Part 1 Words & Expressions
1. proactive
Making things happen or change rather than
reacting to events.積極的,主動的
Eg. Being proactive was not so easy for me, butnow I form a habit of it.
2. He was imprisoned in the death camps of NaziGermany, where he experienced things that were so repugnant to our sense ofdecency that we shudder to even repeat them.
Repugnant: very unpleasant and offensive.
Eg. Our boss’s words sounds so repugnant to us.
3. He exercised his small, embryonic freedomuntil it grew larger and larger.
Embryonic:at a very early stage of development.萌芽階段的,胚胎的
Eg. At our embryonic time, we live a life with nosense in mother’s uterus.
Part 2 Reflection
They do not blame circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for their behavior. Their behavior is a product of their own conscious choice, based on values, rather than a product of their conditions,based on feelings.
Proactive people can carry their own weather withthem.
Proactive people are driven by values—carefully thoughtabout,selected and internalized values.
Taking initiative does not mean beingpushy,obnoxious, or aggressive.