there was once a little girl who was very pretty and delicate领突, but in summer she was forced to run about with bare feet案怯, she was so poor嘲碱, and in winter wear very large wooden shoes麦锯, which made her little insteps quite red扶欣, and that looked so dangerous!
In the middle of the village lived old Dame Shoemaker超陆; she sat and sewed together时呀, as well as she could晶默, a little pair of shoes out of old red strips of cloth磺陡; they were very clumsy币他, but it was a kind thought. They were meant for the little girl. The little girl was called Karen.
On the very day her mother was buried丧叽, Karen received the red shoes, and wore them for the first time. They were certainly not intended for mourning假瞬, but she had no others笨触, and with stockingless feet she followed the poor straw coffin in them.
Suddenly a large old carriage drove up桃漾, and a large old lady sat in it: she looked at the little girl撬统, felt compassion for her宪摧, and then said to the clergyman:“Here, give me the little girl. I will adopt her蕊苗!”
And Karen believed all this happened on account of the red shoes捡需, but the old lady thought they were horrible站辉, and they were burnt. But Karen herself was cleanly and nicely dressed饰剥; she must learn to read and sew汰蓉; and people said she was a nice little thing顾孽, but the looking-glass said: “Thou art more than nice若厚, thou art beautiful测秸!”
Now the queen once travelled through the land贺纲, and she had her little daughter with her. And this little daughter was a princess猴誊, and people streamed to the castle懈叹, and Karen was there also项阴, and the little princess stood in her fine white dress滑黔, in a window, and let herself be stared at环揽; she had neither a train nor a golden crown略荡, but splendid red morocco shoes. They were certainly far handsomer than those Dame Shoemaker had made for little Karen. Nothing in the world can be compared with red shoes.
Now Karen was old enough to be confirmed感耙; she had new clothes and was to have new shoes also. The rich shoemaker in the city took the measure of her little foot. This took place at his house, in his room持隧; where stood large glass-cases即硼, filled with elegant shoes and brilliant boots. All this looked charming, but the old lady could not see well屡拨, and so had no pleasure in them. In the midst of the shoes stood a pair of red ones只酥, just like those the princess had worn. How beautiful they were褥实! The shoemaker said also they had been made for the child of a count, but had not fitted.“That must be patent leather层皱!” said the old lady. “They shine so性锭!”“Yes, they shine叫胖!” said Karen草冈, and they fitted, and were bought瓮增, but the old lady knew nothing about their being red怎棱, else she would never have allowed Karen to have gone in red shoes to be confirmed. Yet such was the case.
Everybody looked at her feet焚辅; and when she stepped through the chancel door on the church pavement映屋, it seemed to her as if the old figures on the tombs,those portraits of old preachers and preachers' wives同蜻, with stiff ruffs棚点, and long black dresses, fixed their eyes on her red shoes. And she thought only of them as the clergyman laid his hand upon her head湾蔓, and spoke of the holy baptism瘫析, of the covenant with God, and how she should be now a matured Christian默责; and the organ pealed so solemnly贬循; the sweet children's voices sang,and the old music-directors sang桃序, but Karen only thought of her red shoes.
In the afternoon, the old lady heard from everyone that the shoes had been red裙顽, and she said that it was very wrong of Karen付燥, that it was not at all becoming, and that in future Karen should only go in black shoes to church愈犹,even when she should be older.
the next Sunday there was the sacrament饭玲, and Karen looked at the black shoes,looked at the red ones——looked at them again叁执, and put on the red shoes.
the sun shone gloriously胎署; Karen and the old lady walked along the path through the corn; it was rather dusty there.
At the church door stood an old soldier with a crutch葛假, and with a wonderfully long beard障陶, which was more red than white, and he bowed to the ground聊训, and asked the old lady whether he might dust her shoes. And Karen stretched out her little foot.
“See勋磕, what beautiful dancing shoes妈候!” said the soldier. “Sit firm when you dance”; and he put his hand out towards the soles.
And the old lady gave the old soldier alms挂滓, and went into the church with Karen.
And all the people in the church looked at Karen's red shoes瑟蜈, and all the pictures, and as Karen knelt before the altar渣窜, and raised the cup to her lips铺根, she only thought of the red shoes, and they seemed to swim in it乔宿; and she forgot to sing her psalm夷都, and she forgot to pray, “Our Father in Heaven予颤!”
Now all the people went out of church饲常, and the old lady got into her carriage. Karen raised her foot to get in after her蹲堂, when the old soldier said,“Look贝淤, what beautiful dancing shoes柒竞!”
And Karen could not help dancing a step or two霎俩, and when she began her feet continued to dance; it was just as though the shoes had power over them. She danced round the church corner沉眶, she could not leave off打却; the coachman was obliged to run after and catch hold of her, and he lifted her in the carriage沦寂,but her feet continued to dance so that she trod on the old lady dreadfully. At length she took the shoes off学密, and then her legs had peace.the shoes were placed in a closet at home, but Karen could not avoid looking at them.
the shoes were placed in a closet at home铺坞, but Karen could not avoid looking at them.
Now the old lady was sick济榨, and it was said she could not recover. She must be nursed and waited upon坯沪, and there was no one whose duty it was so much as Karen's. But there was a GREat ball in the city, to which Karen was invited. She looked at the old lady擒滑, who could not recover腐晾, she looked at the red shoes, and she thought there could be no sin in it丐一; she put on the red shoes藻糖,she might do that also, she thought.
But then she went to the ball and began to dance.When she wanted to dance to the right禽最, the shoes would dance to the left, and when she wanted to dance up the room袱饭, the shoes danced back again川无, down the steps, into the street虑乖, and out of the city gate. She danced懦趋, and was forced to dance straight out into the gloomy wood.
then it was suddenly light up among the trees, and she fancied it must be the moon, for there was a face掏呼; but it was the old soldier with the red beard坏快; he sat there, nodded his head哄尔, and said假消, “Look, what beautiful dancing shoes岭接!”
then she was terrified疏之, and wanted to fling off the red shoes, but they clung fast暇咆; and she pulled down her stockings锋爪, but the shoes seemed to have grown to her feet. And she danced, and must dance爸业, over fields and meadows其骄, in rain and sunshine, by night and day扯旷; but at night it was the most fearful.
She danced over the churchyard, but the dead did not dance——they had something better to do than to dance. She wished to seat herself on a poor man's grave曲尸, where the bitter tansy GREw赋续; but for her there was neither peace nor rest; and when she danced towards the open church door另患, she saw an angel standing there. He wore long纽乱, white garments; he had wings which reached from his shoulders to the earth昆箕; his countenance was severe and grave鸦列; and in his hand he held a sword, broad and glittering.
“Dance shalt thou庸诱!” said he. “Dance in thy red shoes till thou art pale and cold! Till thy skin shrivels up and thou art a skeleton晤揣! Dance shalt thou from door to door桥爽, and where proud, vain children dwell昧识, thou shalt knock钠四, that they may hear thee and tremble! Dance shalt thou——跪楞!”
“Mercy赊抖!” cried Karen. But she did not hear the angel's reply统倒, for the shoes carried her through the gate into the fields, across roads and bridges氛雪, and she must keep ever dancing.
One morning she danced past a door which she well knew. Within sounded a psalm赚楚; a coffin, decked with flowers骗卜, was borne forth. then she knew that the old lady was dead, and felt that she was abandoned by all左胞, and condemned by the angel of God.
She danced服猪, and she was forced to dance through the gloomy night. The shoes carried her over stack and stone; she was torn till she bled拐云; she danced over the heath till she came to a little house. Here罢猪, she knew, dwelt the executioner叉瘩; and she tapped with her fingers at the window膳帕, and said, “Come out薇缅! Come out危彩! I cannot come in, for I am forced to dance泳桦!”
她跳著舞汤徽,她被迫跳過陰暗的夜晚。紅舞鞋帶著她跳過灌木叢和石頭灸撰,她被刺破至流血谒府;她跳到荒野直到經(jīng)過一個(gè)小房子拼坎。她知道這兒住著一個(gè)劊子手;她用手指敲擊著窗戶狱掂,然后說:“快出來演痒!快出來!我不能進(jìn)去趋惨,因?yàn)槲冶黄忍枘袼常 ?/p>
And the executioner said, “Thou dost not know who I am器虾, I fancy讯嫂? I strike bad people's heads off; and I hear that my axe rings兆沙!”“Don't strike my head off欧芽!” said Karen. “then I can't repent of my sins! But strike off my feet in the red shoes葛圃!”
And then she confessed her entire sin趟大, and the executioner struck off her feet with the red shoes, but the shoes danced away with the little feet across the field into the deep wood.
And he carved out little wooden feet for her粗截, and crutches惋耙, taught her the psalm criminals always sing; and she kissed the hand which had wielded the axe熊昌, and went over the heath.
“Now I have suffered enough for the red shoes!” said she. “Now I will go into the church that people may see me昂利!” And she hastened towards the church door:
but when she was near it, the red shoes danced before her围详, and she was terrified朴乖, and turned round. The whole week she was unhappy, and wept many bitter tears助赞; but when Sunday returned买羞, she said, “Well雹食, now I have suffered and struggled enough畜普! I really believe I am as good as many a one who sits in the church糠涛, and holds her head so high封寞!”
And away she went boldly掠手; but she had not got farther than the churchyard gate before she saw the red shoes dancing before her憾朴; and she was frightened, and turned back喷鸽, and repented of her sin from her heart.
And she went to the parsonage编兄, and begged that they would take her into service; she would be very industrious声登, she said狠鸳, and would do everything she could揣苏; she did not care about the wages, only she wished to have a home件舵, and be with good people. And the clergyman's wife was sorry for her and took her into service卸察; and she was industrious and thoughtful. She sat still and listened when the clergyman read the Bible in the evenings. All the children thought a GREat deal of her; but when they spoke of dress铅祸, and grandeur坑质, and beauty, she shook her head.
the following Sunday遂黍, when the family was going to church终佛, they asked her whether she would not go with them; but she glanced sorrowfully雾家, with tears in her eyes铃彰, at her crutches. The family went to hear the word of God; but she went alone into her little chamber芯咧; there was only room for a bed and chair to stand in it牙捉; and here she sat down with her Prayer-Book; and whilst she read with a pious mind敬飒, the wind bore the strains of the organ towards her邪铲, and she raised her tearful countenance, and said驶拱, “O God霜浴, help me!”
And the sun shone so clearly澡谭, and straight before her stood the angel of God in white garments, the same she had seen that night at the church door损俭; but he no longer carried the sharp sword蛙奖, but in its stead a splendid GREen spray,full of roses. And he touched the ceiling with the spray杆兵, and the ceiling rose so high雁仲, and where he had touched it there gleamed a golden star. And he touched the walls, and they widened out琐脏, and she saw the organ which was playing攒砖; she saw the old pictures of the preachers and the preachers' wives. The congregation sat in cushioned seats, and sang out of their Prayer-Books. For the church itself had come to the poor girl in her narrow chamber日裙, or else she had come into the church. She sat in the pew with the clergyman's family祭衩,and when they had ended the psalm and looked up, they nodded and said阅签, “It is right that thou art come!”“It was through mercy蝎抽!” she said.
And the organ pealed治笨, and the children's voices in the choir sounded so sweet and soft驳概! The clear sunshine streamed so warmly through the window into the pew where Karen sat! Her heart was so full of sunshine旷赖, peace顺又, and joy, that it broke. Her soul flew on the sunshine to God等孵, and there no one asked after the RED SHOES