Self-efficacy is closely associated with the predicatingoutcome of individual, under certain specific circumstance, which is connected withindividual self-recognition. Thus, to some extent, self-efficacy is withregards to people's confidence, on the basis of their ability, in order toachieve purpose, to be in line with the recognized belief of self-recognition (Ormrod, 2006).
The concept of self-efficacy, has become a critical point, usedin a variety of fields, which can be trained and improved in another way forthe purpose of motivation. Self-efficacy, on one hand, is regarded as acriteria of evaluation on the individual capability, to be trained by settinggoals and taking measurements accordingly. There are several methods can bedone to help us to improve self-efficacy in action plan with purpose isaccording to individual requirements, to help you for improvement.
The matrix blew will be helpful to set up project forindividual growth in a certain time to targeting at the action, detail, purposeand time. Once you set up the goal, it is critical to carry out the project asthe requirement. The confidence can be achieved by accomplishing one task and another, so as to improve self-efficacy. Now, you can have a try. Do not forgetto check and examine your behavior and purpose to figure out the achievement you have done in each project.
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