This weekend, May 10th and? 11th, I had a class at 8:30 and at 10:30, the kids from Primary school of 2nd and 3rd level. For the first class I had 12 and 8kids and for the 2nd class I had 12 and 8 kids on Saturday and on Sunday respectively from the age category of 10年 team D. The weather was good.
Topic: Introduction to 2 v 2 situation
1. Warm up
Content 1
Awareness and arousing games
Content 2.
Same but with ball
2.Technical drills
Content 1
In a square of 10m x 10m, passing game of 4 vs 1, where a one touch pass is not allowed, and a pass outside the square is not allowed. A player who make a mistake in losing the ball immediately become the hunter player. It enough for the hunter just to touch the ball in order to change the role from passer to hunter
Content 2
A 1v1 translated to 2 v2 situation in a normal small side pitch of 30m x 40m
3. Match (40min)
We played a Normal Match of 3 v 3 for both classes of Saturday. And on Sunday we played a Match 6v6 against a team of 10年B 隊 and we won that game by 5-3.