



public native long allocateMemory(long var1);
public native long reallocateMemory(long var1, long var3);
public native void freeMemory(long var1);




         * 獲取類的某個對象的某個field偏移地址
        Field f = null;
        try {
            f = TUnsafe.class.getDeclaredField("i");
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
        long iFiledAddressShift = UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset(f);
        TUnsafe sampleClass = new TUnsafe();
        // 獲取對象的偏移地址鸟缕,需要將目標對象設(shè)為輔助數(shù)組的第一個元素(也是唯一的元素)。
        // 由于這是一個復雜類型元素(不是基本數(shù)據(jù)類型)排抬,它的地址存儲在數(shù)組的第一個元素懂从。
        // 然后,獲取輔助數(shù)組的基本偏移量蹲蒲。
        // 數(shù)組的基本偏移量是指數(shù)組對象的起始地址與數(shù)組第一個元素之間的偏移量番甩。
        Object helperArray[] = new Object[1];
        helperArray[0] = sampleClass;
        long baseOffset = UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(Object[].class);
        long addressOfSampleClass = UNSAFE.getLong(helperArray, baseOffset);
        int i = UNSAFE.getInt(addressOfSampleClass + iFiledAddressShift);
        System.out.println(new StringBuilder().append(" Field I Address:")
                .append(iFiledAddressShift).append(" Value:").append(i));
        UNSAFE.putInt(sampleClass, iFiledAddressShift, 1024);

        System.out.println(new StringBuilder().append(" Field I Address:")
                .append(iFiledAddressShift).append(" Value:")


將一個線程進行掛起是通過park方法實現(xiàn)的,調(diào)用 park后届搁,線程將一直阻塞直到超時或者中斷等條件出現(xiàn)缘薛。unpark可以終止一個掛起的線程,使其恢復正常卡睦。整個并發(fā)框架中對線程的掛起操作被封裝在 LockSupport類中宴胧,LockSupport類中有各種版本pack方法,但最終都調(diào)用了Unsafe.park()方法表锻。

CAS操作 是通過compareAndSwapXXX方法實現(xiàn)的

* 比較obj的offset處內(nèi)存位置中的值和期望的值恕齐,如果相同則更新。此更新是不可中斷的瞬逊。 
* @param obj 需要更新的對象 
* @param offset obj中整型field的偏移量 
* @param expect 希望field中存在的值 
* @param update 如果期望值expect與field的當前值相同显歧,設(shè)置filed的值為這個新值 
* @return 如果field的值被更改返回true 
public native boolean compareAndSwapInt(Object obj, long offset, int expect, int update);  





package sun.misc;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
 * This class should provide access to low-level operations and its
 * use should be limited to trusted code.  Fields can be accessed using
 * memory addresses, with undefined behaviour occurring if invalid memory
 * addresses are given.
 * 這個類提供了一個更底層的操作并且應(yīng)該在受信任的代碼中使用带猴。可以通過內(nèi)存地址
 * 存取fields,如果給出的內(nèi)存地址是無效的那么會有一個不確定的運行表現(xiàn)懈万。
 * @author Tom Tromey (
 * @author Andrew John Hughes (
public class Unsafe
  // Singleton class.
  private static Unsafe unsafe = new Unsafe();
   * Private default constructor to prevent creation of an arbitrary
   * number of instances.
   * 使用私有默認構(gòu)造器防止創(chuàng)建多個實例
  private Unsafe()
   * Retrieve the singleton instance of <code>Unsafe</code>.  The calling
   * method should guard this instance from untrusted code, as it provides
   * access to low-level operations such as direct memory access.
   * 獲取<code>Unsafe</code>的單例,這個方法調(diào)用應(yīng)該防止在不可信的代碼中實例拴清,
   * 因為unsafe類提供了一個低級別的操作,例如直接內(nèi)存存取会通。
   * @throws SecurityException if a security manager exists and prevents
   *                           access to the system properties.
   *                           如果安全管理器不存在或者禁止訪問系統(tǒng)屬性
  public static Unsafe getUnsafe()
    SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
    if (sm != null)
    return unsafe;
   * Returns the memory address offset of the given static field.
   * The offset is merely used as a means to access a particular field
   * in the other methods of this class.  The value is unique to the given
   * field and the same value should be returned on each subsequent call.
   * 返回指定靜態(tài)field的內(nèi)存地址偏移量,在這個類的其他方法中這個值只是被用作一個訪問
   * 特定field的一個方式口予。這個值對于 給定的field是唯一的,并且后續(xù)對該方法的調(diào)用都應(yīng)該
   * 返回相同的值涕侈。
   * @param field the field whose offset should be returned.
   *              需要返回偏移量的field
   * @return the offset of the given field.
   *         指定field的偏移量
  public native long objectFieldOffset(Field field);
   * Compares the value of the integer field at the specified offset
   * in the supplied object with the given expected value, and updates
   * it if they match.  The operation of this method should be atomic,
   * thus providing an uninterruptible way of updating an integer field.
   * 在obj的offset位置比較integer field和期望的值沪停,如果相同則更新。這個方法
   * 的操作應(yīng)該是原子的裳涛,因此提供了一種不可中斷的方式更新integer field木张。
   * @param obj the object containing the field to modify.
   *            包含要修改field的對象
   * @param offset the offset of the integer field within <code>obj</code>.
   *               <code>obj</code>中整型field的偏移量
   * @param expect the expected value of the field.
   *               希望field中存在的值
   * @param update the new value of the field if it equals <code>expect</code>.
   *           如果期望值expect與field的當前值相同,設(shè)置filed的值為這個新值
   * @return true if the field was changed.
   *                             如果field的值被更改
  public native boolean compareAndSwapInt(Object obj, long offset,
                                          int expect, int update);
   * Compares the value of the long field at the specified offset
   * in the supplied object with the given expected value, and updates
   * it if they match.  The operation of this method should be atomic,
   * thus providing an uninterruptible way of updating a long field.
   * 在obj的offset位置比較long field和期望的值端三,如果相同則更新舷礼。這個方法
   * 的操作應(yīng)該是原子的,因此提供了一種不可中斷的方式更新long field郊闯。
   * @param obj the object containing the field to modify.
   *              包含要修改field的對象 
   * @param offset the offset of the long field within <code>obj</code>.
   *               <code>obj</code>中l(wèi)ong型field的偏移量
   * @param expect the expected value of the field.
   *               希望field中存在的值
   * @param update the new value of the field if it equals <code>expect</code>.
   *               如果期望值expect與field的當前值相同妻献,設(shè)置filed的值為這個新值
   * @return true if the field was changed.
   *              如果field的值被更改
  public native boolean compareAndSwapLong(Object obj, long offset,
                                           long expect, long update);
   * Compares the value of the object field at the specified offset
   * in the supplied object with the given expected value, and updates
   * it if they match.  The operation of this method should be atomic,
   * thus providing an uninterruptible way of updating an object field.
   * 在obj的offset位置比較object field和期望的值,如果相同則更新团赁。這個方法
   * 的操作應(yīng)該是原子的育拨,因此提供了一種不可中斷的方式更新object field。
   * @param obj the object containing the field to modify.
   *    包含要修改field的對象 
   * @param offset the offset of the object field within <code>obj</code>.
   *         <code>obj</code>中object型field的偏移量
   * @param expect the expected value of the field.
   *               希望field中存在的值
   * @param update the new value of the field if it equals <code>expect</code>.
   *               如果期望值expect與field的當前值相同欢摄,設(shè)置filed的值為這個新值
   * @return true if the field was changed.
   *              如果field的值被更改
  public native boolean compareAndSwapObject(Object obj, long offset,
                                             Object expect, Object update);
   * Sets the value of the integer field at the specified offset in the
   * supplied object to the given value.  This is an ordered or lazy
   * version of <code>putIntVolatile(Object,long,int)</code>, which
   * doesn't guarantee the immediate visibility of the change to other
   * threads.  It is only really useful where the integer field is
   * <code>volatile</code>, and is thus expected to change unexpectedly.
   * 設(shè)置obj對象中offset偏移地址對應(yīng)的整型field的值為指定值熬丧。這是一個有序或者
   * 有延遲的<code>putIntVolatile</cdoe>方法,并且不保證值的改變被其他線程立
   * 即看到剧浸。只有在field被<code>volatile</code>修飾并且期望被意外修改的時候
   * 使用才有用锹引。
   * @param obj the object containing the field to modify.
   *    包含需要修改field的對象
   * @param offset the offset of the integer field within <code>obj</code>.
   *       <code>obj</code>中整型field的偏移量
   * @param value the new value of the field.
   *      field將被設(shè)置的新值
   * @see #putIntVolatile(Object,long,int)
  public native void putOrderedInt(Object obj, long offset, int value);
   * Sets the value of the long field at the specified offset in the
   * supplied object to the given value.  This is an ordered or lazy
   * version of <code>putLongVolatile(Object,long,long)</code>, which
   * doesn't guarantee the immediate visibility of the change to other
   * threads.  It is only really useful where the long field is
   * <code>volatile</code>, and is thus expected to change unexpectedly.
   * 設(shè)置obj對象中offset偏移地址對應(yīng)的long型field的值為指定值。這是一個有序或者
   * 有延遲的<code>putLongVolatile</cdoe>方法唆香,并且不保證值的改變被其他線程立
   * 即看到嫌变。只有在field被<code>volatile</code>修飾并且期望被意外修改的時候
   * 使用才有用。
   * @param obj the object containing the field to modify.
   *    包含需要修改field的對象
   * @param offset the offset of the long field within <code>obj</code>.
   *       <code>obj</code>中l(wèi)ong型field的偏移量
   * @param value the new value of the field.
   *      field將被設(shè)置的新值
   * @see #putLongVolatile(Object,long,long)
  public native void putOrderedLong(Object obj, long offset, long value);
   * Sets the value of the object field at the specified offset in the
   * supplied object to the given value.  This is an ordered or lazy
   * version of <code>putObjectVolatile(Object,long,Object)</code>, which
   * doesn't guarantee the immediate visibility of the change to other
   * threads.  It is only really useful where the object field is
   * <code>volatile</code>, and is thus expected to change unexpectedly.
   * 設(shè)置obj對象中offset偏移地址對應(yīng)的object型field的值為指定值躬它。這是一個有序或者
   * 有延遲的<code>putObjectVolatile</cdoe>方法腾啥,并且不保證值的改變被其他線程立
   * 即看到。只有在field被<code>volatile</code>修飾并且期望被意外修改的時候
   * 使用才有用。
   * @param obj the object containing the field to modify.
   *    包含需要修改field的對象
   * @param offset the offset of the object field within <code>obj</code>.
   *       <code>obj</code>中l(wèi)ong型field的偏移量
   * @param value the new value of the field.
   *      field將被設(shè)置的新值
  public native void putOrderedObject(Object obj, long offset, Object value);
   * Sets the value of the integer field at the specified offset in the
   * supplied object to the given value, with volatile store semantics.
   * 設(shè)置obj對象中offset偏移地址對應(yīng)的整型field的值為指定值倘待。支持volatile store語義
   * @param obj the object containing the field to modify.
   *    包含需要修改field的對象
   * @param offset the offset of the integer field within <code>obj</code>.
   *       <code>obj</code>中整型field的偏移量
   * @param value the new value of the field.
   *       field將被設(shè)置的新值
  public native void putIntVolatile(Object obj, long offset, int value);
   * Retrieves the value of the integer field at the specified offset in the
   * supplied object with volatile load semantics.
   * 獲取obj對象中offset偏移地址對應(yīng)的整型field的值,支持volatile load語義疮跑。
   * @param obj the object containing the field to read.
   *    包含需要去讀取的field的對象
   * @param offset the offset of the integer field within <code>obj</code>.
   *       <code>obj</code>中整型field的偏移量
  public native int getIntVolatile(Object obj, long offset);
   * Sets the value of the long field at the specified offset in the
   * supplied object to the given value, with volatile store semantics.
   * 設(shè)置obj對象中offset偏移地址對應(yīng)的long型field的值為指定值。支持volatile store語義
   * @param obj the object containing the field to modify.
   *            包含需要修改field的對象
   * @param offset the offset of the long field within <code>obj</code>.
   *               <code>obj</code>中l(wèi)ong型field的偏移量
   * @param value the new value of the field.
   *              field將被設(shè)置的新值
   * @see #putLong(Object,long,long)
  public native void putLongVolatile(Object obj, long offset, long value);
   * Sets the value of the long field at the specified offset in the
   * supplied object to the given value.
   * 設(shè)置obj對象中offset偏移地址對應(yīng)的long型field的值為指定值凸舵。
   * @param obj the object containing the field to modify.
   *     包含需要修改field的對象
   * @param offset the offset of the long field within <code>obj</code>.
   *     <code>obj</code>中l(wèi)ong型field的偏移量
   * @param value the new value of the field.
   *     field將被設(shè)置的新值
   * @see #putLongVolatile(Object,long,long)
  public native void putLong(Object obj, long offset, long value);
   * Retrieves the value of the long field at the specified offset in the
   * supplied object with volatile load semantics.
   * 獲取obj對象中offset偏移地址對應(yīng)的long型field的值,支持volatile load語義祖娘。
   * @param obj the object containing the field to read.
   *    包含需要去讀取的field的對象
   * @param offset the offset of the long field within <code>obj</code>.
   *       <code>obj</code>中l(wèi)ong型field的偏移量
   * @see #getLong(Object,long)
  public native long getLongVolatile(Object obj, long offset);
   * Retrieves the value of the long field at the specified offset in the
   * supplied object.
   * 獲取obj對象中offset偏移地址對應(yīng)的long型field的值
   * @param obj the object containing the field to read.
   *    包含需要去讀取的field的對象
   * @param offset the offset of the long field within <code>obj</code>.
   *       <code>obj</code>中l(wèi)ong型field的偏移量
   * @see #getLongVolatile(Object,long)
  public native long getLong(Object obj, long offset);
   * Sets the value of the object field at the specified offset in the
   * supplied object to the given value, with volatile store semantics.
   * 設(shè)置obj對象中offset偏移地址對應(yīng)的object型field的值為指定值。支持volatile store語義
   * @param obj the object containing the field to modify.
   *    包含需要修改field的對象
   * @param offset the offset of the object field within <code>obj</code>.
   *     <code>obj</code>中object型field的偏移量
   * @param value the new value of the field.
   *       field將被設(shè)置的新值
   * @see #putObject(Object,long,Object)
  public native void putObjectVolatile(Object obj, long offset, Object value);
   * Sets the value of the object field at the specified offset in the
   * supplied object to the given value.
   * 設(shè)置obj對象中offset偏移地址對應(yīng)的object型field的值為指定值啊奄。
   * @param obj the object containing the field to modify.
   *    包含需要修改field的對象
   * @param offset the offset of the object field within <code>obj</code>.
   *     <code>obj</code>中object型field的偏移量
   * @param value the new value of the field.
   *       field將被設(shè)置的新值
   * @see #putObjectVolatile(Object,long,Object)
  public native void putObject(Object obj, long offset, Object value);
   * Retrieves the value of the object field at the specified offset in the
   * supplied object with volatile load semantics.
   * 獲取obj對象中offset偏移地址對應(yīng)的object型field的值,支持volatile load語義渐苏。
   * @param obj the object containing the field to read.
   *    包含需要去讀取的field的對象
   * @param offset the offset of the object field within <code>obj</code>.
   *       <code>obj</code>中object型field的偏移量
  public native Object getObjectVolatile(Object obj, long offset);
   * Returns the offset of the first element for a given array class.
   * To access elements of the array class, this value may be used along with
   * with that returned by 
   * <a href="#arrayIndexScale"><code>arrayIndexScale</code></a>,
   * if non-zero.
   * 獲取給定數(shù)組中第一個元素的偏移地址。
   * 為了存取數(shù)組中的元素菇夸,這個偏移地址與<a href="#arrayIndexScale"><code>arrayIndexScale
   * </code></a>方法的非0返回值一起被使用琼富。
   * @param arrayClass the class for which the first element's address should
   *                   be obtained.
   *                   第一個元素地址被獲取的class
   * @return the offset of the first element of the array class.
   *    數(shù)組第一個元素 的偏移地址
   * @see arrayIndexScale(Class)
  public native int arrayBaseOffset(Class arrayClass);
   * Returns the scale factor used for addressing elements of the supplied
   * array class.  Where a suitable scale factor can not be returned (e.g.
   * for primitive types), zero should be returned.  The returned value
   * can be used with 
   * <a href="#arrayBaseOffset"><code>arrayBaseOffset</code></a>
   * to access elements of the class.
   * 獲取用戶給定數(shù)組尋址的換算因子.一個合適的換算因子不能返回的時候(例如:基本類型),
   * 返回0.這個返回值能夠與<a href="#arrayBaseOffset"><code>arrayBaseOffset</code>
   * </a>一起使用去存取這個數(shù)組class中的元素
   * @param arrayClass the class whose scale factor should be returned.
   * @return the scale factor, or zero if not supported for this array class.
  public native int arrayIndexScale(Class arrayClass);
   * Releases the block on a thread created by 
   * <a href="#park"><code>park</code></a>.  This method can also be used
   * to terminate a blockage caused by a prior call to <code>park</code>.
   * This operation is unsafe, as the thread must be guaranteed to be
   * live.  This is true of Java, but not native code.
   * 釋放被<a href="#park"><code>park</code></a>創(chuàng)建的在一個線程上的阻塞.這個
   * 方法也可以被使用來終止一個先前調(diào)用<code>park</code>導致的阻塞.
   * 這個操作操作時不安全的,因此線程必須保證是活的.這是java代碼不是native代碼。
   * @param thread the thread to unblock.
   *           要解除阻塞的線程
  public native void unpark(Thread thread);
   * Blocks the thread until a matching 
   * <a href="#unpark"><code>unpark</code></a> occurs, the thread is
   * interrupted or the optional timeout expires.  If an <code>unpark</code>
   * call has already occurred, this also counts.  A timeout value of zero
   * is defined as no timeout.  When <code>isAbsolute</code> is
   * <code>true</code>, the timeout is in milliseconds relative to the
   * epoch.  Otherwise, the value is the number of nanoseconds which must
   * occur before timeout.  This call may also return spuriously (i.e.
   * for no apparent reason).
   * 阻塞一個線程直到<a href="#unpark"><code>unpark</code></a>出現(xiàn)庄新、線程
   * 被中斷或者timeout時間到期鞠眉。如果一個<code>unpark</code>調(diào)用已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)了,
   * 這里只計數(shù)择诈。timeout為0表示永不過期.當<code>isAbsolute</code>為true時械蹋,
   * timeout是相對于新紀元之后的毫秒。否則這個值就是超時前的納秒數(shù)羞芍。這個方法執(zhí)行時
   * 也可能不合理地返回(沒有具體原因)
   * @param isAbsolute true if the timeout is specified in milliseconds from
   *                   the epoch.
   *                   如果為true timeout的值是一個相對于新紀元之后的毫秒數(shù)
   * @param time either the number of nanoseconds to wait, or a time in
   *             milliseconds from the epoch to wait for.
   *             可以是一個要等待的納秒數(shù)朝蜘,或者是一個相對于新紀元之后的毫秒數(shù)直到
   *             到達這個時間點
  public native void park(boolean isAbsolute, long time);


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  • 文/不壞的土叔 我叫張陵,是天一觀的道長痒筒。 經(jīng)常有香客問我宰闰,道長茬贵,這世上最難降的妖魔是什么? 我笑而不...
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  • 正文 為了忘掉前任移袍,我火速辦了婚禮解藻,結(jié)果婚禮上,老公的妹妹穿的比我還像新娘葡盗。我一直安慰自己螟左,他們只是感情好,可當我...
    茶點故事閱讀 69,100評論 6 398
  • 文/花漫 我一把揭開白布觅够。 她就那樣靜靜地躺著路狮,像睡著了一般。 火紅的嫁衣襯著肌膚如雪蔚约。 梳的紋絲不亂的頭發(fā)上,一...
    開封第一講書人閱讀 52,696評論 1 312
  • 那天涂籽,我揣著相機與錄音苹祟,去河邊找鬼。 笑死评雌,一個胖子當著我的面吹牛树枫,可吹牛的內(nèi)容都是我干的。 我是一名探鬼主播景东,決...
    沈念sama閱讀 41,165評論 3 422
  • 文/蒼蘭香墨 我猛地睜開眼砂轻,長吁一口氣:“原來是場噩夢啊……” “哼!你這毒婦竟也來了斤吐?” 一聲冷哼從身側(cè)響起搔涝,我...
    開封第一講書人閱讀 40,108評論 0 277
  • 序言:老撾萬榮一對情侶失蹤,失蹤者是張志新(化名)和其女友劉穎和措,沒想到半個月后庄呈,有當?shù)厝嗽跇淞掷锇l(fā)現(xiàn)了一具尸體,經(jīng)...
    沈念sama閱讀 46,646評論 1 319
  • 正文 獨居荒郊野嶺守林人離奇死亡派阱,尸身上長有42處帶血的膿包…… 初始之章·張勛 以下內(nèi)容為張勛視角 年9月15日...
    茶點故事閱讀 38,709評論 3 342
  • 正文 我和宋清朗相戀三年诬留,在試婚紗的時候發(fā)現(xiàn)自己被綠了。 大學時的朋友給我發(fā)了我未婚夫和他白月光在一起吃飯的照片贫母。...
    茶點故事閱讀 40,861評論 1 353
  • 序言:一個原本活蹦亂跳的男人離奇死亡文兑,死狀恐怖,靈堂內(nèi)的尸體忽然破棺而出腺劣,到底是詐尸還是另有隱情绿贞,我是刑警寧澤,帶...
    沈念sama閱讀 36,527評論 5 351
  • 正文 年R本政府宣布橘原,位于F島的核電站樟蠕,受9級特大地震影響贮聂,放射性物質(zhì)發(fā)生泄漏。R本人自食惡果不足惜寨辩,卻給世界環(huán)境...
    茶點故事閱讀 42,196評論 3 336
  • 文/蒙蒙 一吓懈、第九天 我趴在偏房一處隱蔽的房頂上張望。 院中可真熱鬧靡狞,春花似錦耻警、人聲如沸。這莊子的主人今日做“春日...
    開封第一講書人閱讀 32,698評論 0 25
  • 文/蒼蘭香墨 我抬頭看了看天上的太陽。三九已至梢杭,卻和暖如春温兼,著一層夾襖步出監(jiān)牢的瞬間,已是汗流浹背武契。 一陣腳步聲響...
    開封第一講書人閱讀 33,804評論 1 274
  • 我被黑心中介騙來泰國打工募判, 沒想到剛下飛機就差點兒被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道東北人咒唆。 一個月前我還...
    沈念sama閱讀 49,287評論 3 379
  • 正文 我出身青樓届垫,卻偏偏與公主長得像,于是被迫代替她去往敵國和親全释。 傳聞我的和親對象是個殘疾皇子装处,可洞房花燭夜當晚...
    茶點故事閱讀 45,860評論 2 361


  • 從三月份找實習到現(xiàn)在,面了一些公司浸船,掛了不少妄迁,但最終還是拿到小米、百度李命、阿里判族、京東、新浪项戴、CVTE形帮、樂視家的研發(fā)崗...
    時芥藍閱讀 42,278評論 11 349
  • Java SE 基礎(chǔ): 封裝、繼承周叮、多態(tài) 封裝: 概念:就是把對象的屬性和操作(或服務(wù))結(jié)合為一個獨立的整體辩撑,并盡...
    Jayden_Cao閱讀 2,112評論 0 8
  • 1. Java基礎(chǔ)部分 基礎(chǔ)部分的順序:基本語法,類相關(guān)的語法仿耽,內(nèi)部類的語法合冀,繼承相關(guān)的語法,異常的語法项贺,線程的語...
    子非魚_t_閱讀 31,665評論 18 399
  • *面試心聲:其實這些題本人都沒怎么背,但是在上海 兩周半 面了大約10家 收到差不多3個offer,總結(jié)起來就是把...
    Dove_iOS閱讀 27,166評論 30 470
  • 醒來君躺, 在清晨到來之前的2點57. 微風帶著細雨峭判, 骨子里思念像毒藥在蔓延。 我確定棕叫,我想你林螃。 你像那小巷里的孤燈...
    鄭凌霄閱讀 345評論 2 1