- the graph above shows the rates of smoking in Someland per 1,000 people,the blue line is about the men,while the red one indicates the number about women.
- we can see in the graph,in the 1960s,there are 600 persons per 1,000 people of men who smoke.
- and then,the mumber fell slightly by 250 at the 2000 year,
- on the other hand,the rates of the women who smoke in Someland per 1000 people stepped up from 1960 to 1980,and then the number declines slightly until 2000 year.
- in the 1960s,the number of women who smoke per 1,000 people is less than 100.
- from 1960 to 1965,there is a slightly growth by nearly 200,
- and then,the number went steady at this point until 1970.
- after then, the number climbed up slilghtly by about 300 at 1975.
- between 1975 and 1980,the number mantained at nearly 300.
- after 1980,there is a slight decline .at the 2000 year,the number went
to the smallest at about 200.