /n?v?e??l?s/: adv. 盡管如此;不過
upbeat /??pbi?t/: adj. 樂觀向上的煎娇;積極的二庵;正能量的(optimistic)
indomitable /?n?d?m?t?b(?)l/: adj. 不可戰(zhàn)勝的贪染;毫不氣餒的(unconquerable)
inevitably /??n?v?t?bli, ?n??v?t?bli/: adv. 不可避免地;必然要發(fā)生地
tour /t??/: v. 巡回演出
masterful /?mɑ?st?f?l/: adj. 大師級別的催享;技藝嫻熟的
much-overlooked: adj. 被大大忽略的杭隙;頗受忽視的
highlight /?h??l??t/: n. 最重要/精彩的部分;亮點 vt. 重點突出
live /l??v/: adj./adv. 現場演出/直播的(地)
wrap up /rap/: 總結
1. Robin Hood 羅賓漢
2. Outlaw Movement 叛道運動
上世紀六七十年代以故,以 Willie Nelson 為代表的鄉(xiāng)村音樂歌手發(fā)起的一場運動蜗细。所謂的“叛道”,是在強調保持鄉(xiāng)村音樂的傳統(tǒng)曲風怒详,反對當時鄉(xiāng)村音樂越來越商業(yè)化的現象炉媒。
outlaw country 叛道鄉(xiāng)村音樂
3. No Place For Me 歌詞節(jié)選
Your love is as cold as a north wind blowing
And the river that runs to the sea
How can I go on when your only love is gone
I can see this is no place for me
4. 通感;移覺(synaesthesia /?s?n?s?θi?z??/)
warm colors 暖色調
noisy/loud colors 艷麗的顏色
5. Beat Generation 垮掉的一代
6. highlight
The highlight of our trip to London is being able to meet Tom Hiddleston in person.
His talk highlighted the company's key task for the following six months.