



  • mm_heap:通用堆分配器相關代碼
  • umm_heap:用戶模式下堆分配器相關代碼
  • kmm_heap:內核模式下堆分配器相關代碼
  • mm_gran:顆粒分配器相關代碼
  • shm:共享內存相關代碼


  1. 標準內存管理函數(shù)
  • 標準函數(shù)
    標準的函數(shù)接口就如stdlib.h中描述一樣,按IEEE Std 1003.1-2003中來規(guī)定的喘垂。包括以下文件:
    標準的接口:mm_malloc.c, mm_calloc.c, mm_realloc.c, mm_memalign.c, mm_free.c
    不那么標準的接口:mm_zalloc.c, mm_mallinfo.c
    內部實現(xiàn)接口:mm_initialize.c, mm_sem.c, mm_addfreechunk.c, mm_size2ndx.c, mm_shrinkchunk.c
    編譯和配置文件:Kconfig, Makefile

  • 內存模型




  • 堆分配的多種實現(xiàn)
    include <nuttx/mm/mm.h>
    static struct mm_heap_s g_myheap;
    mm_initialize(&g_myheap, myheap_start, myheap_size);
    當堆的實例被初始化后,就能被大多數(shù)的接口使用币绩,比如:mm_malloc(), mm_realloc(), mm_free()等蜡秽,這些接口看起來很熟悉,因為跟malloc(), realloc(), free()接口類似缆镣,不同的地方是芽突,前邊的接口需要把堆的實例當做參數(shù)傳遞進去。事實上董瞻,malloc(), realloc(), free()底層都是調用mm_malloc(), mm_realloc(), mm_free()接口來實現(xiàn)的寞蚌。

  • 用戶/內核堆

  1. 顆粒分配器

mm_gran目錄提供了一個顆粒分配器艘刚,顆粒分配器以固定大小塊分配內存,分配可以與用戶提供的地址邊界對齊逝慧。顆粒分配器接口在nuttx/include/nuttx/mm/gran.h頭文件中定義昔脯,在這個目錄中包含了實現(xiàn)的邏輯代碼文件:mm_gran.h, mm_granalloc.c, mm_grancritical.c, mm_granfree.c, mm_graninit.c



通過使用GCC section屬性來在內存中定位一個DMA的堆(在鏈接腳本中將.dmaheap分配給DMA內存)
FAR uint32_t g_dmaheap[DMAHEAP_SIZE] __attribute__((section(.dmaheap)));
GRAN_HANDLE handle = gran_initialize(g_dmaheap, DMAHEAP_SIZE, 6, 4);
FAR uint8_t *dma_memory = (FAR uint8_t *)gran_alloc(handle, 47);
實際分配的內存為64Byte(浪費17Bytes)枷餐,并且會對齊到至少(1 << log2align)

  1. 頁分配器


  1. 共享內存管理




/* This describes an allocated chunk.  An allocated chunk is
 * distinguished from a free chunk by bit 15/31 of the 'preceding' chunk
 * size.  If set, then this is an allocated chunk.

struct mm_allocnode_s
  mmsize_t size;           /* Size of this chunk */
  mmsize_t preceding;      /* Size of the preceding chunk */

/* This describes a free chunk */

struct mm_freenode_s
  mmsize_t size;                   /* Size of this chunk */
  mmsize_t preceding;              /* Size of the preceding chunk */
  FAR struct mm_freenode_s *flink; /* Supports a doubly linked list */
  FAR struct mm_freenode_s *blink;

/* This describes one heap (possibly with multiple regions) */

struct mm_heap_s
  /* Mutually exclusive access to this data set is enforced with
   * the following un-named semaphore.

  sem_t mm_semaphore;
  pid_t mm_holder;
  int   mm_counts_held;

  /* This is the size of the heap provided to mm */

  size_t  mm_heapsize;

  /* This is the first and last nodes of the heap */

  FAR struct mm_allocnode_s *mm_heapstart[CONFIG_MM_REGIONS];
  FAR struct mm_allocnode_s *mm_heapend[CONFIG_MM_REGIONS];

  int mm_nregions;

  /* All free nodes are maintained in a doubly linked list.  This
   * array provides some hooks into the list at various points to
   * speed searches for free nodes.

  struct mm_freenode_s mm_nodelist[MM_NNODES];
  • struct mm_allocnode_s
  • struct mm_freenode_s
  • struct mm_heap_s
    描述堆的結構梅鹦,有兩處需要注意的:1)mm_heapstart/mm_heapend用于描述堆的起始和結束裆甩,這個相當于是兩個哨兵,用于確保分配是在這兩個哨兵的中間齐唆,然后會在這兩個哨兵中間創(chuàng)建一個內存節(jié)點嗤栓;2)mm_nodelist存放所有空閑的內存塊,這個結構是一個數(shù)組,數(shù)組里的元素又是雙向鏈表茉帅,數(shù)組的大小為MM_NNODES叨叙,它的值為(MM_MAX_SHIFT - MM_MIN_SHIFT + 1)MM_MIN_SHIFT = 4對應16bytes堪澎,MM_MAX_SHIFT = 22對應4Mb擂错,這么設置是類似于linux buddy system的機制,內存塊都以2的次冪來劃分樱蛤,這個數(shù)組每一項就對應2的某次冪的雙向鏈表钮呀。
    此外,有一點需要注意的是內存分配在低層按chunk塊去組織刹悴,實際上一個塊需要包含兩部分的內容:header + payload行楞,也就是頭部信息+實際可用的內存。





  1. 當進行內存分配的時候,申請size大小的內存空間乎莉,先對size進行對齊調整送讲,然后再根據(jù)調整后的size對2求冪運算,從而找到mm_nodelist[]的索引值惋啃,進而找到最匹配的雙向鏈表哼鬓;
  2. 遍歷雙向鏈表(鏈表已經(jīng)按大小排序),找到第一個大于申請sizechunk边灭;
  3. chunk的大小大于申請的size异希,所以會將chunk分成兩個chunk,一個是申請部分node用于返回給申請者,需要從鏈表中移除,另一個是剩余部分remainder重新添加回堆結構中善茎,根據(jù)remainder部分的大小券册,對2求冪,找到合適的空閑鏈表,將該結構插入到對應的鏈表中烁焙。
  4. 在申請過程中航邢,會去將preceding成員中設置MM_ALLOC_BIT位,用于標記內存塊已經(jīng)被分配了骄蝇。
 * Name: mm_malloc
 * Description:
 *  Find the smallest chunk that satisfies the request. Take the memory from
 *  that chunk, save the remaining, smaller chunk (if any).
 *  8-byte alignment of the allocated data is assured.

FAR void *mm_malloc(FAR struct mm_heap_s *heap, size_t size)
  FAR struct mm_freenode_s *node;
  void *ret = NULL;
  int ndx;

  /* Handle bad sizes */

  if (size < 1)
      return NULL;

  /* Adjust the size to account for (1) the size of the allocated node and
   * (2) to make sure that it is an even multiple of our granule size.


  /* We need to hold the MM semaphore while we muck with the nodelist. */


  /* Get the location in the node list to start the search. Special case
   * really big allocations

  if (size >= MM_MAX_CHUNK)
      ndx = MM_NNODES-1;
      /* Convert the request size into a nodelist index */

      ndx = mm_size2ndx(size);

  /* Search for a large enough chunk in the list of nodes. This list is
   * ordered by size, but will have occasional zero sized nodes as we visit
   * other mm_nodelist[] entries.

  for (node = heap->mm_nodelist[ndx].flink;
       node && node->size < size;
       node = node->flink);

  /* If we found a node with non-zero size, then this is one to use. Since
   * the list is ordered, we know that is must be best fitting chunk
   * available.

  if (node)
      FAR struct mm_freenode_s *remainder;
      FAR struct mm_freenode_s *next;
      size_t remaining;

      /* Remove the node.  There must be a predecessor, but there may not be
       * a successor node.

      node->blink->flink = node->flink;
      if (node->flink)
          node->flink->blink = node->blink;

      /* Check if we have to split the free node into one of the allocated
       * size and another smaller freenode.  In some cases, the remaining
       * bytes can be smaller (they may be SIZEOF_MM_ALLOCNODE).  In that
       * case, we will just carry the few wasted bytes at the end of the
       * allocation.

      remaining = node->size - size;
      if (remaining >= SIZEOF_MM_FREENODE)
          /* Get a pointer to the next node in physical memory */

          next = (FAR struct mm_freenode_s *)(((FAR char *)node) + node->size);

          /* Create the remainder node */

          remainder = (FAR struct mm_freenode_s *)(((FAR char *)node) + size);
          remainder->size = remaining;
          remainder->preceding = size;

          /* Adjust the size of the node under consideration */

          node->size = size;

          /* Adjust the 'preceding' size of the (old) next node, preserving
           * the allocated flag.

          next->preceding = remaining | (next->preceding & MM_ALLOC_BIT);

          /* Add the remainder back into the nodelist */

          mm_addfreechunk(heap, remainder);

      /* Handle the case of an exact size match */

      node->preceding |= MM_ALLOC_BIT;
      ret = (void *)((FAR char *)node + SIZEOF_MM_ALLOCNODE);


  /* If CONFIG_DEBUG_MM is defined, then output the result of the allocation
   * to the SYSLOG.

  if (!ret)
      mwarn("WARNING: Allocation failed, size %d\n", size);
      minfo("Allocated %p, size %d\n", ret, size);

  return ret;


  1. 當內存進行釋放的時候虑鼎,先將內存地址(payload)減去SIZEOF_MM_ALLOCNODE偏移辱匿,這個偏移是chunk的頭部大小,從而得到整個chunk的描述符炫彩,將該chunk標記成空閑的狀態(tài)匾七;
  2. 檢查chunk的下一個節(jié)點狀態(tài),如果也是空閑的狀態(tài)江兢,則進行內存合并昨忆;
  3. 檢查chunk的上一個節(jié)點狀態(tài),如果也是空閑的狀態(tài)杉允,則進行內存合并邑贴;
 * Name: mm_free
 * Description:
 *   Returns a chunk of memory to the list of free nodes,  merging with
 *   adjacent free chunks if possible.

void mm_free(FAR struct mm_heap_s *heap, FAR void *mem)
  FAR struct mm_freenode_s *node;
  FAR struct mm_freenode_s *prev;
  FAR struct mm_freenode_s *next;

  minfo("Freeing %p\n", mem);

  /* Protect against attempts to free a NULL reference */

  if (!mem)

  /* We need to hold the MM semaphore while we muck with the
   * nodelist.


  /* Map the memory chunk into a free node */

  node = (FAR struct mm_freenode_s *)((FAR char *)mem - SIZEOF_MM_ALLOCNODE);
  node->preceding &= ~MM_ALLOC_BIT;

  /* Check if the following node is free and, if so, merge it */

  next = (FAR struct mm_freenode_s *)((FAR char *)node + node->size);
  if ((next->preceding & MM_ALLOC_BIT) == 0)
      FAR struct mm_allocnode_s *andbeyond;

      /* Get the node following the next node (which will
       * become the new next node). We know that we can never
       * index past the tail chunk because it is always allocated.

      andbeyond = (FAR struct mm_allocnode_s *)((FAR char *)next + next->size);

      /* Remove the next node.  There must be a predecessor,
       * but there may not be a successor node.

      next->blink->flink = next->flink;
      if (next->flink)
          next->flink->blink = next->blink;

      /* Then merge the two chunks */

      node->size          += next->size;
      andbeyond->preceding =  node->size | (andbeyond->preceding & MM_ALLOC_BIT);
      next                 = (FAR struct mm_freenode_s *)andbeyond;

  /* Check if the preceding node is also free and, if so, merge
   * it with this node

  prev = (FAR struct mm_freenode_s *)((FAR char *)node - node->preceding);
  if ((prev->preceding & MM_ALLOC_BIT) == 0)
      /* Remove the node.  There must be a predecessor, but there may
       * not be a successor node.

      prev->blink->flink = prev->flink;
      if (prev->flink)
          prev->flink->blink = prev->blink;

      /* Then merge the two chunks */

      prev->size     += node->size;
      next->preceding = prev->size | (next->preceding & MM_ALLOC_BIT);
      node            = prev;

  /* Add the merged node to the nodelist */

  mm_addfreechunk(heap, node);


umm_heap/, kmm_heap/兩個路徑下的代碼都是調用mm_heap/目錄中的接口來實現(xiàn),因此邏輯都是一致的。


mm_gran目錄下存放的是顆粒分配器的邏輯代碼低飒,關鍵的數(shù)據(jù)結構為struct gran_s:

/* This structure represents the state of one granule allocation */

struct gran_s
  uint8_t    log2gran;  /* Log base 2 of the size of one granule */
  uint16_t   ngranules; /* The total number of (aligned) granules in the heap */
  irqstate_t irqstate;  /* For exclusive access to the GAT */
  sem_t      exclsem;   /* For exclusive access to the GAT */
  uintptr_t  heapstart; /* The aligned start of the granule heap */
  uint32_t   gat[1];    /* Start of the granule allocation table */
  • log2gran许昨,描述的是顆粒的大小對2取對數(shù)的值,比如褥赊,log2gran = 4糕档,則表明顆粒的大小為16byte;
  • ngranules拌喉,描述的是整個堆中速那,顆粒的個數(shù)溪食;
  • irqstate/exclsem兰伤,用于顆粒分配表的互斥訪問;
  • heapstart盒揉,堆的起始地址田藐;
  • gat[]荔烧,顆粒分配表的起始地址,這個數(shù)組元素只有一個坞淮,只是用于標記它是一個地址茴晋,并且該地址存放的是32位的數(shù)值,從該地址可以繼續(xù)往后擴展回窘;顆粒分配表數(shù)組中诺擅,每個元素為32位的值,每一位用于標記對應的顆粒是否已經(jīng)被分配啡直,這也就對應到顆粒分配時烁涌,每次最大只能分配32個顆粒。


  1. 根據(jù)申請分配的size酒觅,得出需要分配顆粒granule的數(shù)量ngranules撮执;
  2. 查詢顆粒分配表,找到ngranules個連續(xù)的顆粒區(qū)域舷丹,查找的過程中抒钱,顆粒的索引號以32為步長進行增加,也就是32個顆粒為一個跨度來查詢颜凯;同時顆粒的索引號可以對應到顆粒分配表中表項的索引號谋币,比如如果顆粒索引號為1-31之間,對應的就是gat[0]症概,如果是32-63之間蕾额,對應的就是gat[1];
  3. 在堆顆粒分配表中的表項進行位處理的時候,采用的是類似于二分法的策略彼城,每次折半來判斷比特位的狀態(tài)诅蝶,對應到顆粒是否被分配的狀態(tài)退个,并對表項的值進行移位處理,此外调炬,需要注意的是跨兩個區(qū)域的處理语盈,也就是申請的內存區(qū)域,可能是兩部分組成:前32個顆粒的結束部分筐眷,后32個顆粒的開始部分黎烈。
static inline FAR void *gran_common_alloc(FAR struct gran_s *priv, size_t size)
  unsigned int ngranules;
  size_t       tmpmask;
  uintptr_t    alloc;
  uint32_t     curr;
  uint32_t     next;
  uint32_t     mask;
  int          granidx;
  int          gatidx;
  int          bitidx;
  int          shift;

  DEBUGASSERT(priv && size <= 32 * (1 << priv->log2gran));

  if (priv && size > 0)
      /* Get exclusive access to the GAT */


      /* How many contiguous granules we we need to find? */

      tmpmask   = (1 << priv->log2gran) - 1;
      ngranules = (size + tmpmask) >> priv->log2gran;

      /* Then create mask for that number of granules */

      DEBUGASSERT(ngranules <= 32);
      mask = 0xffffffff >> (32 - ngranules);

      /* Now search the granule allocation table for that number of contiguous */

      alloc = priv->heapstart;

      for (granidx = 0; granidx < priv->ngranules; granidx += 32)
          /* Get the GAT index associated with the granule table entry */

          gatidx = granidx >> 5;
          curr = priv->gat[gatidx];

          /* Handle the case where there are no free granules in the entry */

          if (curr == 0xffffffff)
              alloc += (32 << priv->log2gran);

          /* Get the next entry from the GAT to support a 64 bit shift */

          if (granidx < priv->ngranules)
              next = priv->gat[gatidx + 1];

          /* Use all ones when are at the last entry in the GAT (meaning
           * nothing can be allocated.

              next = 0xffffffff;

          /* Search through the allocations in the 'curr' GAT entry
           * to see if we can satisfy the allocation starting in that
           * entry.
           * This loop continues until either all of the bits have been
           * examined (bitidx >= 32), or until there are insufficient
           * granules left to satisfy the allocation.

          for (bitidx = 0;
               bitidx < 32 && (granidx + bitidx + ngranules) <= priv->ngranules;
              /* Break out if there are no further free bits in 'curr'.
               * All of the zero bits might have gotten shifted out.

              if (curr == 0xffffffff)

              /* Check for the first zero bit in the lower or upper 16-bits.
               * From the test above, we know that at least one of the 32-
               * bits in 'curr' is zero.

              else if ((curr & 0x0000ffff) == 0x0000ffff)
                  /* Not in the lower 16 bits.  The first free bit must be
                   * in the upper 16 bits.

                  shift = 16;

              /* We know that the first free bit is now within the lower 16
               * bits of 'curr'.  Is it in the upper or lower byte?

              else if ((curr & 0x0000ff) == 0x000000ff)
                  /* Not in the lower 8 bits.  The first free bit must be in
                   * the upper 8 bits.

                  shift = 8;

              /* We know that the first free bit is now within the lower 4
               * bits of 'curr'.  Is it in the upper or lower nibble?

              else if ((curr & 0x00000f) == 0x0000000f)
                  /* Not in the lower 4 bits.  The first free bit must be in
                   * the upper 4 bits.

                  shift = 4;

              /* We know that the first free bit is now within the lower 4 bits
               * of 'curr'.  Is it in the upper or lower pair?

              else if ((curr & 0x000003) == 0x00000003)
                  /* Not in the lower 2 bits.  The first free bit must be in
                   * the upper 2 bits.

                  shift = 2;

              /* We know that the first free bit is now within the lower 4 bits
               * of 'curr'.  Check if we have the allocation at this bit position.

              else if ((curr & mask) == 0)
                  /* Yes.. mark these granules allocated */

                  gran_mark_allocated(priv, alloc, ngranules);

                  /* And return the allocation address */

                  return (FAR void *)alloc;

              /* The free allocation does not start at this position */

                  shift = 1;

              /* Set up for the next time through the loop.  Perform a 64
               * bit shift to move to the next gran position andi ncrement
               * to the next candidate allocation address.

              alloc  += (shift << priv->log2gran);
              curr    = (curr >> shift) | (next << (32 - shift));
              next  >>= shift;
              bitidx += shift;


  return NULL;


  1. 根據(jù)釋放的內存地址照棋,得出第一個顆粒的索引號;
  2. 根據(jù)釋放的size得出要釋放顆粒的總數(shù)ngranules武翎;
  3. 判斷ngranules是否超出了顆粒分配表中表項對應的可用顆粒數(shù)烈炭,超出了表明這個是跨區(qū)域分配的,釋放的時候宝恶,需要修改兩個顆粒分配表表項符隙,否則只需要修改一個。
static inline void gran_common_free(FAR struct gran_s *priv,
                                    FAR void *memory, size_t size)
  unsigned int granno;
  unsigned int gatidx;
  unsigned int gatbit;
  unsigned int granmask;
  unsigned int ngranules;
  unsigned int avail;
  uint32_t     gatmask;

  DEBUGASSERT(priv && memory && size <= 32 * (1 << priv->log2gran));

  /* Get exclusive access to the GAT */


  /* Determine the granule number of the first granule in the allocation */

  granno = ((uintptr_t)memory - priv->heapstart) >> priv->log2gran;

  /* Determine the GAT table index and bit number associated with the
   * allocation.

  gatidx = granno >> 5;
  gatbit = granno & 31;

  /* Determine the number of granules in the allocation */

  granmask =  (1 << priv->log2gran) - 1;
  ngranules = (size + granmask) >> priv->log2gran;

  /* Clear bits in the GAT entry or entries */

  avail = 32 - gatbit;
  if (ngranules > avail)
      /* Clear bits in the first GAT entry */

      gatmask = (0xffffffff << gatbit);
      DEBUGASSERT((priv->gat[gatidx] & gatmask) == gatmask);

      priv->gat[gatidx] &= ~gatmask;
      ngranules -= avail;

      /* Clear bits in the second GAT entry */

      gatmask = 0xffffffff >> (32 - ngranules);
      DEBUGASSERT((priv->gat[gatidx+1] & gatmask) == gatmask);

      priv->gat[gatidx+1] &= ~gatmask;

  /* Handle the case where where all of the granules came from one entry */

      /* Clear bits in a single GAT entry */

      gatmask   = 0xffffffff >> (32 - ngranules);
      gatmask <<= gatbit;
      DEBUGASSERT((priv->gat[gatidx] & gatmask) == gatmask);

      priv->gat[gatidx] &= ~gatmask;






  • int shmget(key_t key, size_t size, int shmflg):獲取key對應的共享內存描述符综芥;
  • void *shmat(int shmid, FAR const void *shmaddr, int shmflg):將shmid對應的共享內存描述符指定的內存段關聯(lián)到調用進程的地址空間丽蝎;
  • int shmctl(int shmid, int cmd, FAR struct shmid_ds *buf):提供cmd指定的各種共享內存控制操作;
  • int shmdt(FAR const void *shmaddr):將shmaddr指定的共享內存段從調用進程的地址空間中分離出來膀藐;



/* Unsigned integer used for the number of current attaches that must be
 * able to store values at least as large as a type unsigned short.

typedef unsigned short shmatt_t;

struct shmid_ds
  struct ipc_perm shm_perm;   /* Operation permission structure */
  size_t          shm_segsz;  /* Size of segment in bytes */
  pid_t           shm_lpid;   /* Process ID of last shared memory operation */
  pid_t           shm_cpid;   /* Process ID of creator */
  shmatt_t        shm_nattch; /* Number of current attaches */
  time_t          shm_atime;  /* Time of last shmat() */
  time_t          shm_dtime;  /* Time of last shmdt() */
  time_t          shm_ctime;  /* Time of last change by shmctl() */

/* This structure represents the state of one shared memory region
 * allocation.  Cast compatible with struct shmid_ds.
/* Bit definitions for the struct shm_region_s sr_flags field */
#define SRFLAG_AVAILABLE 0        /* Available if no flag bits set */
#define SRFLAG_INUSE     (1 << 0) /* Bit 0: Region is in use */
#define SRFLAG_UNLINKED  (1 << 1) /* Bit 1: Region perists while references */

struct shm_region_s
  struct shmid_ds sr_ds; /* Region info */
  bool  sr_flags;        /* See SRFLAGS_* definitions */
  key_t sr_key;          /* Lookup key */
  sem_t sr_sem;          /* Manages exclusive access to this region */

  /* List of physical pages allocated for this memory region */

  uintptr_t sr_pages[CONFIG_ARCH_SHM_NPAGES];

/* This structure represents the set of all shared memory regions.
 * Access to the region 

struct shm_info_s
  sem_t si_sem;         /* Manages exclusive access to the region list */
  struct shm_region_s si_region[CONFIG_ARCH_SHM_MAXREGIONS];
  • struct shm_info_s:描述的是所有共享內存區(qū)域的集合屠阻,并且需要控制互斥訪問,在實現(xiàn)中使用了該結構來定義了一個全局變量g_shminfo额各,表示所有的共享內存區(qū)域国觉;
  • struct shm_region_s:描述的是一個共享內存區(qū)域的信息,共享內存區(qū)域的使用標記虾啦,對應的key值麻诀,共享內存區(qū)域大小等;
  • struct shmid_ds:描述的是一個內存區(qū)域的信息傲醉,主要包括權限值针饥、process ID值,以及不同操作的時間值需频;
    shared memory

int shmget(key_t key, size_t size, int shmflg)

  1. 通過key值去查找共享內存區(qū)域集合中的每個區(qū)域,看看是否能找到匹配的結構筷凤;
  2. 如果沒有找到昭殉,則需要調用shm_create()接口去創(chuàng)建一個苞七,實際上這些都是靜態(tài) 預留好的,只需要去struct shm_region_s si_region[]數(shù)組中找尋一個可用的挪丢,并且做一些初始化設置即可蹂风;
  3. 如果找到了,則判斷這個共享區(qū)域的大小乾蓬,是否符合申請的大小惠啄,不夠的話,還需要調用shm_extend()接口去把共享物理內存區(qū)域進行擴大任内。
int shmget(key_t key, size_t size, int shmflg)
  FAR struct shm_region_s *region;
  int shmid = -1;
  int ret;

  /* Check for the special case where the caller doesn't really want shared
   * memory (they why do they bother to call us?)

  if (key == IPC_PRIVATE)
      /* Not yet implemented */

      ret = -ENOSYS;
      goto errout;

  /* Get exclusive access to the global list of shared memory regions */

  ret = sem_wait(&g_shminfo.si_sem);
  if (ret >= 0)
      /* Find the requested memory region */

      ret = shm_find(key);
      if (ret < 0)
          /* The memory region does not exist.. create it if IPC_CREAT is
           * included in the shmflags.

          if ((shmflg & IPC_CREAT) != 0)
              /* Create the memory region */

              ret = shm_create(key, size, shmflg);
              if (ret < 0)
                  shmerr("ERROR: shm_create failed: %d\n", ret);
                  goto errout_with_semaphore;

              /* Return the shared memory ID */

              shmid = ret;
              /* Fail with ENOENT */

              goto errout_with_semaphore;

      /* The region exists */

          /* Remember the shared memory ID */

          shmid = ret;

          /* Is the region big enough for the request? */

          region = &g_shminfo.si_region[shmid];
          if (region->sr_ds.shm_segsz < size)
              /* We we asked to create the region?  If so we can just
               * extend it.
               * REVISIT: We should check the mode bits of the regions
               * first

              if ((shmflg & IPC_CREAT) != 0)
                  /* Extend the region */

                  ret = shm_extend(shmid, size);
                  if (ret < 0)
                      shmerr("ERROR: shm_create failed: %d\n", ret);
                      goto errout_with_semaphore;
                  /* Fail with EINVAL */

                  ret = -EINVAL;
                  goto errout_with_semaphore;

          /* The region is already big enough or else we successfully
           * extended the size of the region.  If the region was previously
           * deleted, but waiting for processes to detach from the region,
           * then it is no longer deleted.

          region->sr_flags = SRFLAG_INUSE;

      /* Release our lock on the shared memory region list */


  return shmid;

  return ERROR;




nuttx中內存管理肋殴,核心為兩部分:1)mm_heap/下囤锉,對物理內存的分配采用類似于Buddy System的機制,適用于在plat mode編譯模式下护锤;2)mm_gran/下官地,顆粒分配器,這個是分頁機制的基礎烙懦,同時也是共享內存的使用基礎驱入,用于內核編譯模式下。

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