? Sometimes, things are never developing as we think. Maybe everyone has his or her evil face even the hero. But what your future will become depends on what you choose and what's your friends around you like. Of Course, It is all my point.
? ?I feel I am trucked into a bad feeling, nothing to think about and nothing to do, just to stay alone. But people always has two face. If I get just the situation, I think ?I will escape and run away.
? last night, a little quarrels happened between my friend. It is just a little thing but I felt very sad. Maybe it is the reason why I hate the feeling that I feel I were hated by somebody especially this somebody is the person I care. I know so many bad habits I own, but I am a arbitrary girl and I don't like my life is so organized. I see, Maybe sometimes it is so arbitrary that influent others. I should have a change, change my mind and my habits.
That what are wrote my own stuff and to my own.