The Four Secrets to Making Our Own Happiness from the games.
玩游戲是一種quintessential autotelic work 典型的本身帶有目的性的活動奔誓。
1. we crave satisfying work
2. we cravethe experience, or at least the hope, of being successful
3. we cravesocial connection
4.finally, we cravemeaning, or the chance to be a part of something larger than ourselves.作者說這四種需求是 the most powerful motivations 鸟蜡,是高于 our basic survival needs (food, safety, and sex).
這種心靈上的追求帶給人的是精神上的滿足感右蒲。作者通過舉證和邏輯上的推論得出games making their real lives more rewarding的結(jié)論。