- 發(fā)起啟動請求:當(dāng)在當(dāng)前Activity中調(diào)用startActivity()方法時,會創(chuàng)建一個Intent對象檐春,并通過這個對象來描述需要啟動的目標(biāo)Activity逻淌。
- Binder機制交互:調(diào)用startActivity()后,客戶端(即啟動Activity的進(jìn)程)會通過Binder機制與服務(wù)端(system_server進(jìn)程)進(jìn)行交互疟暖。這一過程涉及到跨進(jìn)程通信卡儒,確保請求被正確傳遞到系統(tǒng)服務(wù)田柔。
- AMS處理請求:系統(tǒng)服務(wù)中的ActivityManagerService(AMS)負(fù)責(zé)處理來自客戶端的啟動請求。AMS會處理Intent骨望,并確定要啟動的Activity硬爆。
- Zygote進(jìn)程派生新進(jìn)程:如果目標(biāo)Activity尚未在內(nèi)存中存在,系統(tǒng)會通過Zygote進(jìn)程派生出新的進(jìn)程來承載新的Activity擎鸠。
- 調(diào)用目標(biāo)Activity的onCreate()方法:系統(tǒng)會調(diào)用目標(biāo)Activity的onCreate()方法缀磕,這是Activity生命周期的第一步,進(jìn)行初始化操作劣光。
- 調(diào)用其他生命周期方法:隨著Activity的創(chuàng)建和顯示袜蚕,系統(tǒng)還會依次調(diào)用onStart()、onResume()等生命周期方法绢涡,使Activity進(jìn)入“運行”狀態(tài)牲剃。
- 任務(wù)棧管理:Android系統(tǒng)會將新啟動的Activity添加到任務(wù)棧中,并根據(jù)啟動模式和任務(wù)類型進(jìn)行管理雄可。
- 用戶界面更新:最后凿傅,系統(tǒng)會更新用戶界面,將目標(biāo)Activity顯示在屏幕上数苫,用戶可以開始與之交互聪舒。
--------------------------------------- 具體流程與源碼解析如下 ---------------------------------------
- Activity中的startActivity()方法
- 首先會檢查是否存在需要恢復(fù)的自動填充會話mIntent, 如果包含額外的恢復(fù)會話令牌和恢復(fù)交叉活動需要執(zhí)行一些額外操作止吁;
- 如果當(dāng)前活動與即將啟動的活動在同一個包中疚宇,應(yīng)用會自動填充恢復(fù)機制,獲取AutofillManager.EXTRA_RESTORE_SESSION_TOKEN 的 IBinder 對象存儲在intent中赏殃,以便在啟動的新活動中進(jìn)行恢復(fù)操作;
- 然后將恢復(fù)能力從當(dāng)前活動中移除间涵,添加到即將啟動的活動中仁热。然后根據(jù)選項options參數(shù)調(diào)用startActivityForResult方法啟動新的Activity。
public void startActivity(Intent intent, @Nullable Bundle options) {
// 檢查是否存在需要恢復(fù)的自動填充會話
if (mIntent != null && mIntent.hasExtra(AutofillManager.EXTRA_RESTORE_SESSION_TOKEN)
&& mIntent.hasExtra(AutofillManager.EXTRA_RESTORE_CROSS_ACTIVITY)) {
// 檢查當(dāng)前活動和要啟動的活動是否屬于同一個應(yīng)用程序
if (TextUtils.equals(getPackageName(),
intent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()).getPackageName())) {
// 應(yīng)用自動填充恢復(fù)機制到通過startActivity()啟動的活動
final IBinder token =
// 從當(dāng)前活動中移除恢復(fù)能力
// 將恢復(fù)令牌放入intent中
intent.putExtra(AutofillManager.EXTRA_RESTORE_SESSION_TOKEN, token);
intent.putExtra(AutofillManager.EXTRA_RESTORE_CROSS_ACTIVITY, true);
// 如果提供了選項勾哩,則使用選項啟動活動
if (options != null) {
startActivityForResult(intent, -1, options);
} else {
// 注意我們想要通過這個調(diào)用來兼容可能已經(jīng)重寫了該方法的應(yīng)用程序
startActivityForResult(intent, -1);
- Activity中的startActivityForResult()方法
- 首先對options選項進(jìn)行處理潜叛,如果options參數(shù)是空會默認(rèn)獲取當(dāng)前活動的選項秽褒,選項中的是場景過度的動畫類型壶硅;
- 然后使用mInstrumentation.execStartActivity() 方法啟動新的活動,并將啟動結(jié)果存儲在 ar 變量中销斟;
- 當(dāng)啟動結(jié)果不為空時庐椒,通過ActivityThread.sendActivityResult()方法將活動啟動結(jié)果發(fā)送給啟動該活動的父活動;
- 如果requestCode大于等于0表示需要等待返回結(jié)果蚂踊,將mStartedActivity設(shè)置為true约谈,在結(jié)果返回之前保持活動不可見;
- 最后清除輸入焦點犁钟、停止動畫棱诱。
public void startActivityForResult(@RequiresPermission Intent intent, int requestCode, @Nullable Bundle options) {
if (mParent == null) {
// 處理傳入的選項,可能用于對選項進(jìn)行一些特定的處理或配置
options = transferSpringboardActivityOptions(options);
// 啟動新的活動涝动,返回一個ActivityResult對象迈勋,該對象包含了新活動的啟動結(jié)果
Instrumentation.ActivityResult ar =
this, mMainThread.getApplicationThread(), mToken, this,
intent, requestCode, options);
if (ar != null) {
// 如果ActivityResult對象不為空,說明新活動已經(jīng)成功啟動捧存,sendActivityResult()方法發(fā)送活動結(jié)果粪躬,
// 將令牌、嵌入式ID昔穴、請求碼镰官、結(jié)果代碼和結(jié)果數(shù)據(jù)作為參數(shù)傳遞給新活動
mToken, mEmbeddedID, requestCode, ar.getResultCode(),
if (requestCode >= 0) {
// 如果requestCode大于等于0,表示需要等待返回結(jié)果吗货,將mStartedActivity設(shè)置為true泳唠,以便在結(jié)果返回之前保持活動不可見
mStartedActivity = true;
// 取消輸入并開始退出過渡動畫,用于清除輸入焦點宙搬、停止動畫等操作
} else {
// 如果該活動非父活動笨腥,則走startActivityFromChild方法,執(zhí)行流程與startActivityForResult()一致勇垛,
// execStartActivity和sendActivityResult傳遞的參數(shù)改為子活動
if (options != null) {
mParent.startActivityFromChild(this, intent, requestCode, options);
} else {
mParent.startActivityFromChild(this, intent, requestCode);
- Instrumentation中的execStartActivity()方法
execStartActivity()是用于啟動一個新活動的公共方法脖母,接收7個參數(shù)(Context 當(dāng)前活動上下文,IBinder contextThread當(dāng)前活動的線程闲孤,IBinder token 當(dāng)前活動的標(biāo)識符谆级,Activity target 目標(biāo)活動,Intent intent 要啟動的活動的意圖讼积,int requestCode 請求碼肥照,Bundle options 啟動選項)。
- 將 contextThread 轉(zhuǎn)換為 IApplicationThread 類型的 whoThread茅坛;
- 調(diào)用 target.onProvideReferrer() 方法獲取引用者referrer音半,并將其添加到意圖中;
- 如果有活動監(jiān)視器存在贡蓖,遍歷所有ActivityMonitor:
① 如果有當(dāng)前ActivityMonitor忽略特定意圖匹配曹鸠,則直接通過onStartActivity(intent) 方法啟動活動,將結(jié)果存儲在 result 變量中斥铺;如果result不會空則增加ActivityMonitor的命中次數(shù)mHits彻桃,將result返回;
② 否則需要判斷特定意圖匹配晾蜘,如果活動監(jiān)視器與給定的上下文邻眷、包名和意圖匹配,則增加活動監(jiān)視器的命中次數(shù)(mHits)剔交;如果活動監(jiān)視器是阻塞的肆饶,則根據(jù)請求碼返回相應(yīng)的結(jié)果或 null,否則岖常,跳出循環(huán)驯镊。 - 最后代碼會嘗試啟動新的活動:
① 首先調(diào)用 intent.migrateExtraStreamToClipData(who) 方法將額外數(shù)據(jù)遷移到剪貼板;
② 然后調(diào)用 intent.prepareToLeaveProcess(who) 方法準(zhǔn)備離開進(jìn)程竭鞍;
③ 最后使用 ActivityTaskManager.getService().startActivity() 方法啟動新的活動板惑,并檢查啟動結(jié)果。
public ActivityResult execStartActivity(
Context who, IBinder contextThread, IBinder token, String resultWho,
Intent intent, int requestCode, Bundle options, UserHandle user) {
IApplicationThread whoThread = (IApplicationThread) contextThread;
if (mActivityMonitors != null) {
synchronized (mSync) {
final int N = mActivityMonitors.size();
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
final ActivityMonitor am = mActivityMonitors.get(i);
ActivityResult result = null;
if (am.ignoreMatchingSpecificIntents()) {
result = am.onStartActivity(intent);
if (result != null) {
return result;
} else if (am.match(who, null, intent)) {
if (am.isBlocking()) {
return requestCode >= 0 ? am.getResult() : null;
try {
int result = ActivityTaskManager.getService().startActivityAsUser(whoThread,
who.getBasePackageName(), who.getAttributionTag(), intent,
intent.resolveTypeIfNeeded(who.getContentResolver()), token, resultWho,
requestCode, 0, null, options, user.getIdentifier());
checkStartActivityResult(result, intent);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failure from system", e);
return null;
- 當(dāng)活動監(jiān)視器存在且忽略特定意圖匹配時冯乘,會通過ActivityMonitor中的onStartActivity(intent) 方法處理應(yīng)用程序中的啟動意圖,根據(jù)需要進(jìn)行相應(yīng)操作晒夹,從而啟動新活動往湿;
- 其他情況下都會通過ActivityTaskManager.getService().startActivity()方法,將活動的啟動意圖傳遞給系統(tǒng)服務(wù)器來啟動目標(biāo)活動的惋戏。
- ATMS棕孙,即ActivityTaskManagerService舔亭,是Android 10中引入的一個新的系統(tǒng)服務(wù)些膨,專門負(fù)責(zé)管理Activity及其容器(任務(wù)、堆棧钦铺、顯示等)订雾。
- 在Android 10之前,Android的四大組件(Activity矛洞、Service洼哎、BroadcastReceiver和ContentProvider)統(tǒng)一由AMS(ActivityManagerService)進(jìn)行管理。但隨著Android系統(tǒng)的發(fā)展和功能的增加沼本,為了更好地管理和優(yōu)化Activity噩峦,Android 10對這一部分功能進(jìn)行了分離,將AMS中與Activity相關(guān)的管理職責(zé)劃分給了新的ATMS抽兆。
- ActivityTaskManagerService中的startActivityAsUser()方法
- IApplicationThread caller:調(diào)用者的應(yīng)用線程辫红,用于標(biāo)識啟動Activity的應(yīng)用程序凭涂。
- String callingPackage:調(diào)用者的包名,用于驗證調(diào)用者的權(quán)限贴妻。
- @Nullable String callingFeatureId:調(diào)用者的功能ID切油,用于處理特定的功能請求。
- Intent intent:要啟動的Activity的意圖(Intent),包含了啟動Activity所需的信息。
- String resolvedType:意圖中指定的數(shù)據(jù)類型殴穴,用于解析Intent的數(shù)據(jù)驮履。
- IBinder resultTo:用于接收結(jié)果的Binder對象,如果不需要返回結(jié)果則為null乔外。
- String resultWho:用于標(biāo)識結(jié)果接收者的字符串,如果不需要返回結(jié)果則為null。
- int requestCode:請求碼巢株,用于標(biāo)識啟動Activity的請求。
- int startFlags:啟動標(biāo)志熙涤,用于控制Activity的啟動行為阁苞。
- ProfilerInfo profilerInfo:性能分析信息,用于監(jiān)控Activity的啟動過程祠挫。
- Bundle bOptions:Activity選項那槽,用于配置Activity的行為。
- int userId:目標(biāo)用戶的ID等舔,用于指定要啟動Activity的用戶骚灸。
- boolean validateIncomingUser:是否驗證傳入的用戶ID,如果為true則進(jìn)行驗證慌植。
- 首先通過assertPackageMatchesCallingUid方法驗證調(diào)用者的包名與調(diào)用者的UID是否匹配甚牲,并使用enforceNotIsolatedCaller方法檢查調(diào)用者是否為隔離進(jìn)程义郑,確保只有非隔離進(jìn)程可以進(jìn)行接下來的步驟啟動新的Activity,以保護(hù)系統(tǒng)的安全性和穩(wěn)定性丈钙;
- 然后通過getActivityStartController().checkTargetUser方法檢查目標(biāo)用戶ID是否有效非驮,并獲取目標(biāo)用戶的進(jìn)程ID和UID;
- 最后使用getActivityStartController().obtainStarter方法創(chuàng)建一個啟動器(Starter)對象雏赦,并通過鏈?zhǔn)秸{(diào)用設(shè)置各種參數(shù)劫笙,最后調(diào)用execute方法執(zhí)行啟動操作。
private int startActivityAsUser(IApplicationThread caller, String callingPackage,
@Nullable String callingFeatureId, Intent intent, String resolvedType,
IBinder resultTo, String resultWho, int requestCode, int startFlags,
ProfilerInfo profilerInfo, Bundle bOptions, int userId, boolean validateIncomingUser) {
userId = getActivityStartController().checkTargetUser(userId, validateIncomingUser,
Binder.getCallingPid(), Binder.getCallingUid(), "startActivityAsUser");
// TODO: Switch to user app stacks here.
return getActivityStartController().obtainStarter(intent, "startActivityAsUser")
- ActivityStarter中的execute()方法
- 檢查Intent中是否包含文件描述符,如果有則拋出異常;
- 獲取ActivityRecord對象和LaunchingState對象;
- 如果調(diào)用者還沒有解析Activity伍茄,那么在這里進(jìn)行解析;
- 根據(jù)全局配置是否發(fā)生變化栋盹,執(zhí)行相應(yīng)的操作:
① 如果發(fā)生變化設(shè)置標(biāo)志位;② 清除調(diào)用者的身份信息敷矫;③ 嘗試解析到重量級切換器(如果需要)例获,如果解析失敗,則返回錯誤碼曹仗;④ 執(zhí)行請求executeRequest()榨汤,并恢復(fù)調(diào)用者的身份信息;⑤ 如果全局配置發(fā)生了變化怎茫,那么在當(dāng)前活動暫停時進(jìn)行新的配置切換收壕;⑥ 等待當(dāng)前活動暫停,更新全局配置轨蛤;
- 通知ActivityMetricsLogger活動已啟動蜜宪,并返回結(jié)果。
- ActivityStarter是一個控制器祥山,負(fù)責(zé)解釋解釋如何在特定的時間和方式下啟動一個Activity圃验;
- execute()作為外部接口,觸發(fā)整個啟動過程缝呕,而新Activity的具體的啟動邏輯和記錄創(chuàng)建會走到executeRequest()方法中執(zhí)行澳窑;
int execute() {
try {
// Refuse possible leaked file descriptors
if (mRequest.intent != null && mRequest.intent.hasFileDescriptors()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("File descriptors passed in Intent");
final LaunchingState launchingState;
synchronized (mService.mGlobalLock) {
final ActivityRecord caller = ActivityRecord.forTokenLocked(mRequest.resultTo);
launchingState = mSupervisor.getActivityMetricsLogger().notifyActivityLaunching(
mRequest.intent, caller);
// If the caller hasn't already resolved the activity, we're willing
// to do so here. If the caller is already holding the WM lock here,
// and we need to check dynamic Uri permissions, then we're forced
// to assume those permissions are denied to avoid deadlocking.
if (mRequest.activityInfo == null) {
int res;
synchronized (mService.mGlobalLock) {
final boolean globalConfigWillChange = mRequest.globalConfig != null
&& mService.getGlobalConfiguration().diff(mRequest.globalConfig) != 0;
final ActivityStack stack = mRootWindowContainer.getTopDisplayFocusedStack();
if (stack != null) {
stack.mConfigWillChange = globalConfigWillChange;
Slog.v(TAG_CONFIGURATION, "Starting activity when config will change = "
+ globalConfigWillChange);
final long origId = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
res = resolveToHeavyWeightSwitcherIfNeeded();
if (res != START_SUCCESS) {
return res;
res = executeRequest(mRequest);
if (globalConfigWillChange) {
// If the caller also wants to switch to a new configuration, do so now.
// This allows a clean switch, as we are waiting for the current activity
// to pause (so we will not destroy it), and have not yet started the
// next activity.
if (stack != null) {
stack.mConfigWillChange = false;
"Updating to new configuration after starting activity.");
mService.updateConfigurationLocked(mRequest.globalConfig, null, false);
// Notify ActivityMetricsLogger that the activity has launched.
// ActivityMetricsLogger will then wait for the windows to be drawn and populate
// WaitResult.
mSupervisor.getActivityMetricsLogger().notifyActivityLaunched(launchingState, res,
return getExternalResult(mRequest.waitResult == null ? res
: waitForResult(res, mLastStartActivityRecord));
} finally {
- ActivityStarter中的executeRequest()方法
- 清除調(diào)用者的身份信息:使用Binder.clearCallingIdentity()方法清除調(diào)用者的身份信息,以便在后續(xù)的操作中以系統(tǒng)權(quán)限運行供常。
- 檢查并處理啟動模式:根據(jù)請求中的啟動模式(如標(biāo)準(zhǔn)啟動摊聋、單實例啟動等),確定如何處理Activity的啟動栈暇。這可能涉及檢查任務(wù)棧中是否存在要啟動的Activity實例栗精,并根據(jù)需要處理啟動模式。
- 解析Activity:如果調(diào)用者尚未解析目標(biāo)Activity,executeRequest會在這里進(jìn)行解析悲立。這包括查找匹配的Activity組件、驗證其存在并獲取相關(guān)的ActivityInfo對象新博。
- 檢查權(quán)限和URI權(quán)限:在啟動Activity之前薪夕,executeRequest還會進(jìn)行權(quán)限檢查。如果Intent攜帶了數(shù)據(jù)URI赫悄,并且需要動態(tài)檢查URI權(quán)限原献,那么會在此進(jìn)行相應(yīng)的權(quán)限驗證。
- 啟動Activity:通過調(diào)用mService.startActivity方法來啟動目標(biāo)Activity埂淮。這會將請求傳遞給系統(tǒng)的ActivityManagerService姑隅,由其負(fù)責(zé)實際的Activity啟動過程。
- 恢復(fù)調(diào)用者的身份信息:使用Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(origId)方法恢復(fù)之前清除的調(diào)用者身份信息倔撞。
- 處理結(jié)果:如果請求中指定了等待結(jié)果讲仰,那么executeRequest會等待目標(biāo)Activity的結(jié)果返回,并將其返回給調(diào)用者痪蝇。
- 處理全局配置變更:如果在啟動過程中全局配置發(fā)生了變化鄙陡,executeRequest會根據(jù)需要進(jìn)行相應(yīng)的處理,例如更新系統(tǒng)的配置信息躏啰。
- 通知ActivityMetricsLogger:最后趁矾,executeRequest會通知ActivityMetricsLogger活動已啟動,以便進(jìn)行性能數(shù)據(jù)的收集和記錄给僵。
private int executeRequest(Request request) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(request.reason)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Need to specify a reason.");
mLastStartReason = request.reason;
mLastStartActivityTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
mLastStartActivityRecord = null;
final IApplicationThread caller = request.caller;
Intent intent = request.intent;
NeededUriGrants intentGrants = request.intentGrants;
String resolvedType = request.resolvedType;
ActivityInfo aInfo = request.activityInfo;
ResolveInfo rInfo = request.resolveInfo;
final IVoiceInteractionSession voiceSession = request.voiceSession;
final IBinder resultTo = request.resultTo;
String resultWho = request.resultWho;
int requestCode = request.requestCode;
int callingPid = request.callingPid;
int callingUid = request.callingUid;
String callingPackage = request.callingPackage;
String callingFeatureId = request.callingFeatureId;
final int realCallingPid = request.realCallingPid;
final int realCallingUid = request.realCallingUid;
final int startFlags = request.startFlags;
final SafeActivityOptions options = request.activityOptions;
Task inTask = request.inTask;
int err = ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS;
// Pull the optional Ephemeral Installer-only bundle out of the options early.
final Bundle verificationBundle =
options != null ? options.popAppVerificationBundle() : null;
WindowProcessController callerApp = null;
if (caller != null) {
callerApp = mService.getProcessController(caller);
if (callerApp != null) {
callingPid = callerApp.getPid();
callingUid = callerApp.mInfo.uid;
} else {
Slog.w(TAG, "Unable to find app for caller " + caller + " (pid=" + callingPid
+ ") when starting: " + intent.toString());
err = ActivityManager.START_PERMISSION_DENIED;
final int userId = aInfo != null && aInfo.applicationInfo != null
? UserHandle.getUserId(aInfo.applicationInfo.uid) : 0;
if (err == ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS) {
Slog.i(TAG, "START u" + userId + " {" + intent.toShortString(true, true, true, false)
+ "} from uid " + callingUid);
ActivityRecord sourceRecord = null;
ActivityRecord resultRecord = null;
if (resultTo != null) {
sourceRecord = mRootWindowContainer.isInAnyStack(resultTo);
Slog.v(TAG_RESULTS, "Will send result to " + resultTo + " " + sourceRecord);
if (sourceRecord != null) {
if (requestCode >= 0 && !sourceRecord.finishing) {
resultRecord = sourceRecord;
final int launchFlags = intent.getFlags();
if ((launchFlags & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULT) != 0 && sourceRecord != null) {
// Transfer the result target from the source activity to the new one being started,
// including any failures.
if (requestCode >= 0) {
resultRecord = sourceRecord.resultTo;
if (resultRecord != null && !resultRecord.isInStackLocked()) {
resultRecord = null;
resultWho = sourceRecord.resultWho;
requestCode = sourceRecord.requestCode;
sourceRecord.resultTo = null;
if (resultRecord != null) {
resultRecord.removeResultsLocked(sourceRecord, resultWho, requestCode);
if (sourceRecord.launchedFromUid == callingUid) {
// The new activity is being launched from the same uid as the previous activity
// in the flow, and asking to forward its result back to the previous. In this
// case the activity is serving as a trampoline between the two, so we also want
// to update its launchedFromPackage to be the same as the previous activity.
// Note that this is safe, since we know these two packages come from the same
// uid; the caller could just as well have supplied that same package name itself
// . This specifially deals with the case of an intent picker/chooser being
// launched in the app flow to redirect to an activity picked by the user, where
// we want the final activity to consider it to have been launched by the
// previous app activity.
callingPackage = sourceRecord.launchedFromPackage;
callingFeatureId = sourceRecord.launchedFromFeatureId;
if (err == ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS && intent.getComponent() == null) {
// We couldn't find a class that can handle the given Intent.
// That's the end of that!
err = ActivityManager.START_INTENT_NOT_RESOLVED;
if (err == ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS && aInfo == null) {
// We couldn't find the specific class specified in the Intent.
// Also the end of the line.
err = ActivityManager.START_CLASS_NOT_FOUND;
if (err == ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS && sourceRecord != null
&& sourceRecord.getTask().voiceSession != null) {
// If this activity is being launched as part of a voice session, we need to ensure
// that it is safe to do so. If the upcoming activity will also be part of the voice
// session, we can only launch it if it has explicitly said it supports the VOICE
// category, or it is a part of the calling app.
if ((launchFlags & FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) == 0
&& != aInfo.applicationInfo.uid) {
try {
if (!mService.getPackageManager().activitySupportsIntent(
intent.getComponent(), intent, resolvedType)) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Activity being started in current voice task does not support "
+ "voice: " + intent);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Failure checking voice capabilities", e);
if (err == ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS && voiceSession != null) {
// If the caller is starting a new voice session, just make sure the target
// is actually allowing it to run this way.
try {
if (!mService.getPackageManager().activitySupportsIntent(intent.getComponent(),
intent, resolvedType)) {
"Activity being started in new voice task does not support: " + intent);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Failure checking voice capabilities", e);
final ActivityStack resultStack = resultRecord == null
? null : resultRecord.getRootTask();
if (err != START_SUCCESS) {
if (resultRecord != null) {
resultRecord.sendResult(INVALID_UID, resultWho, requestCode, RESULT_CANCELED,
null /* data */, null /* dataGrants */);
return err;
boolean abort = !mSupervisor.checkStartAnyActivityPermission(intent, aInfo, resultWho,
requestCode, callingPid, callingUid, callingPackage, callingFeatureId,
request.ignoreTargetSecurity, inTask != null, callerApp, resultRecord, resultStack);
abort |= !mService.mIntentFirewall.checkStartActivity(intent, callingUid,
callingPid, resolvedType, aInfo.applicationInfo);
abort |= !mService.getPermissionPolicyInternal().checkStartActivity(intent, callingUid,
boolean restrictedBgActivity = false;
if (!abort) {
try {
restrictedBgActivity = shouldAbortBackgroundActivityStart(callingUid,
callingPid, callingPackage, realCallingUid, realCallingPid, callerApp,
request.originatingPendingIntent, request.allowBackgroundActivityStart,
} finally {
// Merge the two options bundles, while realCallerOptions takes precedence.
ActivityOptions checkedOptions = options != null
? options.getOptions(intent, aInfo, callerApp, mSupervisor) : null;
if (request.allowPendingRemoteAnimationRegistryLookup) {
checkedOptions = mService.getActivityStartController()
.overrideOptionsIfNeeded(callingPackage, checkedOptions);
if (mService.mController != null) {
try {
// The Intent we give to the watcher has the extra data stripped off, since it
// can contain private information.
Intent watchIntent = intent.cloneFilter();
abort |= !mService.mController.activityStarting(watchIntent,
} catch (RemoteException e) {
mService.mController = null;
mInterceptor.setStates(userId, realCallingPid, realCallingUid, startFlags, callingPackage,
if (mInterceptor.intercept(intent, rInfo, aInfo, resolvedType, inTask, callingPid,
callingUid, checkedOptions)) {
// activity start was intercepted, e.g. because the target user is currently in quiet
// mode (turn off work) or the target application is suspended
intent = mInterceptor.mIntent;
rInfo = mInterceptor.mRInfo;
aInfo = mInterceptor.mAInfo;
resolvedType = mInterceptor.mResolvedType;
inTask = mInterceptor.mInTask;
callingPid = mInterceptor.mCallingPid;
callingUid = mInterceptor.mCallingUid;
checkedOptions = mInterceptor.mActivityOptions;
// The interception target shouldn't get any permission grants
// intended for the original destination
intentGrants = null;
if (abort) {
if (resultRecord != null) {
resultRecord.sendResult(INVALID_UID, resultWho, requestCode, RESULT_CANCELED,
null /* data */, null /* dataGrants */);
// We pretend to the caller that it was really started, but they will just get a
// cancel result.
// If permissions need a review before any of the app components can run, we
// launch the review activity and pass a pending intent to start the activity
// we are to launching now after the review is completed.
if (aInfo != null) {
if (mService.getPackageManagerInternalLocked().isPermissionsReviewRequired(
aInfo.packageName, userId)) {
final IIntentSender target = mService.getIntentSenderLocked(
ActivityManager.INTENT_SENDER_ACTIVITY, callingPackage, callingFeatureId,
callingUid, userId, null, null, 0, new Intent[]{intent},
new String[]{resolvedType}, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT
| PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT, null);
Intent newIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_REVIEW_PERMISSIONS);
int flags = intent.getFlags();
* Prevent reuse of review activity: Each app needs their own review activity. By
* default activities launched with NEW_TASK or NEW_DOCUMENT try to reuse activities
* with the same launch parameters (extras are ignored). Hence to avoid possible
* reuse force a new activity via the MULTIPLE_TASK flag.
* Activities that are not launched with NEW_TASK or NEW_DOCUMENT are not re-used,
* hence no need to add the flag in this case.
newIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_PACKAGE_NAME, aInfo.packageName);
newIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_INTENT, new IntentSender(target));
if (resultRecord != null) {
newIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_RESULT_NEEDED, true);
intent = newIntent;
// The permissions review target shouldn't get any permission
// grants intended for the original destination
intentGrants = null;
resolvedType = null;
callingUid = realCallingUid;
callingPid = realCallingPid;
rInfo = mSupervisor.resolveIntent(intent, resolvedType, userId, 0,
callingUid, realCallingUid, request.filterCallingUid));
aInfo = mSupervisor.resolveActivity(intent, rInfo, startFlags,
null /*profilerInfo*/);
final ActivityStack focusedStack =
Slog.i(TAG, "START u" + userId + " {" + intent.toShortString(true, true,
true, false) + "} from uid " + callingUid + " on display "
+ (focusedStack == null ? DEFAULT_DISPLAY
: focusedStack.getDisplayId()));
// If we have an ephemeral app, abort the process of launching the resolved intent.
// Instead, launch the ephemeral installer. Once the installer is finished, it
// starts either the intent we resolved here [on install error] or the ephemeral
// app [on install success].
if (rInfo != null && rInfo.auxiliaryInfo != null) {
intent = createLaunchIntent(rInfo.auxiliaryInfo, request.ephemeralIntent,
callingPackage, callingFeatureId, verificationBundle, resolvedType, userId);
resolvedType = null;
callingUid = realCallingUid;
callingPid = realCallingPid;
// The ephemeral installer shouldn't get any permission grants
// intended for the original destination
intentGrants = null;
aInfo = mSupervisor.resolveActivity(intent, rInfo, startFlags, null /*profilerInfo*/);
final ActivityRecord r = new ActivityRecord(mService, callerApp, callingPid, callingUid,
callingPackage, callingFeatureId, intent, resolvedType, aInfo,
mService.getGlobalConfiguration(), resultRecord, resultWho, requestCode,
request.componentSpecified, voiceSession != null, mSupervisor, checkedOptions,
mLastStartActivityRecord = r;
if (r.appTimeTracker == null && sourceRecord != null) {
// If the caller didn't specify an explicit time tracker, we want to continue
// tracking under any it has.
r.appTimeTracker = sourceRecord.appTimeTracker;
final ActivityStack stack = mRootWindowContainer.getTopDisplayFocusedStack();
// If we are starting an activity that is not from the same uid as the currently resumed
// one, check whether app switches are allowed.
if (voiceSession == null && stack != null && (stack.getResumedActivity() == null
|| stack.getResumedActivity().info.applicationInfo.uid != realCallingUid)) {
if (!mService.checkAppSwitchAllowedLocked(callingPid, callingUid,
realCallingPid, realCallingUid, "Activity start")) {
if (!(restrictedBgActivity && handleBackgroundActivityAbort(r))) {
mController.addPendingActivityLaunch(new PendingActivityLaunch(r,
sourceRecord, startFlags, stack, callerApp, intentGrants));
return ActivityManager.START_SWITCHES_CANCELED;
mLastStartActivityResult = startActivityUnchecked(r, sourceRecord, voiceSession,
request.voiceInteractor, startFlags, true /* doResume */, checkedOptions, inTask,
restrictedBgActivity, intentGrants);
if (request.outActivity != null) {
request.outActivity[0] = mLastStartActivityRecord;
return mLastStartActivityResult;
- ActivityStarter中的startActivityUnchecked()方法
- 首先調(diào)用mService.deferWindowLayout()來暫停窗口布局更新蔓同;
- 然后調(diào)用startActivityInner()方法執(zhí)行實際的Activity啟動操作,并將返回的結(jié)果賦值給result變量胡本;
- 通過handleStartResult()方法處理啟動結(jié)果牌柄,并獲取啟動的Activity所在的任務(wù)棧startedActivityStack;
- 調(diào)用postStartActivityProcessing()方法進(jìn)行后續(xù)處理侧甫,并返回啟動結(jié)果珊佣。
private int startActivityUnchecked(final ActivityRecord r, ActivityRecord sourceRecord,
IVoiceInteractionSession voiceSession, IVoiceInteractor voiceInteractor,
int startFlags, boolean doResume, ActivityOptions options, Task inTask,
boolean restrictedBgActivity, NeededUriGrants intentGrants) {
int result = START_CANCELED;
final ActivityStack startedActivityStack;
try {
Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_WINDOW_MANAGER, "startActivityInner");
result = startActivityInner(r, sourceRecord, voiceSession, voiceInteractor,
startFlags, doResume, options, inTask, restrictedBgActivity, intentGrants);
} finally {
startedActivityStack = handleStartResult(r, result);
postStartActivityProcessing(r, result, startedActivityStack);
return result;
- ActivityStarter中的startActivityInner()方法
- setInitialState設(shè)置初始狀態(tài):根據(jù)傳入的參數(shù)設(shè)置Activity的初始狀態(tài),如啟動標(biāo)志、任務(wù)棧等滨巴。
- computeLaunchingTaskFlags計算任務(wù)棧標(biāo)志:根據(jù)當(dāng)前任務(wù)棧的情況計算任務(wù)棧標(biāo)志思灌。
- computeSourceStack計算源任務(wù)棧:獲取啟動Activity的任務(wù)棧。
- Intent.setFlags設(shè)置Intent標(biāo)志:將計算出的任務(wù)棧標(biāo)志設(shè)置到Intent中恭取。
- getReusableTask獲取可重用的任務(wù):嘗試從最近任務(wù)列表中獲取可重用的任務(wù)泰偿。
- isAllowedToStart檢查是否有權(quán)限啟動:檢查調(diào)用者是否有權(quán)限啟動目標(biāo)Activity。
- recycleTask回收任務(wù):如果有可重用的任務(wù)蜈垮,將其回收到目標(biāo)任務(wù)棧中耗跛。
- getLaunchStack獲取目標(biāo)任務(wù)棧:根據(jù)計算出的任務(wù)棧標(biāo)志獲取目標(biāo)任務(wù)棧。
- 創(chuàng)建新任務(wù):如果需要創(chuàng)建新任務(wù)攒发,則創(chuàng)建新任務(wù)并將其setNewTask關(guān)聯(lián)到目標(biāo)任務(wù)棧调塌。
- Service.getLockTaskController().isLockTaskModeViolation檢查鎖屏模式:如果啟動的Activity違反了鎖屏模式,則返回錯誤惠猿。
- addOrReparentStartingActivity添加或重新設(shè)置啟動活動Activity的父級:將啟動的Activity添加到目標(biāo)任務(wù)棧中羔砾。
- isTopStackInDisplayArea移動到前臺:如果需要,將目標(biāo)任務(wù)棧移動到前臺紊扬。
- getUriPermissionsLocked授予URI權(quán)限:從Intent中獲取URI權(quán)限并授予給目標(biāo)Activity蜒茄。
- getPackageManagerInternalLocked授予隱式訪問權(quán)限:如果需要,為目標(biāo)Activity授予隱式訪問權(quán)限餐屎。
- logStartActivity記錄任務(wù)創(chuàng)建事件:記錄任務(wù)創(chuàng)建事件檀葛。
- 啟動Activity:調(diào)用目標(biāo)任務(wù)棧的startActivityLocked方法啟動Activity。
- resumeFocusedStacksTopActivities恢復(fù)焦點:如果需要腹缩,恢復(fù)目標(biāo)任務(wù)棧的焦點屿聋。
- updateUserStack更新用戶任務(wù)棧:更新用戶的任務(wù)棧信息。
- handleNonResizableTaskIfNeeded處理不可調(diào)整大小的Task:如果需要藏鹊,處理不可調(diào)整大小的Task润讥。
- 最后,return START_SUCCESS返回成功啟動的結(jié)果盘寡。
- 這個方法會判斷目標(biāo)Activity應(yīng)該歸屬哪個TaskRecord和ActivityStack楚殿,默認(rèn)情況下會調(diào)用setTaskFromSourceRecord(),即新建的Activity默認(rèn)是屬于發(fā)起方Activity所在的TaskRecord竿痰;
- 新的Activity的啟動是調(diào)用ActivityStack中的startActivityLocked方法脆粥,將新的Activity放到棧頂;
- 新的Activity移到棧頂后調(diào)用RootWindowContainer中的resumeFocusedStacksTopActivities()方法顯示新的Activity影涉;
int startActivityInner(final ActivityRecord r, ActivityRecord sourceRecord,
IVoiceInteractionSession voiceSession, IVoiceInteractor voiceInteractor,
int startFlags, boolean doResume, ActivityOptions options, Task inTask,
boolean restrictedBgActivity, NeededUriGrants intentGrants) {
setInitialState(r, options, inTask, doResume, startFlags, sourceRecord, voiceSession,
voiceInteractor, restrictedBgActivity);
final Task reusedTask = getReusableTask();
// If requested, freeze the task list
if (mOptions != null && mOptions.freezeRecentTasksReordering()
&& mSupervisor.mRecentTasks.isCallerRecents(r.launchedFromUid)
&& !mSupervisor.mRecentTasks.isFreezeTaskListReorderingSet()) {
mFrozeTaskList = true;
// Compute if there is an existing task that should be used for.
final Task targetTask = reusedTask != null ? reusedTask : computeTargetTask();
final boolean newTask = targetTask == null;
mTargetTask = targetTask;
computeLaunchParams(r, sourceRecord, targetTask);
// Check if starting activity on given task or on a new task is allowed.
int startResult = isAllowedToStart(r, newTask, targetTask);
if (startResult != START_SUCCESS) {
return startResult;
final ActivityRecord targetTaskTop = newTask
? null : targetTask.getTopNonFinishingActivity();
if (targetTaskTop != null) {
// Recycle the target task for this launch.
startResult = recycleTask(targetTask, targetTaskTop, reusedTask, intentGrants);
if (startResult != START_SUCCESS) {
return startResult;
} else {
mAddingToTask = true;
// If the activity being launched is the same as the one currently at the top, then
// we need to check if it should only be launched once.
final ActivityStack topStack = mRootWindowContainer.getTopDisplayFocusedStack();
if (topStack != null) {
startResult = deliverToCurrentTopIfNeeded(topStack, intentGrants);
if (startResult != START_SUCCESS) {
return startResult;
if (mTargetStack == null) {
mTargetStack = getLaunchStack(mStartActivity, mLaunchFlags, targetTask, mOptions);
if (newTask) {
final Task taskToAffiliate = (mLaunchTaskBehind && mSourceRecord != null)
? mSourceRecord.getTask() : null;
if (mService.getLockTaskController().isLockTaskModeViolation(
mStartActivity.getTask())) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Attempted Lock Task Mode violation mStartActivity=" + mStartActivity);
} else if (mAddingToTask) {
addOrReparentStartingActivity(targetTask, "adding to task");
if (!mAvoidMoveToFront && mDoResume) {
mTargetStack.getStack().moveToFront("reuseOrNewTask", targetTask);
if (mOptions != null) {
if (mOptions.getTaskAlwaysOnTop()) {
if (!mTargetStack.isTopStackInDisplayArea() && mService.mInternal.isDreaming()) {
// Launching underneath dream activity (fullscreen, always-on-top). Run the launch-
// -behind transition so the Activity gets created and starts in visible state.
mLaunchTaskBehind = true;
r.mLaunchTaskBehind = true;
if (mStartActivity.resultTo != null && != null) {
// we need to resolve resultTo to a uid as grantImplicitAccess deals explicitly in UIDs
final PackageManagerInternal pmInternal =
final int resultToUid = pmInternal.getPackageUidInternal(, 0, mStartActivity.mUserId);
pmInternal.grantImplicitAccess(mStartActivity.mUserId, mIntent,
UserHandle.getAppId( /*recipient*/,
resultToUid /*visible*/, true /*direct*/);
if (newTask) {
EventLogTags.WM_CREATE_ACTIVITY, mStartActivity.getTask());
mTargetStack.mLastPausedActivity = null;
false /* forceSend */, mStartActivity);
mTargetStack.startActivityLocked(mStartActivity, topStack.getTopNonFinishingActivity(),
newTask, mKeepCurTransition, mOptions);
if (mDoResume) {
final ActivityRecord topTaskActivity =
if (!mTargetStack.isTopActivityFocusable()
|| (topTaskActivity != null && topTaskActivity.isTaskOverlay()
&& mStartActivity != topTaskActivity)) {
// If the activity is not focusable, we can't resume it, but still would like to
// make sure it becomes visible as it starts (this will also trigger entry
// animation). An example of this are PIP activities.
// Also, we don't want to resume activities in a task that currently has an overlay
// as the starting activity just needs to be in the visible paused state until the
// over is removed.
// Passing {@code null} as the start parameter ensures all activities are made
// visible.
mTargetStack.ensureActivitiesVisible(null /* starting */,
0 /* configChanges */, !PRESERVE_WINDOWS);
// Go ahead and tell window manager to execute app transition for this activity
// since the app transition will not be triggered through the resume channel.
} else {
// If the target stack was not previously focusable (previous top running activity
// on that stack was not visible) then any prior calls to move the stack to the
// will not update the focused stack. If starting the new activity now allows the
// task stack to be focusable, then ensure that we now update the focused stack
// accordingly.
if (mTargetStack.isTopActivityFocusable()
&& !mRootWindowContainer.isTopDisplayFocusedStack(mTargetStack)) {
mTargetStack, mStartActivity, mOptions);
mRootWindowContainer.updateUserStack(mStartActivity.mUserId, mTargetStack);
// Update the recent tasks list immediately when the activity starts
mPreferredWindowingMode, mPreferredTaskDisplayArea, mTargetStack);
- ActivityStack中的startActivityLocked()方法
- 獲取ActivityRecore所屬的任務(wù)变隔,并將其任務(wù)positionChildAtTop移到棧頂;
- 如果有其他Activity遮擋新Activity蟹倾,將新Activity放在已有任務(wù)的頂部匣缘;
- 根據(jù)新Activity的Intent來準(zhǔn)備啟動的過渡動畫猖闪;
- 根據(jù)Intent來設(shè)置新Activity是否顯示的變量doShow;
- 設(shè)置后臺啟動邏輯肌厨,調(diào)用ensureActivitiesVisible方法確保所有活動都可見培慌;
- 根據(jù)doShow變量處理新Activity顯示啟動預(yù)覽邏輯,調(diào)用showStartingWindow方法來顯示新Activity的啟動預(yù)覽窗口柑爸;
- 如果不滿足條件检柬,則ActivityOptions.abort(options)取消動畫選項;
void startActivityLocked(ActivityRecord r, ActivityRecord focusedTopActivity,
boolean newTask, boolean keepCurTransition, ActivityOptions options) {
Task rTask = r.getTask();
final boolean allowMoveToFront = options == null || !options.getAvoidMoveToFront();
final boolean isOrhasTask = rTask == this || hasChild(rTask);
// mLaunchTaskBehind tasks get placed at the back of the task stack.
if (!r.mLaunchTaskBehind && allowMoveToFront && (!isOrhasTask || newTask)) {
// Last activity in task had been removed or ActivityManagerService is reusing task.
// Insert or replace.
// Might not even be in.
Task task = null;
if (!newTask && isOrhasTask) {
// Starting activity cannot be occluding activity, otherwise starting window could be
// remove immediately without transferring to starting activity.
final ActivityRecord occludingActivity = getOccludingActivityAbove(r);
if (occludingActivity != null) {
// Here it is! Now, if this is not yet visible (occluded by another task) to the
// user, then just add it without starting; it will get started when the user
// navigates back to it.
if (DEBUG_ADD_REMOVE) Slog.i(TAG, "Adding activity " + r + " to task " + task,
new RuntimeException("here").fillInStackTrace());
// Place a new activity at top of stack, so it is next to interact with the user.
// If we are not placing the new activity frontmost, we do not want to deliver the
// onUserLeaving callback to the actual frontmost activity
final Task activityTask = r.getTask();
if (task == activityTask && mChildren.indexOf(task) != (getChildCount() - 1)) {
mStackSupervisor.mUserLeaving = false;
"startActivity() behind front, mUserLeaving=false");
task = activityTask;
// Slot the activity into the history stack and proceed
if (DEBUG_ADD_REMOVE) Slog.i(TAG, "Adding activity " + r + " to stack to task " + task,
new RuntimeException("here").fillInStackTrace());
// The transition animation and starting window are not needed if {@code allowMoveToFront}
// is false, because the activity won't be visible.
if ((!isHomeOrRecentsStack() || hasActivity()) && allowMoveToFront) {
final DisplayContent dc = getDisplay().mDisplayContent;
"Prepare open transition: starting " + r);
if ((r.intent.getFlags() & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION) != 0) {
dc.prepareAppTransition(TRANSIT_NONE, keepCurTransition);
} else {
if (newTask) {
if (r.mLaunchTaskBehind) {
} else if (getDisplay().isSingleTaskInstance()) {
// If a new task is being launched in a single task display, we don't need
// to play normal animation, but need to trigger a callback when an app
// transition is actually handled. So ignore already prepared activity, and
// override it.
keepCurTransition = false;
} else {
// If a new task is being launched, then mark the existing top activity as
// supporting picture-in-picture while pausing only if the starting activity
// would not be considered an overlay on top of the current activity
// (eg. not fullscreen, or the assistant)
if (canEnterPipOnTaskSwitch(focusedTopActivity,
null /* toFrontTask */, r, options)) {
focusedTopActivity.supportsEnterPipOnTaskSwitch = true;
dc.prepareAppTransition(transit, keepCurTransition);
boolean doShow = true;
if (newTask) {
// Even though this activity is starting fresh, we still need
// to reset it to make sure we apply affinities to move any
// existing activities from other tasks in to it.
// If the caller has requested that the target task be
// reset, then do so.
if ((r.intent.getFlags() & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED) != 0) {
resetTaskIfNeeded(r, r);
doShow = topRunningNonDelayedActivityLocked(null) == r;
} else if (options != null && options.getAnimationType()
== ActivityOptions.ANIM_SCENE_TRANSITION) {
doShow = false;
if (r.mLaunchTaskBehind) {
// Don't do a starting window for mLaunchTaskBehind. More importantly make sure we
// tell WindowManager that r is visible even though it is at the back of the stack.
ensureActivitiesVisible(null, 0, !PRESERVE_WINDOWS);
// Go ahead to execute app transition for this activity since the app transition
// will not be triggered through the resume channel.
} else if (SHOW_APP_STARTING_PREVIEW && doShow) {
// Figure out if we are transitioning from another activity that is
// "has the same starting icon" as the next one. This allows the
// window manager to keep the previous window it had previously
// created, if it still had one.
Task prevTask = r.getTask();
ActivityRecord prev = prevTask.topActivityWithStartingWindow();
if (prev != null) {
// We don't want to reuse the previous starting preview if:
// (1) The current activity is in a different task.
if (prev.getTask() != prevTask) {
prev = null;
// (2) The current activity is already displayed.
else if (prev.nowVisible) {
prev = null;
r.showStartingWindow(prev, newTask, isTaskSwitch(r, focusedTopActivity));
} else {
// If this is the first activity, don't do any fancy animations,
// because there is nothing for it to animate on top of.
- RootWindowContainer中的resumeFocusedStacksTopActivities()方法
- 首先檢查是否準(zhǔn)備好恢復(fù),如果目標(biāo)棧不為空且目標(biāo)棧位于顯示區(qū)域頂部或當(dāng)前焦點棧為目標(biāo)棧笨农,那么調(diào)用targetStack.resumeTopActivityUncheckedLocked()方法恢復(fù)目標(biāo)棧頂部的Activity就缆,并將結(jié)果賦值給result變量;
- 遍歷所有顯示區(qū)域谒亦,找到可聚焦且可見的堆棧竭宰,如果任務(wù)顯示區(qū)域中的堆棧是頂部堆棧且頂部運行的Activity處于RESUMED狀態(tài),則executeAppTransition執(zhí)行應(yīng)用界面間的過渡操作份招;否則切揭,調(diào)用makeActiveIfNeeded()方法使頂部運行的Activity變?yōu)榛顒訝顟B(tài);
- 如果在顯示區(qū)域中沒有恢復(fù)任何有效的Activity锁摔,則請求顯式恢復(fù)焦點堆棧中的頂部Activity廓旬,以確保至少啟動并恢復(fù)主Activity,并且不會發(fā)生遞歸谐腰;
- 最后孕豹,返回result變量的值。
boolean resumeFocusedStacksTopActivities(
ActivityStack targetStack, ActivityRecord target, ActivityOptions targetOptions) {
if (!mStackSupervisor.readyToResume()) {
return false;
boolean result = false;
if (targetStack != null && (targetStack.isTopStackInDisplayArea()
|| getTopDisplayFocusedStack() == targetStack)) {
result = targetStack.resumeTopActivityUncheckedLocked(target, targetOptions);
for (int displayNdx = getChildCount() - 1; displayNdx >= 0; --displayNdx) {
boolean resumedOnDisplay = false;
final DisplayContent display = getChildAt(displayNdx);
for (int tdaNdx = display.getTaskDisplayAreaCount() - 1; tdaNdx >= 0; --tdaNdx) {
final TaskDisplayArea taskDisplayArea = display.getTaskDisplayAreaAt(tdaNdx);
for (int sNdx = taskDisplayArea.getStackCount() - 1; sNdx >= 0; --sNdx) {
final ActivityStack stack = taskDisplayArea.getStackAt(sNdx);
final ActivityRecord topRunningActivity = stack.topRunningActivity();
if (!stack.isFocusableAndVisible() || topRunningActivity == null) {
if (stack == targetStack) {
// Simply update the result for targetStack because the targetStack had
// already resumed in above. We don't want to resume it again, especially in
// some cases, it would cause a second launch failure if app process was
// dead.
resumedOnDisplay |= result;
if (taskDisplayArea.isTopStack(stack) && topRunningActivity.isState(RESUMED)) {
// Kick off any lingering app transitions form the MoveTaskToFront
// operation, but only consider the top task and stack on that display.
} else {
resumedOnDisplay |= topRunningActivity.makeActiveIfNeeded(target);
if (!resumedOnDisplay) {
// In cases when there are no valid activities (e.g. device just booted or launcher
// crashed) it's possible that nothing was resumed on a display. Requesting resume
// of top activity in focused stack explicitly will make sure that at least home
// activity is started and resumed, and no recursion occurs.
final ActivityStack focusedStack = display.getFocusedStack();
if (focusedStack != null) {
result |= focusedStack.resumeTopActivityUncheckedLocked(target, targetOptions);
} else if (targetStack == null) {
result |= resumeHomeActivity(null /* prev */, "no-focusable-task",
return result;
- ActivityStack中的resumeTopActivityUncheckedLocked()方法
- 檢查是否已經(jīng)在恢復(fù)棧頂?shù)腁ctivity桦踊,然后調(diào)用resumeTopActivityInnerLocked()方法來實際恢復(fù)棧頂?shù)腁ctivity椅野,并將結(jié)果保存在result變量中;
- 在恢復(fù)棧頂?shù)腁ctivity之后,需要調(diào)用checkReadyForSleep方法來確保必要的暫停邏輯發(fā)生竟闪;
- 設(shè)置變量以允許后續(xù)的恢復(fù)操作离福;
- 返回恢復(fù)操作的結(jié)果result;
boolean resumeTopActivityUncheckedLocked(ActivityRecord prev, ActivityOptions options) {
if (mInResumeTopActivity) {
// Don't even start recursing.
return false;
boolean result = false;
try {
// Protect against recursion.
mInResumeTopActivity = true;
result = resumeTopActivityInnerLocked(prev, options);
// When resuming the top activity, it may be necessary to pause the top activity (for
// example, returning to the lock screen. We suppress the normal pause logic in
// {@link #resumeTopActivityUncheckedLocked}, since the top activity is resumed at the
// end. We call the {@link ActivityStackSupervisor#checkReadyForSleepLocked} again here
// to ensure any necessary pause logic occurs. In the case where the Activity will be
// shown regardless of the lock screen, the call to
// {@link ActivityStackSupervisor#checkReadyForSleepLocked} is skipped.
final ActivityRecord next = topRunningActivity(true /* focusableOnly */);
if (next == null || !next.canTurnScreenOn()) {
} finally {
mInResumeTopActivity = false;
return result;
- ActivityStack中的resumeTopActivityInnerLocked()方法
- 檢查系統(tǒng)狀態(tài):首先確認(rèn) AMS是否已經(jīng)啟動并準(zhǔn)備好處理 Activity絮识;
- 尋找可恢復(fù)的頂部 Activity:查找當(dāng)前任務(wù)棧中下一個最頂層的、非結(jié)束狀態(tài)且可獲得焦點的 Activity 來恢復(fù)嗽上;
- 觸發(fā)發(fā)起者 Activity 的暫停過程:在恢復(fù)目標(biāo) Activity 之前次舌,會調(diào)用 startPausingLocked() 方法對當(dāng)前運行的 Activity(發(fā)起者 Activity)觸發(fā) Pause 動作;
- 執(zhí)行具體的恢復(fù)邏輯:執(zhí)行 startSpecificActivity()進(jìn)一步處理目標(biāo) Activity 的啟動和恢復(fù)過程兽愤;
private boolean resumeTopActivityInnerLocked(ActivityRecord prev, ActivityOptions options) {
if (mResumedActivity != null) {
"resumeTopActivityLocked: Pausing " + mResumedActivity);
// 終止當(dāng)前的activity
pausing |= startPausingLocked(userLeaving, false /* uiSleeping */, next);
if (next.attachedToProcess()) {
}else {
// Whoops, need to restart this activity!
if (!next.hasBeenLaunched) {
next.hasBeenLaunched = true;
} else {
next.showStartingWindow(null /* prev */, false /* newTask */,
false /* taskSwich */);
if (DEBUG_SWITCH) Slog.v(TAG_SWITCH, "Restarting: " + next);
if (DEBUG_STATES) Slog.d(TAG_STATES, "resumeTopActivityLocked: Restarting " + next);
// 重新啟動這個activity
mStackSupervisor.startSpecificActivity(next, true, true);
- ActivityStackSupervisor中的startSpecificActivity()方法
- 檢查目標(biāo) Activity 的狀態(tài):如果目標(biāo) Activity 的進(jìn)程已經(jīng)被啟動逐沙,那么會直接調(diào)用 realStartActivityLocked() 方法來恢復(fù)該 Activity;
- 啟動新的 Activity:對于尚未啟動的 Activity洼畅,該方法負(fù)責(zé)啟動它吩案,創(chuàng)建新的 Activity 實例,并將其加入到任務(wù)棧中土思;
- 如果Activity是當(dāng)前任務(wù)棧的頂部Activity务热,并且需要恢復(fù)(用戶正在與Activity交互),調(diào)用ATMS的startProcessAsync方法異步地啟動目標(biāo)Activity己儒;
void startSpecificActivity(ActivityRecord r, boolean andResume, boolean checkConfig) {
// Is this activity's application already running?
final WindowProcessController wpc =
boolean knownToBeDead = false;
if (wpc != null && wpc.hasThread()) {
try {
realStartActivityLocked(r, wpc, andResume, checkConfig);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Exception when starting activity "
+ r.intent.getComponent().flattenToShortString(), e);
// If a dead object exception was thrown -- fall through to
// restart the application.
knownToBeDead = true;
final boolean isTop = andResume && r.isTopRunningActivity();
mService.startProcessAsync(r, knownToBeDead, isTop, isTop ? "top-activity" : "activity");
- ActivityTaskManagerService中的startProcessAsync()方法
- 首先檢查是否啟用了跟蹤標(biāo)簽冲甘,跟蹤操作;
- 創(chuàng)建一個消息途样,包含啟動進(jìn)程所需的所有信息江醇,包括進(jìn)程名、應(yīng)用程序信息何暇、是否已知進(jìn)程已經(jīng)死亡陶夜、是否是頂層Activity以及宿主類型等;
- 將消息發(fā)送給Handler裆站,由Handler來處理這個消息并啟動進(jìn)程条辟,避免在調(diào)用AMS時可能發(fā)生的死鎖黔夭。
void startProcessAsync(ActivityRecord activity, boolean knownToBeDead, boolean isTop,
String hostingType) {
try {
if (Trace.isTagEnabled(TRACE_TAG_WINDOW_MANAGER)) {
Trace.traceBegin(TRACE_TAG_WINDOW_MANAGER, "dispatchingStartProcess:"
+ activity.processName);
// Post message to start process to avoid possible deadlock of calling into AMS with the
// ATMS lock held.
final Message m = PooledLambda.obtainMessage(ActivityManagerInternal::startProcess,
mAmInternal, activity.processName,, knownToBeDead,
isTop, hostingType, activity.intent.getComponent());
} finally {
然后啟動新Activity的流程就從ATMS走到了AMS中 Activity的創(chuàng)建過程(二)