今天早上再次在KE-OLA 的提醒下灌诅,祂有多么努力為我提醒該注意的事情。很幸運與幸福梆暮。出門前為KE-OLA 準備隨身包,在溝通中绍昂,選擇了帶有自行車的一款啦粹,瞬間腦子里有個想法“荷歐波諾波諾、自行車”窘游,讓我想起了《內在小孩》書中唠椭,KR 女士有提到這點。說實話選購時张峰,雖然我有邀請KE-OLA 參與到其中泪蔫,但我自己也只是因為第一眼覺得好看才下單的,我在不清楚的情況下選擇了完美的隨身包喘批。
上班期間,翻墻查詢荷歐波諾波諾的信息铣揉,完整的看完了Wikipedia 上的信息饶深,又查到官網上,看到零極限有基礎②課程逛拱,我大致看了一下上課需要滿足的條件敌厘,發(fā)現需要上完基礎課程2年后而且非常認同與參與日常清理的人,才能參加這個課程朽合,哈哈俱两,也就是說,我要在明年6月份后才有資格呢曹步!希望能被引進來宪彩,我一定會去參加~
(SELF I-DENTITY through HO’OPONOPONO? Basic II REQUIREMENTS: (students must meet all 7 requirements)
1. This class is for those students who have practiced the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono? Basic I class for 2 years.
? ?(student to include date of first SITH? class attended to be 2 years from date of Basic II, no exceptions)
2. Students have accepted the system as the way to problem solve.
3. Students must have developed a good working relationship with their triune self, especially with their unihipili.
4. Students must have taken a Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono? Basic I class between 2002 and to date. Basic I class includes Basic I,
? ? Business Ho'oponpono or Health Ho'oponopono 2 day classes.
5. The emphasis of Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono? is on the care of the Triune Self.
6. Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono? Basic I class is all that you need to know to apply the Ho'oponopono process.
7. It is the student's responsibility to determine that they meet the criteria listed above and that they are truly ready to take the Basic II.)