D&m:I’m ?daddy dinosaur,I’m mommy dinosaur,where is our egg? Oh,she is over there,sing there song:baby in the egg,baby in the eggs,will your come out?
B:yes ,I will.
D&m:oh,my little baby,you are out,are
you hungry?let’s found some food.
Sing the song:
Dinosaur dinosaur ,wave your tail, dinosaur,dinosaur,give a roar .thump,thump,thump.
look,there are some apple trees,let’s pick
the apple.yum.
M:I’m full,are you full?
B:yes,I’m full.
D:ok,have a rest,let’s play a game,ok?Look,a
candy,I will hide it.can you guess where it is?
B:Ok ,let me try.
Sing the song:Handy dandy, riddledy ro, Which hand will you choose?
Which hand will you choose?
High or low?
D:Yes,you are right.
B:I got it.
M:I’m tired,I want take a nap?baby do you
want take a nap?
B:yes I want.
Sing the song:little dinosaur,taking a
nap,little dinosaur,taking a nap.
B:oh ,a bug,a big bad bug,make it go away.
Sing the song:
Chase that big bad bug ,make it go away,shoo,shoo,chase that big bad bug,make it go away,shooshooshoo.
D:the bug is go away.
M:oh ,lookwhat is it?a merry gound, I want ride merry ground.would you want to go with me?
B:yes,yes,I want ride merry ground.
Sing the song
The merry goes round and round
The merry goes round and round
Merrily merrily merrily.
That’s the merry go round.
B:,it’s dark, let’s go home.
D:look,a witch,she has a jar,there are
many friends in the jar,let’s save them.
M:ha,what arw you doing?i will catch you in my jar
Sing the song:
Hush baby ,don’t go far,I will catch
you,I will put in my jar.
D:a horse,ride The horse hurry
sing The song
giddy up giddy up go go go