It is said that before she died, she was destitute. Turn over the garbage, dirty face. Others say that Vivian sat on the bench, staring at the world, and the girl who was originally in high spirits became like this. Everyone seems to have been used to it, and nobody pays attention to her. Who wants to approach a paranoid, insane or even slightly neurotic nanny? A few days later, when neighbors found out that the dirty man was no longer hanging around, they realized that she had indeed gone. All this will be buried with her body in the dust of time, but all this because of a man's turning point.
This man can be said to have no trace of contact with her, just like the relationship between salesman and customers, only the word "Welcome to" four words. But there was no welcome between them.
再一次偶然的機遇中約翰·馬盧夫(John Maloof)年輕男子在舊貨拍賣會上特幔,得到了她的一箱老膠卷。他將這些交卷都洗出來蚯斯,一一上傳到博客上饵较,短短幾天照片就得到了相當可觀的瀏覽量。約翰立刻買下與他相關的東西循诉。
Once again, by chance, John Maloof, a young man, got a box of her old film at a junk auction. He washed out all the papers and uploaded them to his blog. In just a few days, the photos gained considerable viewing volume. John immediately bought something related to him.
Her research is getting deeper and deeper, but few people know her. Shortly afterwards, an unknown person contacted him, claiming that he knew Vivian Mayer. So the question of who Vivian really is began to surface.