Android 主流開源框架(三)OkHttp 源碼解析


最近有個想法——就是把 Android 主流開源框架進行深入分析劳秋,然后寫成一系列文章仓手,包括該框架的詳細使用與源碼解析。目的是通過鑒賞大神的源碼來了解框架底層的原理玻淑,也就是做到不僅要知其然嗽冒,還要知其所以然。



更多干貨請關(guān)注 AndroidNotes

一麻汰、OkHttp 的基本使用示例

1.1 同步 GET 請求

 // (1)創(chuàng)建 OkHttpClient 對象
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
 // (2)創(chuàng)建 Request 對象
Request request = new Request.Builder()
// (3)創(chuàng)建 Call 對象速客。
Call call = client.newCall(request);
// (4)發(fā)送請求并獲取服務(wù)器返回的數(shù)據(jù)
Response response = call.execute();
 // (5)取出相應(yīng)的數(shù)據(jù)
String data = response.body().string();

1.2 異步 GET 請求

// (1)創(chuàng)建 OkHttpClient 對象
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
// (2)創(chuàng)建 Request 對象
Request request = new Request.Builder()
// (3)創(chuàng)建 Call 對象。
Call call = client.newCall(request);
// (4)發(fā)送請求并獲取服務(wù)器返回的數(shù)據(jù)
call.enqueue(new Callback() {
    public void onFailure(Call call, IOException e) {
    public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) throws IOException {
        // (5)取出相應(yīng)的數(shù)據(jù)
        String data = response.body().string();

可以看到不管是同步請求還是異步請求五鲫,OkHttp 的基本使用就只有 5 步溺职。同步請求與異步請求唯一不同的就是第 (4) 步,前者使用同步方法 execute()位喂,后者使用異步方法 enqueue()浪耘。接下來我們就根據(jù)這 5 步進行源碼閱讀。

更多 OkHttp 的使用方法可以看我之前寫的文章 Android 主流開源框架(二)OkHttp 使用詳解

二塑崖、OkHttp 源碼分析


2.1 (1)創(chuàng)建 OkHttpClient 對象

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

首先我們點擊創(chuàng)建的 OkHttpClient 對象進去源碼是這樣的:

  public OkHttpClient() {
    this(new Builder());


  OkHttpClient(Builder builder) {
    this.dispatcher = builder.dispatcher;
    this.proxy = builder.proxy;
    this.protocols = builder.protocols;
    this.connectionSpecs = builder.connectionSpecs;
    this.interceptors = Util.immutableList(builder.interceptors);
    this.networkInterceptors = Util.immutableList(builder.networkInterceptors);
    this.eventListenerFactory = builder.eventListenerFactory;
    this.proxySelector = builder.proxySelector;
    this.cookieJar = builder.cookieJar;
    this.cache = builder.cache;
    this.internalCache = builder.internalCache;
    this.socketFactory = builder.socketFactory;

    boolean isTLS = false;
    for (ConnectionSpec spec : connectionSpecs) {
      isTLS = isTLS || spec.isTls();

    if (builder.sslSocketFactory != null || !isTLS) {
      this.sslSocketFactory = builder.sslSocketFactory;
      this.certificateChainCleaner = builder.certificateChainCleaner;
    } else {
      X509TrustManager trustManager = Util.platformTrustManager();
      this.sslSocketFactory = newSslSocketFactory(trustManager);
      this.certificateChainCleaner = CertificateChainCleaner.get(trustManager);

    if (sslSocketFactory != null) {

    this.hostnameVerifier = builder.hostnameVerifier;
    this.certificatePinner = builder.certificatePinner.withCertificateChainCleaner(
    this.proxyAuthenticator = builder.proxyAuthenticator;
    this.authenticator = builder.authenticator;
    this.connectionPool = builder.connectionPool;
    this.dns = builder.dns;
    this.followSslRedirects = builder.followSslRedirects;
    this.followRedirects = builder.followRedirects;
    this.retryOnConnectionFailure = builder.retryOnConnectionFailure;
    this.connectTimeout = builder.connectTimeout;
    this.readTimeout = builder.readTimeout;
    this.writeTimeout = builder.writeTimeout;
    this.pingInterval = builder.pingInterval;

    if (interceptors.contains(null)) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Null interceptor: " + interceptors);
    if (networkInterceptors.contains(null)) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Null network interceptor: " + networkInterceptors);

可以看到有很多常量七冲,這里使用了建造者模式,所以這些常量可以通過 build() 進行配置规婆。如果不進行配置則使用無參構(gòu)造中傳進來的默認(rèn)配置澜躺,每個常量的意思具體如下:

    public Builder() {
      dispatcher = new Dispatcher();// 分發(fā)器
      protocols = DEFAULT_PROTOCOLS;// HTTP 協(xié)議
      connectionSpecs = DEFAULT_CONNECTION_SPECS;// 傳輸層版本和連接協(xié)議
      eventListenerFactory = EventListener.factory(EventListener.NONE);// 事件監(jiān)聽工廠
      proxySelector = ProxySelector.getDefault();// 代理選擇器
      cookieJar = CookieJar.NO_COOKIES;// cookie
      socketFactory = SocketFactory.getDefault();// socket 工廠
      hostnameVerifier = OkHostnameVerifier.INSTANCE;// 主機名字確認(rèn)
      certificatePinner = CertificatePinner.DEFAULT;// 證書鏈
      proxyAuthenticator = Authenticator.NONE;// 代理服務(wù)器身份驗證
      authenticator = Authenticator.NONE;// 源服務(wù)器身份驗證
      connectionPool = new ConnectionPool();// 連接池
      dns = Dns.SYSTEM;// 域名
      followSslRedirects = true;// 是否遵循 ssl 重定向
      followRedirects = true;// 是否遵循重定向
      retryOnConnectionFailure = true;// 連接失敗的時候是否重試
      connectTimeout = 10_000;// 連接超時
      readTimeout = 10_000;// 讀超時
      writeTimeout = 10_000;// 寫超時
      pingInterval = 0;// HTTP / 2 和 Web 套接字 ping 之間的時間間隔

2.2 (2)創(chuàng)建 Request 對象

Request request = new Request.Builder()

可以看到,這里同樣使用了建造者模式抒蚜,我們點擊 Request 進去看看:

  final HttpUrl url;
  final String method;
  final Headers headers;
  final @Nullable RequestBody body;
  final Map<Class<?>, Object> tags;

發(fā)現(xiàn) Request 還是比較簡單的掘鄙,只是用來設(shè)置一些請求鏈接(url)、請求方法(method)嗡髓、請求頭(headers)操漠、請求體(body)、標(biāo)簽(tag饿这,可作為取消請求的標(biāo)記)浊伙。

2.3 (3)創(chuàng)建 Call 對象

Call call = client.newCall(request);

我們點擊 newCall() 方法進去看看:

  @Override public Call newCall(Request request) {
    return RealCall.newRealCall(this, request, false /* for web socket */);

發(fā)現(xiàn)是調(diào)用了 RealCall 的 newRealCall() 方法撞秋,并傳入了 OkHttpClient 與 Request 對象。

再跟進到 newRealCall() 方法:

  static RealCall newRealCall(OkHttpClient client, Request originalRequest, boolean forWebSocket) {
    // Safely publish the Call instance to the EventListener.
    RealCall call = new RealCall(client, originalRequest, forWebSocket);
    call.eventListener = client.eventListenerFactory().create(call);
    return call;

發(fā)現(xiàn)是創(chuàng)建了一個 RealCall 對象吧黄,并返回給上一層部服。RealCall 是 Call 的實現(xiàn)類唆姐,Call 定義了請求相關(guān)的操作拗慨,例如同步異步、取消請求等方法奉芦。所以后續(xù)的請求相關(guān)操作基本都是在調(diào)用 Call 定義的方法赵抢,而這些方法真正的執(zhí)行是它的實現(xiàn)類 RealCall。

最后看看 RealCall 的構(gòu)造函數(shù)声功,該函數(shù)是比較簡單的烦却,只是賦值一些常量,然后創(chuàng)建了重試與重定向攔截器(RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor)(這個后面會講):

  private RealCall(OkHttpClient client, Request originalRequest, boolean forWebSocket) {
    this.client = client;
    this.originalRequest = originalRequest;
    this.forWebSocket = forWebSocket;
    this.retryAndFollowUpInterceptor = new RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor(client, forWebSocket);

2.4 (4)發(fā)送請求并獲取服務(wù)器返回的數(shù)據(jù)

前面我們已經(jīng)說了先巴,同步請求與異步請求唯一不同的就是第 (4) 步其爵,前者使用同步方法 execute(),后者使用異步方法 enqueue()伸蚯。所以我們分 2 種情況來講摩渺。

2.4.1 同步請求

Response response = call.execute();

我們點擊 execute() 方法進去看看:

  @Override public Response execute() throws IOException {
    synchronized (this) {
      if (executed) throw new IllegalStateException("Already Executed");
      executed = true;
    try {
      client.dispatcher().executed(this);// (1)
      Response result = getResponseWithInterceptorChain();// (2)
      if (result == null) throw new IOException("Canceled");
      return result;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      eventListener.callFailed(this, e);
      throw e;
    } finally {
      client.dispatcher().finished(this);// (3)

源碼中我標(biāo)注了 3 個關(guān)注點,點擊關(guān)注點(1)的 executed() 方法進去剂邮,可以看到是將傳進來的 RealCall 加入了一個雙端隊列:

  synchronized void executed(RealCall call) {

其中 runningSyncCalls 是一個雙端隊列摇幻,用來記錄正在運行的同步請求隊列:

private final Deque<RealCall> runningSyncCalls = new ArrayDeque<>();

關(guān)注點(2)返回了一個 Response,也就是服務(wù)器返回的數(shù)據(jù)挥萌,說明請求就是在這里執(zhí)行了绰姻,這個是我們要研究的重點,放到后面再說引瀑。

點擊關(guān)注點(3)的 finished() 方法進去狂芋,是這樣的:

  void finished(RealCall call) {
    finished(runningSyncCalls, call, false);

  private <T> void finished(Deque<T> calls, T call, boolean promoteCalls) {
    int runningCallsCount;
    Runnable idleCallback;
    synchronized (this) {
      if (!calls.remove(call)) throw new AssertionError("Call wasn't in-flight!");// (1)
      if (promoteCalls) promoteCalls();
      runningCallsCount = runningCallsCount();
      idleCallback = this.idleCallback;

    if (runningCallsCount == 0 && idleCallback != null) {;

可以看到關(guān)注點(1)calls.remove(call) 只是把當(dāng)前 RealCall 又從正在運行的同步請求隊列中移除了,說明請求已經(jīng)完成了憨栽。

你應(yīng)該注意到了帜矾,上面還有個 dispatcher 沒講到,其實這是一個分發(fā)器徒像,是用來對請求進行分發(fā)的黍特。我們剛剛也分析了在同步請求中涉及到的 dispatcher 只是用來記錄正在運行的同步請求隊列,然后請求完成就移除掉锯蛀。所以這個分發(fā)器主要用在異步請求中灭衷,我們放到異步請求中再去講。

2.4.2 異步請求

        call.enqueue(new Callback() {
            public void onFailure(Call call, IOException e) {
            public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) throws IOException {

我們點擊 enqueue() 方法進去看看:

  @Override public void enqueue(Callback responseCallback) {
    synchronized (this) {
      if (executed) throw new IllegalStateException("Already Executed");
      executed = true;
    client.dispatcher().enqueue(new AsyncCall(responseCallback));// (1)

前面幾行與同步請求源碼一樣旁涤,我們點擊關(guān)注點(1)的 enqueue() 方法進去看看:

  synchronized void enqueue(AsyncCall call) {
    if (runningAsyncCalls.size() < maxRequests && runningCallsForHost(call) < maxRequestsPerHost) {
    } else {

可以看到這里面涉及到很多 Dispatcher 對象里面的常量與變量翔曲,所以也能看出 Dispatcher 主要用在異步請求中迫像。先看下 Dispatcher 對象里面的常量與變量:

  // 最大并發(fā)請求數(shù)
  private int maxRequests = 64;
  // 每個主機最大請求數(shù)
  private int maxRequestsPerHost = 5;
  // 每次調(diào)度程序變?yōu)榭臻e時調(diào)用的回調(diào)
  private @Nullable Runnable idleCallback;
  // 用來執(zhí)行異步任務(wù)的線程池
  private @Nullable ExecutorService executorService;
  // 準(zhǔn)備中的異步請求隊列
  private final Deque<AsyncCall> readyAsyncCalls = new ArrayDeque<>();
  // 正在運行的異步請求隊列
  private final Deque<AsyncCall> runningAsyncCalls = new ArrayDeque<>();
  // 正在運行的同步請求隊列
  private final Deque<RealCall> runningSyncCalls = new ArrayDeque<>();

弄懂了這些常量與變量的意思,就很好理解上面關(guān)注點(1)的 enqueue() 方法了瞳遍,即如果 ”正在運行的異步請求隊列數(shù)“ 小于 ”最大并發(fā)請求數(shù)“闻妓,并且 ”每個主機正在運行的請求數(shù)“ 小于 ”每個主機最大請求數(shù)“,則將當(dāng)前請求繼續(xù)加入 ”正在運行的異步請求隊列“ 并在線程池中執(zhí)行掠械,否則將當(dāng)前請求加入 ”準(zhǔn)備中的異步請求隊列“由缆。

我們看到線程池中還傳了一個 AsyncCall 進去,點擊進去看看:

  final class AsyncCall extends NamedRunnable {
    private final Callback responseCallback;

    AsyncCall(Callback responseCallback) {
      super("OkHttp %s", redactedUrl());
      this.responseCallback = responseCallback;

    String host() {
      return originalRequest.url().host();

    Request request() {
      return originalRequest;

    RealCall get() {
      return RealCall.this;

    @Override protected void execute() {
      boolean signalledCallback = false;
      try {
        Response response = getResponseWithInterceptorChain();// (1)
        if (retryAndFollowUpInterceptor.isCanceled()) {
          signalledCallback = true;
          responseCallback.onFailure(RealCall.this, new IOException("Canceled"));// (2)
        } else {
          signalledCallback = true;
          responseCallback.onResponse(RealCall.this, response);// (3)
      } catch (IOException e) {
        if (signalledCallback) {
          // Do not signal the callback twice!
          Platform.get().log(INFO, "Callback failure for " + toLoggableString(), e);
        } else {
          eventListener.callFailed(RealCall.this, e);
          responseCallback.onFailure(RealCall.this, e);// (4)
      } finally {
        client.dispatcher().finished(this);// (5)

發(fā)現(xiàn)他是 RealCall 的內(nèi)部類猾蒂,繼承 NamedRunnable均唉,實現(xiàn)了 Runnable。里面同樣執(zhí)行了 execute() 方法肚菠,仔細看這個方法與之前我們閱讀同步請求中的 execute() 類似舔箭,關(guān)注點(1)(5)都是一樣的,不同的是多了 2 個回調(diào)蚊逢,因為是異步請求层扶,所以需要把最終返回的結(jié)果通過 responseCallback 回調(diào)到最外層我們使用的地方去,其中(2)(4)是失敗的回調(diào)烙荷,(3)是成功的回調(diào)镜会。

到這里,OkHttp 基本使用的第(4)步除了 getResponseWithInterceptorChain() 方法奢讨,其他都看完了稚叹,下面就重點閱讀這個方法。

2.4.3 攔截器

點擊 getResponseWithInterceptorChain() 方法進去看看:

  Response getResponseWithInterceptorChain() throws IOException {
    // 創(chuàng)建一個攔截器集合
    List<Interceptor> interceptors = new ArrayList<>();
    // 添加用戶自定義的攔截器
    // 添加重試與重定向攔截器
    // 添加橋攔截器
    interceptors.add(new BridgeInterceptor(client.cookieJar()));
    // 添加緩存攔截器
    interceptors.add(new CacheInterceptor(client.internalCache()));
    // 添加連接攔截器
    interceptors.add(new ConnectInterceptor(client));
    if (!forWebSocket) {
    // 添加用戶自定義的網(wǎng)絡(luò)攔截器
    // 添加服務(wù)器請求攔截器
    interceptors.add(new CallServerInterceptor(forWebSocket));
    // (1) 構(gòu)建責(zé)任鏈
    Interceptor.Chain chain = new RealInterceptorChain(interceptors, null, null, null, 0,
        originalRequest, this, eventListener, client.connectTimeoutMillis(),
        client.readTimeoutMillis(), client.writeTimeoutMillis());
    // (2) 處理責(zé)任鏈中的攔截器
    return chain.proceed(originalRequest);

可以看到拿诸,這里用到了很多攔截器扒袖,將這些攔截器構(gòu)建成一條責(zé)任鏈,然后再一個個處理亩码。這里用到了責(zé)任鏈模式季率,每個攔截器負責(zé)相應(yīng)的功能,上一個攔截器完成會傳給下一個攔截器描沟,直到最后一個攔截器執(zhí)行完再一層層向上返回 Response飒泻。

我們先驗證下這個責(zé)任鏈的執(zhí)行過程是否跟我說的一樣,然后再看看每個攔截器的具體作用吏廉。這里我標(biāo)記了 2 個關(guān)注點:
關(guān)注點(1)是構(gòu)建一條責(zé)任鏈泞遗,并把責(zé)任鏈需要用到的參數(shù)傳過去,其中參數(shù) 5 為責(zé)任鏈的索引席覆,這里傳 “0” 表示當(dāng)前正在處理第一個攔截器史辙。

關(guān)注點(2)是處理責(zé)任鏈中的攔截器,點擊 proceed() 方法進去看看:

  @Override public Response proceed(Request request) throws IOException {
    return proceed(request, streamAllocation, httpCodec, connection);

  public Response proceed(Request request, StreamAllocation streamAllocation, HttpCodec httpCodec,
      RealConnection connection) throws IOException {
    if (index >= interceptors.size()) throw new AssertionError();


    // If we already have a stream, confirm that the incoming request will use it.
    if (this.httpCodec != null && !this.connection.supportsUrl(request.url())) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("network interceptor " + interceptors.get(index - 1)
          + " must retain the same host and port");

    // If we already have a stream, confirm that this is the only call to chain.proceed().
    if (this.httpCodec != null && calls > 1) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("network interceptor " + interceptors.get(index - 1)
          + " must call proceed() exactly once");

    RealInterceptorChain next = new RealInterceptorChain(interceptors, streamAllocation, httpCodec,
        connection, index + 1, request, call, eventListener, connectTimeout, readTimeout,
    Interceptor interceptor = interceptors.get(index);
    Response response = interceptor.intercept(next);
    // (1)end

    // Confirm that the next interceptor made its required call to chain.proceed().
    if (httpCodec != null && index + 1 < interceptors.size() && next.calls != 1) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("network interceptor " + interceptor
          + " must call proceed() exactly once");

    // Confirm that the intercepted response isn't null.
    if (response == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException("interceptor " + interceptor + " returned null");

    if (response.body() == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "interceptor " + interceptor + " returned a response with no body");

    return response;

可以看到,除了一些判斷只需要看關(guān)注點(1)即可聊倔。這里會構(gòu)建一個新的責(zé)任鏈晦毙,然后把責(zé)任鏈的索引加 1(為了下次從攔截器集合中取出下一個攔截器),接著從攔截器集合中取出當(dāng)前攔截器并調(diào)用 intercept() 方法耙蔑,這樣如果這個攔截器可以完成任務(wù)會馬上返回 Response见妒,否則會在 intercept() 方法中繼續(xù)處理責(zé)任鏈,因為該 intercept() 方法中會繼續(xù)調(diào)用責(zé)任鏈的 proceed() 方法甸陌⌒氪В看完源碼確實跟我們之前設(shè)想的一樣的,接下來我們看看每個攔截器的具體作用邀层。 重試與重定向攔截器(RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor)

該攔截器主要負責(zé)失敗后重連以及重定向返敬,從前面的 proceed() 方法可知遂庄,每個攔截器被調(diào)用的方法都是 intercept() 方法寥院,所以閱讀攔截器的入口就是該方法。

重試與重定向攔截器中的 intercept() 方法如下:

  @Override public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
    Request request = chain.request();
    RealInterceptorChain realChain = (RealInterceptorChain) chain;
    Call call =;
    EventListener eventListener = realChain.eventListener();

    // (1) 創(chuàng)建 StreamAllocation 對象涛目,用來協(xié)調(diào)三個實體(Connections秸谢、Streams、Calls)之間的關(guān)系
    StreamAllocation streamAllocation = new StreamAllocation(client.connectionPool(),
        createAddress(request.url()), call, eventListener, callStackTrace);
    this.streamAllocation = streamAllocation;

    // 重定向次數(shù)
    int followUpCount = 0;
    Response priorResponse = null;
    while (true) {
      if (canceled) {
        throw new IOException("Canceled");

      Response response;
      boolean releaseConnection = true;
      try {
        response = realChain.proceed(request, streamAllocation, null, null);
        releaseConnection = false;
      } catch (RouteException e) {
        //(3)發(fā)生 Route 異常霹肝,則嘗試進行恢復(fù)
        if (!recover(e.getLastConnectException(), streamAllocation, false, request)) {
          throw e.getFirstConnectException();
        releaseConnection = false;
      } catch (IOException e) {
        //(4)發(fā)生 IO 異常估蹄,則嘗試進行恢復(fù)
        boolean requestSendStarted = !(e instanceof ConnectionShutdownException);
        if (!recover(e, streamAllocation, requestSendStarted, request)) throw e;
        releaseConnection = false;
      } finally {
        // 如果中途出現(xiàn)異常,則釋放所有資源
        if (releaseConnection) {

      // 構(gòu)建 body 為空的響應(yīng)體
      if (priorResponse != null) {
        response = response.newBuilder()

      Request followUp;
      try {
     // (5)檢查是否需要重定向沫换,不需要則 followUp 返回 null
        followUp = followUpRequest(response, streamAllocation.route());
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw e;

      // (6)不需要重定向臭蚁,則返回之前的 response
      if (followUp == null) {
        if (!forWebSocket) {
        return response;
      // 關(guān)閉資源

      // 重定向次數(shù)大于最大值,則釋放 StreamAllocation 并拋出異常
      if (++followUpCount > MAX_FOLLOW_UPS) {
        throw new ProtocolException("Too many follow-up requests: " + followUpCount);

      if (followUp.body() instanceof UnrepeatableRequestBody) {
        throw new HttpRetryException("Cannot retry streamed HTTP body", response.code());
      // 如果該請求無法復(fù)用之前的連接讯赏,則釋放后重新創(chuàng)建
      if (!sameConnection(response, followUp.url())) {
        streamAllocation = new StreamAllocation(client.connectionPool(),
            createAddress(followUp.url()), call, eventListener, callStackTrace);
        this.streamAllocation = streamAllocation;
      } else if (streamAllocation.codec() != null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Closing the body of " + response
            + " didn't close its backing stream. Bad interceptor?");

      request = followUp;
      priorResponse = response;


  • (1):創(chuàng)建 StreamAllocation 對象漱挎,StreamAllocation 相當(dāng)于一個管理類系枪,用來協(xié)調(diào)三個實體(Connections、Streams磕谅、Calls)之間的關(guān)系私爷。這里還傳了一個 client.connectionPool(),它是第一步創(chuàng)建 OkHttpClient 對象的時候創(chuàng)建的膊夹,是一個連接池衬浑。它們會在后面的連接攔截器(ConnectInterceptor)中才被真正的使用到,后面會講放刨。
    Streams:在連接上分層的邏輯 http 請求/響應(yīng)對。

  • (2):是執(zhí)行下一個攔截器侵佃,按順序調(diào)用那就是 BridgeInterceptor。

  • (3)(4):發(fā)生 Route 或 IO 異常奠支,則進行重試馋辈,我們看看重試的相關(guān)方法:

  private boolean recover(IOException e, StreamAllocation streamAllocation,
      boolean requestSendStarted, Request userRequest) {

    // 客戶端配置了出錯不再重試
    if (!client.retryOnConnectionFailure()) return false;

    // 無法再次發(fā)送 request body
    if (requestSendStarted && userRequest.body() instanceof UnrepeatableRequestBody) return false;

    // 發(fā)生 isRecoverable() 方法中出現(xiàn)的異常
    if (!isRecoverable(e, requestSendStarted)) return false;

    // 沒有更多的路線可供嘗試
    if (!streamAllocation.hasMoreRoutes()) return false;

    // For failure recovery, use the same route selector with a new connection.
    return true;

  private boolean isRecoverable(IOException e, boolean requestSendStarted) {
    // 協(xié)議異常
    if (e instanceof ProtocolException) {
      return false;

    // 中斷異常
    if (e instanceof InterruptedIOException) {
      return e instanceof SocketTimeoutException && !requestSendStarted;

    // SSL握手異常
    if (e instanceof SSLHandshakeException) {
      // If the problem was a CertificateException from the X509TrustManager,
      // do not retry.
      if (e.getCause() instanceof CertificateException) {
        return false;
 // SSL握手未授權(quán)異常
    if (e instanceof SSLPeerUnverifiedException) {
      // e.g. a certificate pinning error.
      return false;

    // An example of one we might want to retry with a different route is a problem connecting to a
    // proxy and would manifest as a standard IOException. Unless it is one we know we should not
    // retry, we return true and try a new route.
    return true;


  • 客戶端配置了出錯不再重試

  • 無法再次發(fā)送 request body

  • 發(fā)生 ProtocolException(協(xié)議異常)倍谜、InterruptedIOException(中斷異常)迈螟、SSLHandshakeException(SSL握手異常)、SSLPeerUnverifiedException(SSL握手未授權(quán)異常)中的任意一個異常

  • 沒有更多的路線可供嘗試

  • (5)(6):檢查是否需要重定向尔崔,如果不需要則返回之前的 response答毫,需要則進行重定向,也就是繼續(xù)循環(huán)請求重試季春。是否需要重定向主要根據(jù)響應(yīng)碼來決定洗搂,具體可以去看看 followUpRequest() 方法,這里就不貼代碼了载弄。

ps:如果你想拿重定向的域名來跟一遍源碼中重定向的流程耘拇,那么你可以試試郭霖的域名(, 該域名會重定向到他的 csdn 博客(宇攻, 走一遍流程會讓你對源碼中重定向的原理有更深的理解惫叛。 橋攔截器(BridgeInterceptor)


我們看看該攔截器中的 intercept() 方法:

  @Override public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
    Request userRequest = chain.request();
    Request.Builder requestBuilder = userRequest.newBuilder();

    RequestBody body = userRequest.body();
    if (body != null) {
      MediaType contentType = body.contentType();
      if (contentType != null) {
        requestBuilder.header("Content-Type", contentType.toString());

      long contentLength = body.contentLength();
      if (contentLength != -1) {
        requestBuilder.header("Content-Length", Long.toString(contentLength));
      } else {
        requestBuilder.header("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked");

    if (userRequest.header("Host") == null) {
      requestBuilder.header("Host", hostHeader(userRequest.url(), false));

    if (userRequest.header("Connection") == null) {
      requestBuilder.header("Connection", "Keep-Alive");

   // 如果我們在創(chuàng)建 Request 的時候添加了 "Accept-Encoding: gzip" 請求頭夸浅,那么要自己負責(zé)解壓縮傳輸流仑最。
    boolean transparentGzip = false;
    if (userRequest.header("Accept-Encoding") == null && userRequest.header("Range") == null) {
     // 默認(rèn)是 gzip 壓縮
      transparentGzip = true;
      requestBuilder.header("Accept-Encoding", "gzip");

    List<Cookie> cookies = cookieJar.loadForRequest(userRequest.url());
    if (!cookies.isEmpty()) {
      requestBuilder.header("Cookie", cookieHeader(cookies));

    if (userRequest.header("User-Agent") == null) {
      requestBuilder.header("User-Agent", Version.userAgent());

    Response networkResponse = chain.proceed(;

    // 解析服務(wù)器返回的 header
    HttpHeaders.receiveHeaders(cookieJar, userRequest.url(), networkResponse.headers());

    Response.Builder responseBuilder = networkResponse.newBuilder()

    // gzip 解壓
    if (transparentGzip
        && "gzip".equalsIgnoreCase(networkResponse.header("Content-Encoding"))
        && HttpHeaders.hasBody(networkResponse)) {
      GzipSource responseBody = new GzipSource(networkResponse.body().source());
      Headers strippedHeaders = networkResponse.headers().newBuilder()
      String contentType = networkResponse.header("Content-Type");
      responseBuilder.body(new RealResponseBody(contentType, -1L, Okio.buffer(responseBody)));



  • (1):將用戶的請求轉(zhuǎn)換為發(fā)給服務(wù)器的請求。主要是添加一些默認(rèn)的請求頭题篷,例如 Content-Type词身、Content-Length、Transfer-Encoding番枚、Host法严、Connection。因為我們在創(chuàng)建 Request 的時候可以不添加任何請求頭葫笼,如果這里不加上一些默認(rèn)的請求頭是無法完成請求的深啤。
  • (2):執(zhí)行下一個攔截器進行網(wǎng)絡(luò)請求。
  • (3):將服務(wù)器返回的響應(yīng)轉(zhuǎn)換為用戶可用的響應(yīng)路星。主要是解析服務(wù)器返回的 header溯街,進行 gzip 解壓诱桂。 緩存攔截器(CacheInterceptor)


我們看看該攔截器中的 intercept() 方法:

  @Override public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
    //(1)通過 Request 得到緩存
    Response cacheCandidate = cache != null
        ? cache.get(chain.request())
        : null;

    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();

    //(2)通過緩存策略獲取是使用緩存還是使用網(wǎng)絡(luò)請求肝劲,或者 2 者同時使用或都不使用
    CacheStrategy strategy = new CacheStrategy.Factory(now, chain.request(), cacheCandidate).get();
    Request networkRequest = strategy.networkRequest;
    Response cacheResponse = strategy.cacheResponse;

    if (cache != null) {

    // 有緩存,但是策略中不使用緩存郭宝,需要釋放資源
    if (cacheCandidate != null && cacheResponse == null) {

    // (3)如果策略中不使用網(wǎng)絡(luò)請求辞槐,也不使用緩存,那么直接返回失敗
    if (networkRequest == null && cacheResponse == null) {
      return new Response.Builder()
          .message("Unsatisfiable Request (only-if-cached)")

    if (networkRequest == null) {
      return cacheResponse.newBuilder()

    Response networkResponse = null;
    try {
      networkResponse = chain.proceed(networkRequest);
    } finally {
      // 如果發(fā)生 IO 或者其他崩潰,為了不泄漏緩存體衔统,需要釋放資源
      if (networkResponse == null && cacheCandidate != null) {

    //(6)如果策略中使用緩存鹿榜,并且響應(yīng)碼為 304,則返回緩存
    if (cacheResponse != null) {
      if (networkResponse.code() == HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED) {
        Response response = cacheResponse.newBuilder()
            .headers(combine(cacheResponse.headers(), networkResponse.headers()))

        // 更新緩存
        cache.update(cacheResponse, response);
        return response;
      } else {

    Response response = networkResponse.newBuilder()

    if (cache != null) {
      if (HttpHeaders.hasBody(response) && CacheStrategy.isCacheable(response, networkRequest)) {
        CacheRequest cacheRequest = cache.put(response);
        return cacheWritingResponse(cacheRequest, response);

      if (HttpMethod.invalidatesCache(networkRequest.method())) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException ignored) {
          // The cache cannot be written.

    return response;


  • (1):通過 Request 得到緩存缰冤。這里的 cache 是 InternalCache犬缨,但是因為 InternalCache 是一個接口,而且只有一個實現(xiàn)類 Cache棉浸,所以 cache 其實就是 Cache。進入 Cache 可以發(fā)現(xiàn)它底層使用的是 DiskLruCache 緩存機制刺彩,也就是使用 “最近最少使用” 算法將數(shù)據(jù)緩存到磁盤內(nèi)迷郑。
  • (2):通過緩存策略獲取是使用緩存還是使用網(wǎng)絡(luò)請求,或者 2 者同時使用或都不使用创倔。networkRequest 為 null 表示不使用網(wǎng)絡(luò)請求嗡害,cacheResponse 為 null 表示不使用緩存。
  • (3):如果策略中不使用網(wǎng)絡(luò)請求畦攘,也不使用緩存霸妹,那么直接返回失敗。這樣就直接停止了后面攔截器的執(zhí)行知押,結(jié)束了整個請求叹螟。
  • (4):如果策略中不使用網(wǎng)絡(luò)請求,執(zhí)行到這里說明是使用緩存的台盯,則直接返回緩存罢绽。這樣就直接停止了后面攔截器的執(zhí)行,結(jié)束了整個請求静盅。
  • (5):執(zhí)行到這里良价,說明需要從網(wǎng)絡(luò)獲取數(shù)據(jù),則會繼續(xù)執(zhí)行下一個攔截器進行網(wǎng)絡(luò)請求。
  • (6):如果策略中使用緩存明垢,并且響應(yīng)碼為 304蚣常,則返回緩存,并且更新緩存痊银。
  • (7):最后將請求返回的結(jié)果進行緩存史隆。 連接攔截器(ConnectInterceptor)


我們看看該攔截器中的 intercept() 方法:

  @Override public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
    RealInterceptorChain realChain = (RealInterceptorChain) chain;
    Request request = realChain.request();
    //(1)獲取 StreamAllocation
    StreamAllocation streamAllocation = realChain.streamAllocation();

    // We need the network to satisfy this request. Possibly for validating a conditional GET.
    boolean doExtensiveHealthChecks = !request.method().equals("GET");
    //(2)創(chuàng)建 HttpCodec
    HttpCodec httpCodec = streamAllocation.newStream(client, chain, doExtensiveHealthChecks);
    //(3)獲取 RealConnection
    RealConnection connection = streamAllocation.connection();
    return realChain.proceed(request, streamAllocation, httpCodec, connection);


  • (1):獲取 StreamAllocation泌射,這里獲取的其實就是第一個攔截器 RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor 中創(chuàng)建的。
  • (2):創(chuàng)建 HttpCodec鬓照,是通過 StreamAllocation 的 newStream() 方法獲取的熔酷,我們看下 newStream() 方法:
    public HttpCodec newStream(
      OkHttpClient client, Interceptor.Chain chain, boolean doExtensiveHealthChecks) {
    int connectTimeout = chain.connectTimeoutMillis();
    int readTimeout = chain.readTimeoutMillis();
    int writeTimeout = chain.writeTimeoutMillis();
    int pingIntervalMillis = client.pingIntervalMillis();
    boolean connectionRetryEnabled = client.retryOnConnectionFailure();

    try {
      RealConnection resultConnection = findHealthyConnection(connectTimeout, readTimeout,
          writeTimeout, pingIntervalMillis, connectionRetryEnabled, doExtensiveHealthChecks);
      //(6)通過這個可用的連接創(chuàng)建 HttpCodec
      HttpCodec resultCodec = resultConnection.newCodec(client, chain, this);

      synchronized (connectionPool) {
        codec = resultCodec;
        return resultCodec;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RouteException(e);

我們看下關(guān)注點(5)中的 findHealthyConnection() 方法:

  private RealConnection findHealthyConnection(int connectTimeout, int readTimeout,
      int writeTimeout, int pingIntervalMillis, boolean connectionRetryEnabled,
      boolean doExtensiveHealthChecks) throws IOException {
    while (true) {
      RealConnection candidate = findConnection(connectTimeout, readTimeout, writeTimeout,
          pingIntervalMillis, connectionRetryEnabled);

      // 如果這是一個全新的連接,則不需要后面的健康檢查豺裆,而是在這里直接返回連接
      synchronized (connectionPool) {
        if (candidate.successCount == 0) {
          return candidate;

      // 如果不健康拒秘,則禁止創(chuàng)建新流,并且繼續(xù)循環(huán)查找可用的鏈接
      if (!candidate.isHealthy(doExtensiveHealthChecks)) {

      return candidate;

可以看到臭猜,findHealthyConnection() 方法中又通過 findConnection() 方法去尋找躺酒,看下這個方法:

  private RealConnection findConnection(int connectTimeout, int readTimeout, int writeTimeout,
      int pingIntervalMillis, boolean connectionRetryEnabled) throws IOException {
    boolean foundPooledConnection = false;
    RealConnection result = null;
    Route selectedRoute = null;
    Connection releasedConnection;
    Socket toClose;
    synchronized (connectionPool) {
      if (released) throw new IllegalStateException("released");
      if (codec != null) throw new IllegalStateException("codec != null");
      if (canceled) throw new IOException("Canceled");

      // 嘗試使用已分配的連接
      releasedConnection = this.connection;
      toClose = releaseIfNoNewStreams();
      if (this.connection != null) {
        // 已經(jīng)分配的連接,并且是可用的蔑歌,則將該已分配的連接賦值為可用的連接
        result = this.connection;
        releasedConnection = null;
      if (!reportedAcquired) {
        // 如果這個連接從未標(biāo)記過已獲取羹应,那么請不要標(biāo)記為為已發(fā)布
        releasedConnection = null;

      //(9)start 嘗試從連接池中獲取連接
      if (result == null) {
        Internal.instance.get(connectionPool, address, this, null);
        if (connection != null) {
          foundPooledConnection = true;
          result = connection;
        } else {
          selectedRoute = route;

    if (releasedConnection != null) {
      eventListener.connectionReleased(call, releasedConnection);
    if (foundPooledConnection) {
      eventListener.connectionAcquired(call, result);
    if (result != null) {
      // 如果找到一個可用的連接,那么直接返回
      return result;

    boolean newRouteSelection = false;
    if (selectedRoute == null && (routeSelection == null || !routeSelection.hasNext())) {
      newRouteSelection = true;
      routeSelection =;

    synchronized (connectionPool) {
      if (canceled) throw new IOException("Canceled");

      if (newRouteSelection) {
        List<Route> routes = routeSelection.getAll();
        for (int i = 0, size = routes.size(); i < size; i++) {
          Route route = routes.get(i);
          Internal.instance.get(connectionPool, address, this, route);
          if (connection != null) {
            foundPooledConnection = true;
            result = connection;
            this.route = route;

      if (!foundPooledConnection) {
        if (selectedRoute == null) {
          selectedRoute =;

        route = selectedRoute;
        refusedStreamCount = 0;
        result = new RealConnection(connectionPool, selectedRoute);
        acquire(result, false);

    // 如果在第二次找到了可用的連接园匹,則直接返回
    if (foundPooledConnection) {
      eventListener.connectionAcquired(call, result);
      return result;

    //(12)進行 TCP 和 TLS 握手
    result.connect(connectTimeout, readTimeout, writeTimeout, pingIntervalMillis,
        connectionRetryEnabled, call, eventListener);

    Socket socket = null;
    synchronized (connectionPool) {
      reportedAcquired = true;

      Internal.instance.put(connectionPool, result);

      // 如果同時創(chuàng)建了到同一地址的另一個多路復(fù)用連接,則釋放這個連接并獲取那個多路復(fù)用連接劫灶。
      if (result.isMultiplexed()) {
        socket = Internal.instance.deduplicate(connectionPool, address, this);
        result = connection;

    eventListener.connectionAcquired(call, result);
    return result;

通過上面的代碼分析裸违,findConnection() 方法大概流程就是:

  • (8):判斷當(dāng)前連接是否可用,可用則進行賦值本昏,在后面直接返回
  • (9):如果當(dāng)前連接不可用供汛,那么嘗試從連接池中獲取可用連接
  • (10):如果連接池中找不到可用的連接,那么切換不同的路由再次從連接池中獲取可用的連接
  • (11):還是沒有找到可用的連接涌穆,那么只能重新創(chuàng)建一個新的連接
  • (12):進行 TCP 和 TLS 握手
  • (13):最后將新創(chuàng)建的連接放進連接池中

可以看到怔昨,關(guān)注點(9)(13)分別是從連接池中取出連接和存入連接到連接池,分別調(diào)用的是 Internal.instance.get() 與 Internal.instance.put()蒲犬。
我們看下 get() 方法是怎樣的朱监,點擊 get() 方法進去,發(fā)現(xiàn) Internal 是一個抽象類原叮,它有一個靜態(tài)的實例赫编,在 OkHttpClient 的靜態(tài)代碼快中被初始化:

  static {
    Internal.instance = new Internal() {
    // 省略部分代碼...
      @Override public RealConnection get(ConnectionPool pool, Address address,
          StreamAllocation streamAllocation, Route route) {
        return pool.get(address, streamAllocation, route);
   // 省略部分代碼...

可以看到 Internal 的 get() 方法中調(diào)用的是 ConnectionPool(連接池)的 get() 方法巡蘸,所以可以肯定這個連接池就是用來操作這些連接的,內(nèi)部具體怎么操作我們放到后面去講擂送,這里只需要知道它可以用來存取連接就可以了悦荒。


  public void connect(int connectTimeout, int readTimeout, int writeTimeout,
      int pingIntervalMillis, boolean connectionRetryEnabled, Call call,
      EventListener eventListener) {
    if (protocol != null) throw new IllegalStateException("already connected");

    RouteException routeException = null;
    List<ConnectionSpec> connectionSpecs = route.address().connectionSpecs();
    ConnectionSpecSelector connectionSpecSelector = new ConnectionSpecSelector(connectionSpecs);

    if (route.address().sslSocketFactory() == null) {
      if (!connectionSpecs.contains(ConnectionSpec.CLEARTEXT)) {
        throw new RouteException(new UnknownServiceException(
            "CLEARTEXT communication not enabled for client"));
      String host = route.address().url().host();
      if (!Platform.get().isCleartextTrafficPermitted(host)) {
        throw new RouteException(new UnknownServiceException(
            "CLEARTEXT communication to " + host + " not permitted by network security policy"));
    } else {
      if (route.address().protocols().contains(Protocol.H2_PRIOR_KNOWLEDGE)) {
        throw new RouteException(new UnknownServiceException(
            "H2_PRIOR_KNOWLEDGE cannot be used with HTTPS"));

    while (true) {
      try {
        if (route.requiresTunnel()) {
          connectTunnel(connectTimeout, readTimeout, writeTimeout, call, eventListener);
          if (rawSocket == null) {
            // We were unable to connect the tunnel but properly closed down our resources.
        } else {
          //(15)不需要隧道連接搬味,則直接進行 socket 連接
          connectSocket(connectTimeout, readTimeout, call, eventListener);
        // 建立協(xié)議
        establishProtocol(connectionSpecSelector, pingIntervalMillis, call, eventListener);
        // 連接結(jié)束
        eventListener.connectEnd(call, route.socketAddress(), route.proxy(), protocol);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        socket = null;
        rawSocket = null;
        source = null;
        sink = null;
        handshake = null;
        protocol = null;
        http2Connection = null;
        // 連接失敗
        eventListener.connectFailed(call, route.socketAddress(), route.proxy(), null, e);

        if (routeException == null) {
          routeException = new RouteException(e);
        } else {

        if (!connectionRetryEnabled || !connectionSpecSelector.connectionFailed(e)) {
          throw routeException;

    if (route.requiresTunnel() && rawSocket == null) {
      ProtocolException exception = new ProtocolException("Too many tunnel connections attempted: "
      throw new RouteException(exception);

    if (http2Connection != null) {
      synchronized (connectionPool) {
        allocationLimit = http2Connection.maxConcurrentStreams();

關(guān)注點(14)(15)最終都會調(diào)用 connectSocket() 方法:

  private void connectSocket(int connectTimeout, int readTimeout, Call call,
      EventListener eventListener) throws IOException {
    Proxy proxy = route.proxy();
    Address address = route.address();

    // 創(chuàng)建 socket
    rawSocket = proxy.type() == Proxy.Type.DIRECT || proxy.type() == Proxy.Type.HTTP
        ? address.socketFactory().createSocket()
        : new Socket(proxy);

    eventListener.connectStart(call, route.socketAddress(), proxy);
    // 設(shè)置 socket 超時時間
    try {
      //(16)進行 socket 連接
      Platform.get().connectSocket(rawSocket, route.socketAddress(), connectTimeout);
    } catch (ConnectException e) {
      ConnectException ce = new ConnectException("Failed to connect to " + route.socketAddress());
      throw ce;

    try {
      source = Okio.buffer(Okio.source(rawSocket));
      sink = Okio.buffer(Okio.sink(rawSocket));
    } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
      if (NPE_THROW_WITH_NULL.equals(npe.getMessage())) {
        throw new IOException(npe);

可以看到 okhttp 底層是通過 socket 進行連接的。

看完關(guān)注點(5)中的 findHealthyConnection() 方法蟀拷,我們繼續(xù)回去看關(guān)注點(6)的方法:

   public HttpCodec newCodec(OkHttpClient client, Interceptor.Chain chain,
      StreamAllocation streamAllocation) throws SocketException {
    if (http2Connection != null) {
      return new Http2Codec(client, chain, streamAllocation, http2Connection);
    } else {
      source.timeout().timeout(chain.readTimeoutMillis(), MILLISECONDS);
      sink.timeout().timeout(chain.writeTimeoutMillis(), MILLISECONDS);
      return new Http1Codec(client, streamAllocation, source, sink);

該方法是創(chuàng)建 HttpCodec碰纬,HttpCodec 的作用主要是進行 HTTP 請求和響應(yīng)的編碼與解碼操作。它有兩個實現(xiàn)類问芬,分別是 Http1Codec 與 Http2Codec悦析,這里主要判斷如果是 HTTP/2,則創(chuàng)建 Http2Codec此衅,否則創(chuàng)建 Http1Codec强戴。

  • (3):繼續(xù)回去看關(guān)注點(3),點擊 connection() 方法進去發(fā)現(xiàn)挡鞍,這里獲取的 RealConnection 其實就是關(guān)注點(7) findConnection()

  • (4):關(guān)注點(4)則拿到連接后繼續(xù)執(zhí)行下一個攔截器。 服務(wù)器請求攔截器(CallServerInterceptor)


我們看看該攔截器中的 intercept() 方法:

  @Override public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
    RealInterceptorChain realChain = (RealInterceptorChain) chain;
    // 獲取 ConnectInterceptor 中創(chuàng)建的 HttpCodec
    HttpCodec httpCodec = realChain.httpStream();
    // 獲取 RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor 中創(chuàng)建的 StreamAllocation
    StreamAllocation streamAllocation = realChain.streamAllocation();
    // 獲取 ConnectInterceptor 中新創(chuàng)建或者從連接池中拿到的 RealConnection
    RealConnection connection = (RealConnection) realChain.connection();
    Request request = realChain.request();

    long sentRequestMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();

    realChain.eventListener().requestHeadersEnd(, request);

    Response.Builder responseBuilder = null;
    if (HttpMethod.permitsRequestBody(request.method()) && request.body() != null) {
      // If there's a "Expect: 100-continue" header on the request, wait for a "HTTP/1.1 100
      // Continue" response before transmitting the request body. If we don't get that, return
      // what we did get (such as a 4xx response) without ever transmitting the request body.
      if ("100-continue".equalsIgnoreCase(request.header("Expect"))) {
        responseBuilder = httpCodec.readResponseHeaders(true);

      if (responseBuilder == null) {
        // Write the request body if the "Expect: 100-continue" expectation was met.
        long contentLength = request.body().contentLength();
        CountingSink requestBodyOut =
            new CountingSink(httpCodec.createRequestBody(request, contentLength));
        BufferedSink bufferedRequestBody = Okio.buffer(requestBodyOut);

            .requestBodyEnd(, requestBodyOut.successfulCount);
      } else if (!connection.isMultiplexed()) {
        // If the "Expect: 100-continue" expectation wasn't met, prevent the HTTP/1 connection
        // from being reused. Otherwise we're still obligated to transmit the request body to
        // leave the connection in a consistent state.


    if (responseBuilder == null) {
      responseBuilder = httpCodec.readResponseHeaders(false);

    Response response = responseBuilder

    int code = response.code();
    if (code == 100) {
      // server sent a 100-continue even though we did not request one.
      // try again to read the actual response
      responseBuilder = httpCodec.readResponseHeaders(false);

      response = responseBuilder

      code = response.code();

            .responseHeadersEnd(, response);

    if (forWebSocket && code == 101) {
      // Connection is upgrading, but we need to ensure interceptors see a non-null response body.
      response = response.newBuilder()
    } else {
      response = response.newBuilder()

    if ("close".equalsIgnoreCase(response.request().header("Connection"))
        || "close".equalsIgnoreCase(response.header("Connection"))) {

    if ((code == 204 || code == 205) && response.body().contentLength() > 0) {
      throw new ProtocolException(
          "HTTP " + code + " had non-zero Content-Length: " + response.body().contentLength());

    return response;

可以看到欢嘿,這個攔截器還是比較簡單的衰琐,上一個攔截器 ConnectInterceptor 已經(jīng)連接到服務(wù)器了并創(chuàng)建了 HttpCodec 對象,HttpCodec 對象封裝了 okio 提供的輸出流(BufferedSink)與輸入流(BufferedSource)炼蹦,所以這里就主要通過 HttpCodec 對象與服務(wù)器進行讀寫操作。例如寫入請求頭與請求體狸剃,讀取響應(yīng)頭與響應(yīng)體掐隐。

2.4.4 ConnectionPool(連接池)

  • 簡介
    連接池是用來管理 HTTP 和 HTTP / 2 連接的復(fù)用,以減少網(wǎng)絡(luò)延遲钞馁。從上面我們閱讀 findConnection() 方法源碼也可以得出虑省,即如果從連接池中找到了可用的連接,那么就不用重新創(chuàng)建新的連接僧凰,也省去了 TCP 和 TLS 握手探颈。

  • ConnectionPool 類中的主要常量

  // 線程池,用于清除過期的連接
  private static final Executor executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(0 /* corePoolSize */,
      Integer.MAX_VALUE /* maximumPoolSize */, 60L /* keepAliveTime */, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
      new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>(), Util.threadFactory("OkHttp ConnectionPool", true));

  // 最大允許空閑的連接數(shù)量
  private final int maxIdleConnections;
  // 連接的存活時間
  private final long keepAliveDurationNs;
  // 清理任務(wù)训措,用來清理無效的連接
  private final Runnable cleanupRunnable = new Runnable() {
  // 用來記錄連接的雙端隊列
  private final Deque<RealConnection> connections = new ArrayDeque<>();
  • 構(gòu)造函數(shù)
  public ConnectionPool() {
    this(5, 5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

  public ConnectionPool(int maxIdleConnections, long keepAliveDuration, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
    this.maxIdleConnections = maxIdleConnections;
    this.keepAliveDurationNs = timeUnit.toNanos(keepAliveDuration);

    // Put a floor on the keep alive duration, otherwise cleanup will spin loop.
    if (keepAliveDuration <= 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("keepAliveDuration <= 0: " + keepAliveDuration);

可以看到構(gòu)造函數(shù)設(shè)置了默認(rèn)的最大允許空閑的連接數(shù)量為 5 個伪节,連接的存活時間為 5 分鐘光羞。

  • 主要函數(shù)
    這里主要講下前面連接攔截器中用到的 get()、put() 方法怀大。

get() 方法:

  @Nullable RealConnection get(Address address, StreamAllocation streamAllocation, Route route) {
    assert (Thread.holdsLock(this));
    for (RealConnection connection : connections) {
      if (connection.isEligible(address, route)) {
        streamAllocation.acquire(connection, true);
        return connection;
    return null;


put() 方法:

  void put(RealConnection connection) {
    assert (Thread.holdsLock(this));
    if (!cleanupRunning) {
      cleanupRunning = true;
      // 執(zhí)行清理任務(wù)
    // 將新創(chuàng)建的連接添加進記錄連接的雙端隊列中



  private final Runnable cleanupRunnable = new Runnable() {
    @Override public void run() {
      while (true) {
        // 清理無效連接
        long waitNanos = cleanup(System.nanoTime());
        if (waitNanos == -1) return;
        if (waitNanos > 0) {
          long waitMillis = waitNanos / 1000000L;
          waitNanos -= (waitMillis * 1000000L);
          synchronized (ConnectionPool.this) {
            try {
              ConnectionPool.this.wait(waitMillis, (int) waitNanos);
            } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {

這是一個阻塞的清理任務(wù)黎烈,并且通過無限循環(huán)來清理。這里首先調(diào)用 cleanup() 方法清理無效連接蒜焊,并返回下次需要清理的間隔時間倒信,然后調(diào)用 wait() 方法進行等待以釋放鎖與時間片,當(dāng)?shù)却龝r間到了后山涡,再次循環(huán)清理堤结。

我們看下 cleanup() 方法:

  long cleanup(long now) {
    int inUseConnectionCount = 0;
    int idleConnectionCount = 0;
    RealConnection longestIdleConnection = null;
    long longestIdleDurationNs = Long.MIN_VALUE;

    // 遍歷連接,找出無效連接進行清理
    synchronized (this) {
      for (Iterator<RealConnection> i = connections.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        RealConnection connection =;

        //(1)查詢此連接的 StreamAllocation 的引用數(shù)量鸭丛,大于 0 則 inUseConnectionCount 加 1竞穷,否則 idleConnectionCount 加 1。
        if (pruneAndGetAllocationCount(connection, now) > 0) {


        // 標(biāo)記空閑連接
        long idleDurationNs = now - connection.idleAtNanos;
        if (idleDurationNs > longestIdleDurationNs) {
          longestIdleDurationNs = idleDurationNs;
          longestIdleConnection = connection;

      if (longestIdleDurationNs >= this.keepAliveDurationNs
          || idleConnectionCount > this.maxIdleConnections) {
        // 如果連接存活時間大于等于 5 分鐘鳞溉,或者空閑的連接數(shù)量大于 5 個瘾带,則將該鏈接從隊列中移除
      } else if (idleConnectionCount > 0) {
        // 如果空閑的連接數(shù)量大于 0,返回此連接即將到期的時間
        return keepAliveDurationNs - longestIdleDurationNs;
      } else if (inUseConnectionCount > 0) {
        // 如果沒有空閑連接熟菲,則返回 5 分鐘看政,也就是下次需要清理的間隔時間為 5 分鐘
        return keepAliveDurationNs;
      } else {
        // 沒有任何連接,則跳出循環(huán)
        cleanupRunning = false;
        return -1;


    // 馬上進行下一次清理
    return 0;

可以看到抄罕,這里主要通過判斷連接存活時間是否大于等于 5 分鐘允蚣,或者空閑的連接數(shù)量是否大于 5 個來進行連接的清理。連接是否空閑是通過關(guān)注點(1)中的 pruneAndGetAllocationCount() 方法來判斷的呆贿,我們看下這個方法:

  private int pruneAndGetAllocationCount(RealConnection connection, long now) {
    // 獲得 allocations 的弱引用列表
    List<Reference<StreamAllocation>> references = connection.allocations;
    // 遍歷 allocations 的弱引用列表
    for (int i = 0; i < references.size(); ) {
      Reference<StreamAllocation> reference = references.get(i);

      // 說明 StreamAllocation 被使用嚷兔,則繼續(xù)下一次循環(huán)
      if (reference.get() != null) {

      // We've discovered a leaked allocation. This is an application bug.
      StreamAllocation.StreamAllocationReference streamAllocRef =
          (StreamAllocation.StreamAllocationReference) reference;
      String message = "A connection to " + connection.route().address().url()
          + " was leaked. Did you forget to close a response body?";
      Platform.get().logCloseableLeak(message, streamAllocRef.callStackTrace);

      // 說明 StreamAllocation 沒有被使用,則從列表中移除
      connection.noNewStreams = true;

      // 列表為空做入,說明都被移除了冒晰,這個時候返回 allocationCount 為 0,表示該連接是空閑的竟块。
      if (references.isEmpty()) {
        connection.idleAtNanos = now - keepAliveDurationNs;
        return 0;

    // 列表不為空壶运,返回列表的大小,大于 0 表示該連接是在使用的浪秘。
    return references.size();

該方法比較簡單蒋情,主要是遍歷 allocations 的弱引用列表埠况,如果 StreamAllocation 沒有被使用,則從列表中移除恕出,最后返回該列表的大小询枚,通過該大小即可判斷是否是空閑連接,小于等于 0 才是空閑連接浙巫。

2.5 (5)取出相應(yīng)的數(shù)據(jù)

String data = response.body().string();

在第(4)步同步請求或者異步請求執(zhí)行完都會返回 Response金蜀,這個就是最終返回的數(shù)據(jù),可以通過它獲取到 code的畴、message渊抄、header、body 等丧裁。

這里講下 body护桦,點擊 body() 進去是這樣的:

  public @Nullable ResponseBody body() {
    return body;

可以看到這里的 body 就是 ResponseBody,它是一個抽象類煎娇,不能被實例化二庵,一般用它的子類 RealResponseBody 進行實例化。它是在前面講的 “ 服務(wù)器請求攔截器(CallServerInterceptor)” 小節(jié)中賦值的:

    if (forWebSocket && code == 101) {
      response = response.newBuilder()
    } else {
      // openResponseBody() 方法中創(chuàng)建了 RealResponseBody 對象返回
      response = response.newBuilder()


ResponseBody 中常用的方法有如下幾種:

  public final String string() throws IOException {
    BufferedSource source = source();
    try {
      Charset charset = Util.bomAwareCharset(source, charset());
      return source.readString(charset);
    } finally {

  public final InputStream byteStream() {
    return source().inputStream();

  public final byte[] bytes() throws IOException {
    long contentLength = contentLength();
    if (contentLength > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
      throw new IOException("Cannot buffer entire body for content length: " + contentLength);

    BufferedSource source = source();
    byte[] bytes;
    try {
      bytes = source.readByteArray();
    } finally {
    if (contentLength != -1 && contentLength != bytes.length) {
      throw new IOException("Content-Length ("
          + contentLength
          + ") and stream length ("
          + bytes.length
          + ") disagree");
    return bytes;

可以看到催享,這三個方法內(nèi)部都調(diào)用了 source() 來獲取 BufferedSource,BufferedSource 就是 okio 提供的輸入流哟绊,拿到輸入流就可以將 body 數(shù)據(jù)轉(zhuǎn)換為你需要的類型因妙。例如:
希望返回 String,則調(diào)用 response.body().string()票髓,適用于不超過 1 MB 的數(shù)據(jù)攀涵。
希望返回輸入流,則調(diào)用 response.body().byteStream()洽沟,適用于超過 1 MB 的數(shù)據(jù)以故,例如下載文件。
希望返回二進制字節(jié)數(shù)組裆操,則調(diào)用 response.body().bytes()据德。

需要注意的是,response.body().string() 只能調(diào)用一次跷车,否則會拋出如下異常:

W/System.err: java.lang.IllegalStateException: closed
W/System.err:     at okio.RealBufferedSource.rangeEquals(
W/System.err:     at okio.RealBufferedSource.rangeEquals(
W/System.err:     at okhttp3.internal.Util.bomAwareCharset(
W/System.err:     at okhttp3.ResponseBody.string(

根據(jù)報錯日志可以看到,是在 RealBufferedSource 類的 408 行報的錯橱野,我們跳轉(zhuǎn)過去看看:

  public boolean rangeEquals(long offset, ByteString bytes, int bytesOffset, int byteCount)
      throws IOException {
    if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed");

可以看到朽缴,這里做了個判斷,closed 為 true 就拋出該異常水援,繼續(xù)跟蹤 closed 賦值的地方:

  @Override public void close() throws IOException {
    if (closed) return;
    closed = true;

可以看到密强,closed 唯一賦值的地方在 close() 方法中茅郎,而該方法正是 string() 方法中的 Util.closeQuietly(source); 調(diào)用的:

  public static void closeQuietly(Closeable closeable) {
    if (closeable != null) {
      try {
      } catch (RuntimeException rethrown) {
        throw rethrown;
      } catch (Exception ignored) {

到這里我們就明白了為什么 response.body().string() 只能調(diào)用一次的原因,即 string() 方法中獲取到 String后又調(diào)用了 Util.closeQuietly(source) 方法關(guān)閉了輸入流或渤,并且標(biāo)記 closed 為 true系冗,然后第二次調(diào)用 string() 方法的時候會在 RealBufferedSource.rangeEquals() 方法進行判斷,為 true 就拋出異常薪鹦。

這樣設(shè)計的原因是服務(wù)器返回的 body 可能會很大掌敬,所以 OkHttp 不會將其存儲在內(nèi)存中,只有當(dāng)你需要的時候才去獲取它池磁,如果沒有新的請求則無法獲取 2 次奔害。


看完源碼地熄,發(fā)現(xiàn) OkHttp 是一個設(shè)計得非常優(yōu)秀的框架华临。該框架運用了很多設(shè)計模式,例如建造者模式端考、責(zé)任鏈模式等等雅潭。知道了 OkHttp 的核心是攔截器,這里采用的就是責(zé)任鏈模式却特,每個攔截器負責(zé)相應(yīng)的功能扶供,發(fā)起請求的時候由上往下依次執(zhí)行每個攔截器,響應(yīng)的數(shù)據(jù)則層層往上傳遞核偿。


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    沈念sama閱讀 35,409評論 5 343
  • 正文 年R本政府宣布捞镰,位于F島的核電站,受9級特大地震影響,放射性物質(zhì)發(fā)生泄漏岸售。R本人自食惡果不足惜,卻給世界環(huán)境...
    茶點故事閱讀 41,001評論 3 325
  • 文/蒙蒙 一厂画、第九天 我趴在偏房一處隱蔽的房頂上張望凸丸。 院中可真熱鬧,春花似錦袱院、人聲如沸屎慢。這莊子的主人今日做“春日...
    開封第一講書人閱讀 31,657評論 0 22
  • 文/蒼蘭香墨 我抬頭看了看天上的太陽腻惠。三九已至,卻和暖如春欲虚,著一層夾襖步出監(jiān)牢的瞬間集灌,已是汗流浹背。 一陣腳步聲響...
    開封第一講書人閱讀 32,811評論 1 268
  • 我被黑心中介騙來泰國打工复哆, 沒想到剛下飛機就差點兒被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留欣喧,地道東北人。 一個月前我還...
    沈念sama閱讀 47,685評論 2 368
  • 正文 我出身青樓梯找,卻偏偏與公主長得像唆阿,于是被迫代替她去往敵國和親。 傳聞我的和親對象是個殘疾皇子锈锤,可洞房花燭夜當(dāng)晚...
    茶點故事閱讀 44,573評論 2 353
