? 2017年7月5日
? ? ? ? 今天下午望伦,我們一起去騎馬。我們先到了馬場古程,看到四匹強壯英俊的棕色的馬匹蔼卡。我的心里非常激動,因為我從來沒有一個人騎過馬挣磨。我們上馬了雇逞,我騎的一匹馬兩眼之間有一條雪白的斑紋,兩只耳朵中間有菊花一樣的鬃毛茁裙,非常美麗塘砸!
? ? ? 我們騎著馬要出發(fā)了,一開始我的馬不肯跑晤锥,后來向?qū)в泌s了趕我的馬掉蔬,馬兒跑起來了廊宪!馬跑的時候,一顛一顛的女轿,可是顛久了箭启,屁股會疼!
? ? ? ? 我的馬兒可乖了蛉迹,我叫它快傅寡,它就快;我叫她慢北救,她就慢荐操,很和氣!可是媽媽就沒有那么幸運了珍策,媽媽的馬兒顛得很厲害托启,只聽見一聲尖叫,我回頭一看膛壹,媽媽雙手緊緊地抱著馬脖子驾中,一只腳高高地吊在馬背上唉堪,一只腳快要著地了模聋,還沒有著地,像雜技演員一樣演著高難度動作唠亚。原來她被顛下了馬链方!
? ? ? 我們騎了大約兩個小時,總算到達了復活節(jié)島的最高點灶搜。山上的草地連綿起伏祟蚀,南邊是一望無際的南太平洋,北邊是雄偉的火山口割卖。海風呼呼地吹前酿,非常涼快,簡直要凍死了鹏溯!
? ? ? 我們騎了一下午的馬罢维,非常疲憊,但是看了那么多風景窖杀,也很快樂警检!
It shouldn't be this way, absolutely, I thought, sitting on the back of this lazy and greedy horse while other people were already ten meters away and fading.
I arrived in Easter Island four days ago. Everything here seemed perfect, except the little bugs on the food and lack of hot water. The horse ride was on the third day, on which we tried to dive but failed because the wind is too big. I can't tell, but I believe that everyone was a little disappointed that day. However, when we saw the sight on the way to the farm where the horses live, every sense of dissatisfaction and disappointment disappeared. We quickly got prepared, got up the horses and started pacing. Riding the horse seemed easy and enjoyable, I thought. Well, that's where the tra-me-dy began.
The leader, a horseman, turned his horse toward the gate and began mumbling something. The horses seemed unusually obeying. They turned to the gate, and the group of riders moved slowly along the trail which was surrounded by grassland. I have to say, the sight was pretty gorgeous. The land stretched out, forming a continuous green plain. With only a few trees and horses, the place seemed like a independent microcosm. It made us felt tiny and negligible. The sky and the ground were sealed by some mountains far far away. The weird thing is that the green color here is not that kind of vivid, fresh, bright green like in Inner Mongolia, it's semi yellow and semi green. Though Easter Island is near the sea, the grass here is quite dry, not saturate. So there is a cold atmosphere that would make one shiver immediately. That's kind of weird, right? By the sea but dry.
We reluctantly put on our winter coats, which was proved to be very clever under that circumstances later, and started going a little bit faster. Yep, only a tiny little bit faster. Dunno why, but the horses were unbearably slow, like some eighty-year-old grannies crossing the street. No matter how tight I close my legs, no matter how hard I punch the horse's butt, it just didn't accelerate. I wondered that if there was a curious pilot who coincidentally looked out of the window on the plane above us, would he recognize us as some little bugs crunching? We moved so slow and tardy, as if it would take a thousand million years for us to get to our destination and another thousand million years for us to get back. Well, it did take three hours, which is indeed quite a long time.
As we got higher and higher (elevation), the air went thinner and colder. Our winter coats tried their best to provide us a warm and moist space for us, but I guess they failed. The wind shuffled like a blade, piercing everything on its way. It reminded me of my mother cutting a sandwich into two halves using a sharp knife, easy and cold-blood. (I am getting hungry now, I want to get some OYSTA!)
Finally, we got to the top. The view was even better than below (of course, you idiot). The clouds were bursting like a bunch of cottons. Underneath them (or above them, whatever), the pure blue sky like a enormous plank of sapphire (or emerald, whatever). Far far away,? to the place where sky and ground meet (or kiss, whatever), there were not only mountains, but also small clusters of forests and villages. The view was so great that it reminded me of something. It was there, at the summit of the island, that I truly understood the meaning of nature: to destroy anything that is destroying, and to rebuild everything that is rebuilding. By destroying other species, we are destroying ourselves. By rebuilding other ecosystems, we are rebuilding ourselves.
Okay, let's get back to our main idea from this 'help us save the world' theory. :)
Along the trail there was a rugged path and there's a lot of stones and boulders on it. The horses, when going through it, all got mad. They run crazily and passionately, showing off their muscles and skills of running. But certainly, for us riders, it was a disaster both catastrophic and thrilling. The horses shake so much that we couldn't help screaming. The small stones were flying all the time. I guess that if looking to us from a hundred meters away, one might consider as a group of refugees who are not skilled riders. We screamed and screamed. And all of a sudden, there was a loud, sharp scream.
It came from my mom. Looking back, I found her half of the body out of the horse, another half dangling on the horse. (Or against the horse, whatever, none of my business) Just as she was about to fall off, the leading horseman came and took control of the horse. He soothed my mom and us, too, for everyone was heart-beating quickly. My mom got off the horse, took a few deep breaths, and got on the horse again. The horse, after being 'punished' by the leading horseman, seemed quite unhappy and (em, how to say that, like a naughty kid wants to do even worse things after being punished by his parents, that kind of feeling, you know) So, during the next one hour, my mom is either screaming (the horse was going way too fast and way too furious) or complaining (the horse was going way too slow and way too stupid). Anyway, I felt quite fortunate that the guy falling from the horse wasn't me.
Dunno why, but MY horse seemed EXTREMELY LAZY & GREEDY-TO-EAT during the whole tour. (Hey, and by the way, why doesn't this '&' sign capitalize?) It performed okay on the way to the summit, but back from the summit? Uh-oh, 'I am sorry Mr Chen, but I am INDEED VERY HUNGRY' The horse kept eating the grass on the ground, and the move was like:'SPEED UP! HALT! SPEED UP! HALT!' And, eventually, it made a decision. 'I am sorry Mr Chen, but I guess it is more important to EAT than walk!' Okay, back from the beginning, so I was there sitting on a stupid idiot horse when other people was fading and left me behind, so how can I, how could I solve this? I don't want to recollect it again. You just need to know. I solved this, and we got back to the hotel without losing an arm or a leg. HAPPY ENDING ALWAYS!
I guess that's all the thing about this horse-riding adventure. My butt still hurt now. I believe I am not going to forget this experience, nor this butt-ache.