Dear yabin liang,
The following app has been approved and the app status has changed to Ready for Sale:
App Name: 同人音聲-ASMR,專業(yè)級音聲與彈幕,發(fā)現(xiàn)新大陸!
App Version Number: 1.8
App Type: iOS, tvOS
If your contracts are not in effect at this time, your app status will be Pending Contract. You may track the progress of your contracts in the Agreements, Tax, and Banking module in iTunes Connect.
To make changes to this app, sign in to iTunes Connect and open the Manage Your Applications module.
It can take up to 24 hours before your app is available on the App Store. This delay is dependent on any app availability issues.
Before you market your app, read the App Store Marketing and Advertising Guidelines for Developers. The guidelines include information on using the App Store badge, best practices to market apps on the App Store, and details on the use of Apple product images.
If you have any questions regarding your app, use the Contact Us module on iTunes Connect.
The App Store team
- 大概意思是 應用審核過了碘菜, APP有收費內容要填寫 銀行卡之類的犁钟,給了24小時隶垮。
進入 進入?yún)f(xié)議稅務和銀行業(yè)務室囊,然后點擊請求。
Request Contracts(申請合同)
Contracts In Effect(已生效合同)魁索。
iOS Free Application(免費應用合同)
iOS Paid Application(付費應用合同)
iAd App NetNetwork(廣告合同)
簡書 上有一個up主融撞,寫非常好。但是最后一步修改了粗蔚。
最后一步 下面的東西可以不填寫
Manage Your Tax Information
全部折騰完畢 只有等待了尝偎。
- 關注我的微薄 (梁同桌):
- 網(wǎng)站(同人音聲)
- ios 個人寫的app (同人音聲)ASMR音樂