“The children are just lazy. They will do the minimum to get by.” Or “Most of them hate to read. I have to drag my students through every unit."
THE BOOK WHISPERER里的一句話宽闲。說孩子們總是很懶檬贰,能少做就少做。有意思的表達是do the minimum to get by泳桦,漢語里我們習慣說“能不做就不做蜗字,能少做就少做”打肝。
其實想想也正常,別說孩子了挪捕,大人們不還是一個樣粗梭。所以我說 it's not fair to judge students like that since it's the humanity to do the minimun to get by.
后半句說drag my students through every unit.逼著學生學。學生難做级零,老師也不容易断医。