寶寶喝奶用的奶瓶是掰,用英文怎么說留凭?根據(jù)我們的Chinglish思維渗常,肯定脫口而出:milk bottle!
然后上維基百科上搜了一下milk bottle的解釋席揽。。犬金。
Milk bottles are bottles used for milk. They may be reusable glass bottles used mainly for doorstep delivery of fresh milk by milkmen.
也就是說念恍,milk bottle其實是指下面這種裝牛奶的瓶子:
那么,奶瓶用英文應該怎么說呢晚顷?正確的翻譯是baby bottle,參見維基百科的解釋:
A baby bottle is a bottle with a teat (also called a nipple in the US) to drink directly from. It is typically used by infants and young children, or if someone cannot (as conveniently) drink from a cup, for feeding oneself or being fed.