Everything I Never Told You(中文名《無聲告白》)是華裔女作家Celeste Ng(伍綺詩)的處女作囊颅,一經(jīng)出版即登上2014年亞馬遜榜首枚碗。開頭的橋段會讓人誤以為是懸疑小說遥巴,雖然也有懸疑伍玖,但正如伍綺詩在她的訪談中說道婿失,這實(shí)質(zhì)上是一個(gè) family story钞艇。
Lydia is dead, but they don't know this yet.
Lydia的家庭在小鎮(zhèn)上十分突出。這與華人當(dāng)時(shí)在美國的處境關(guān)系很大磨镶。1906年溃蔫,舊金山大地震,美國移民局的很多檔案文件包括華人的出生證明在內(nèi)毀于大火之中琳猫,因此James的父親才得以冒充親戚的兒子來到加州伟叛。1938年,James又隨父親來到愛荷華州的一個(gè)寄宿學(xué)校脐嫂。James作為第一個(gè)在該學(xué)校上學(xué)的東方人统刮,自然顯得格格不入。因此James一直希望自己的孩子能夠?fit in?, 不要像他當(dāng)年一樣账千。1943年排華法案才正式廢除侥蒙,隨后1948年加州華人禁止與白人通婚的規(guī)定被廢除,但在其他州匀奏,類似法規(guī)仍在施行鞭衩。直到1967年,美國最高法院才一致裁決禁止跨種族通婚的法案違憲娃善。Lydia父母大概是在1959年結(jié)婚论衍,當(dāng)時(shí)有些州還是禁止華人與白人通婚。
Just days before, hundreds of miles away, another couple had married, too—a white man, a black woman, who would share a most appropriate name: Loving. In four months they would be arrested in Virginia, the law reminding them that Almighty God had never intended white, black, yellow, and red to mix, that there should be no mongrel citizens, no obliteration of racial pride. It would be four years before they protested, and four years more before the court concurred, but many more years before the people around them would, too. Some, like Marilyn’s mother, never would.
而Lydia的母親Marilyn聚磺,從小成績優(yōu)異坯台,夢想成為醫(yī)生。Marilyn抗拒成為母親那樣的人瘫寝,囿于一日三餐家長里短蜒蕾。但是遇到James和意外懷孕,讓她早早成家開始相夫教子焕阿。她希望Lydia能夠 stand out?咪啡,延續(xù)她的夢想,繼續(xù)她未竟之事暮屡,不要重蹈她的瑟匆,以及她母親的覆轍。
If her mother ever came home and told her to finish her milk, she thought, the page wavering to a blur, she would finish her milk. She would brush her teeth without being asked and stop crying when the doctor gave her shots. She would go to sleep the second her mother turned out the light. She would never get sick again. She would do everything her mother told her. Everything her mother wanted.
The smoke burned in her lungs and made her head spin and suddenly she felt sharp and aware. Like cutting your finger, she thought: the pain, and the blood, reminded you that you were alive.
Ever since that summer, she had been so afraid—of losing her mother, of losing her father. And, after a while, the biggest fear of all: of losing Nath, the only one who understood the strange and brittle balance in their family. Who knew all that had happened. Who had always kept her afloat.
She looked down at the lake, which in the dark looked like nothing, just blackness, a great void spreading beneath her. It will be all right, she told herself, and she stepped out of the boat into the water.
小說的題目Everything I Never Told You,不止包括Lydia對父母的未竟之言胖烛,還包括James和Marilyn之間的關(guān)系眼姐,以及家中其他成員的相互關(guān)系。未說出口的佩番,有誤解众旗,有傷害,也有愛趟畏。從這點(diǎn)上理解贡歧,中文名《無聲告白》將范圍縮小,有未譯全之感拱镐。剛開始聽到這個(gè)名字我還以為是一本青春暗戀小說艘款。但從另一方面來說,Lydia一家人沃琅,那些傷害誤解哗咆,最根本的出發(fā)點(diǎn)卻是愛,因此這個(gè)名字也有貼切之處益眉。
“Unlike some people, I don’t just kowtow to the police.”
“In the blur of her fury, Marilyn doesn’t think twice about what she’s said. To James, though, the word rifles from his wife’s mouth and lodges deep in his chest. From those two syllables—kowtow—explode bent-backed coolies in cone hats, pigtailed Chinamen with sandwiched palms. Squinty and servile. Bowing and belittled. He has long suspected that everyone sees him this way—Stanley Hewitt, the policemen, the checkout girl at the grocery store. But he had not thought that everyone included Marilyn.”
Something caught Hannah’s eye then…A drop of water trickled out of Nath’s hair, like a shy little mouse, and ran down the nape of his neck. It made its slow way between his shoulder blades, and where his back curved, it dropped straight down, as if it had jumped off a cliff, and splashed onto the back of Jack’s hand…And Jack himself jumped. He stared at the drop of water without moving, as if it were a rare insect that might fly away. Then, without looking at any of them, he raised his hand to his mouth and touched his tongue to it, as if it were honey.