


  1. JUnit4 進行單元測試
  1. EasyMock 構造對象
  2. DBUnit 進行數(shù)據(jù)庫的管理
  3. Unitils 進行整合


  1. 自動維護和強制關閉單元測試數(shù)據(jù)庫(支持Oracle,Hsqldb强戴,MySql亭螟,DB2),
  2. 簡化單元測試數(shù)據(jù)庫連接的設置骑歹,
  3. 簡化利用DBUnit測試數(shù)據(jù)的插入预烙,
  4. 簡化Hibernate session管理,
  5. 自動測試與數(shù)據(jù)庫相映射的Hibernate映射對象陵刹。
  6. 在利用Mock對象進行測試時能夠:
  7. 簡化EasyMock mock對象創(chuàng)建默伍,
  8. 簡化mock對象注入,利用反射等式匹配EasyMock參數(shù)衰琐。
  9. 在與Spring集成時易于把spring管理的bean注入到單元測試中,支持在單元測試中使用一個用Spring配置的Hibernate SessionFactory炼蹦。


  1. 配置文件簡介
    unitils-default.properties 默認的配置羡宙,在unitils發(fā)行包中。我們沒有必要對這個文件進行修改掐隐,但它可以用來作參考狗热。
    unitils.properties 可包含項目的全部配置钞馁,它是我們需要進行配置的文件,并且能覆寫缺省的配置匿刮。這個文件并不是必須的僧凰,但是一旦你創(chuàng)建了一個,你就需要將該文件放置在項目的classpath下熟丸。
    unitils-local.properties 可以包含用戶特定配置训措,是可選的配置文件,它可以覆寫項目的配置光羞,用來定義開發(fā)者的具體設置绩鸣,舉個例子來說,如果每個開發(fā)者都使用自己的數(shù)據(jù)庫schema纱兑,你就可以創(chuàng)建一個unitils-local.properties為每個用戶配置自己的數(shù)據(jù)庫賬號呀闻、密碼和schema。每個unitils-local.properties文件應該放置在對應的用戶文件夾(System.getProperty("user.home"))

  2. 配置Maven(Unitils集成dbunit潜慎、Spring所必須jar包)

<!-- Unitils -dbunit捡多、Spring -->






# If set to true, the DBMaintainer will be used to update the unit test database schema. This is done once for each
# test run, when creating the DataSource that provides access to the unit test database.




#配置事務策略 commit、rollback 和disabled瘾带;或者在代碼的方法上標記@Transactional(value=TransactionMode.ROLLBACK)
#commit 是單元測試方法過后提交事務
#rollback 是回滾事務
#disabled 是沒有事務鼠哥,默認情況下,事務管理是disabled





public class BaseUtilsTestCase extends UnitilsJUnit4{

    private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

    private DataSource dataSource;

     * @Title:          getContext 
     * @Description:    所有子類可以使用此方法獲取Spring容器 
     * @return  
     * @throws
    public ApplicationContext getContext(){
        return applicationContext;

     * @Title:          getDataSource 
     * @Description:    獲取數(shù)據(jù)庫連接 
     * @return  
     * @throws
    public DataSource getDataSource(){
        return dataSource;



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <sys_user id="7000" LOGIN_ID="999888" REAL_NAME="測試1" PASSWORD="1" USER_TYPE="0" USER_STATUS="0" ORG_ID="22" SEX="0" POSITION="" PHONE="" MAIL="" ADDRESS="" PUSH_ID=""/>
    <sys_user id="7001" LOGIN_ID="999777" REAL_NAME="測試2" PASSWORD="1" USER_TYPE="0" USER_STATUS="0" ORG_ID="22" SEX="1" POSITION="" PHONE="" MAIL="" ADDRESS="" PUSH_ID=""/>





public class DbunitHelper extends BaseUtilsTestCase{
    private DataSource dataSource;

    private String schemaName;
    private static IDatabaseConnection conn;

    public static final String ROOT_URL = System.getProperty("user.dir")
            + "/src/test/resources/";

    public void setup() throws Exception {
        InputStream in3 = DbunitHelper.class.getClassLoader()
        Properties p = new Properties();
        schemaName = (String)p.get("database.schemaNames");
        conn = new DatabaseConnection(DataSourceUtils.getConnection(dataSource),schemaName);

        // 配置數(shù)據(jù)庫為Oracle
        DatabaseConfig dbConfig = conn.getConfig();
                new OracleDataTypeFactory());

    public void teardown() throws Exception {
        if (conn != null) {

     * @Title: getXmlDataSet
     * @param name
     * @return
     * @throws DataSetException
     * @throws IOException
    protected IDataSet getXmlDataSet(String name) throws DataSetException,
            IOException {
        FlatXmlDataSetBuilder builder = new FlatXmlDataSetBuilder();
        return builder.build(new FileInputStream(new File(ROOT_URL + name)));

     * Get DB DataSet
     * @Title: getDBDataSet
     * @return
     * @throws SQLException
    protected IDataSet getDBDataSet() throws SQLException {
        return conn.createDataSet();

     * Get Query DataSet
     * @Title: getQueryDataSet
     * @return
     * @throws SQLException
    protected QueryDataSet getQueryDataSet() throws SQLException {
        return new QueryDataSet(conn);

     * Get Excel DataSet
     * @Title: getXlsDataSet
     * @param name
     * @return
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws DataSetException
     * @throws IOException
    protected XlsDataSet getXlsDataSet(String name) throws SQLException,
            DataSetException, IOException {
        InputStream is = new FileInputStream(new File(ROOT_URL + name));

        return new XlsDataSet(is);

     * backup the whole DB
     * @Title: backupAll
     * @throws Exception
    protected void backupAll(String file) throws Exception {
        IDataSet ds = conn.createDataSet();
        Writer writer = new FileWriter(file);  
        Utf8FlatXmlDataSet.write(ds, writer, "UTF-8");

    protected void backupTable(String[] tableNames,String file) throws Exception {
        QueryDataSet dataSet = new QueryDataSet(conn);  
        if (null != tableNames && 0 < tableNames.length) {  
            int tableNamesLength = tableNames.length;  
            for (int i = 0; i < tableNamesLength; i++) {  
        Writer writer = new FileWriter(file);  
        Utf8FlatXmlDataSet.write(dataSet, writer, "UTF-8");
     * back specified DB table
     * @Title: backupCustom
     * @param tableName
     * @throws Exception
    protected void backupCustom(String... tableName) throws Exception {
        // back up specific files
        QueryDataSet qds = new QueryDataSet(conn);
        for (String str : tableName) {

        Writer writer = new FileWriter("temp.xml");  
        Utf8FlatXmlDataSet.write(qds, writer, "UTF-8");


     * Clear data of table
     * @param tableName
     * @throws Exception
    protected void clearTable(String tableName) throws Exception {
        DefaultDataSet dataset = new DefaultDataSet();
        dataset.addTable(new DefaultTable(tableName));
        DatabaseOperation.DELETE_ALL.execute(conn, dataset);

     * verify Table is Empty
     * @param tableName
     * @throws DataSetException
     * @throws SQLException
    protected void verifyTableEmpty(String tableName) throws DataSetException,
            SQLException {
        Assert.assertEquals(0, conn.createDataSet().getTable(tableName)

     * verify Table is not Empty
     * @Title: verifyTableNotEmpty
     * @param tableName
     * @throws DataSetException
     * @throws SQLException
    protected void verifyTableNotEmpty(String tableName)
            throws DataSetException, SQLException {
        Assert.assertNotEquals(0, conn.createDataSet().getTable(tableName)

     * @Title: createReplacementDataSet
     * @param dataSet
     * @return
    protected ReplacementDataSet createReplacementDataSet(IDataSet dataSet) {
        ReplacementDataSet replacementDataSet = new ReplacementDataSet(dataSet);

        // Configure the replacement dataset to replace '[NULL]' strings with
        // null.
        replacementDataSet.addReplacementObject("[null]", null);

        return replacementDataSet;


  1. 我使用Oracle數(shù)據(jù)庫,在DatabaseConnection構造的時候需要指定Schema金蜀,否則會報錯
  2. 修改了部分輸出的代碼刷后,主要解決兩個問題:輸出的內(nèi)容里面漢字顯示為#&;格式的轉義序列渊抄;數(shù)據(jù)庫字段為null的情況下不輸出尝胆,導致了導入數(shù)據(jù)的時候出現(xiàn)問題。所以修改了部分代碼护桦,增加了下面的幾個類


public class Utf8FlatXmlDataSet extends FlatXmlDataSet{
    public Utf8FlatXmlDataSet(FlatXmlProducer flatXmlProducer)
            throws DataSetException {
     * @Title:          write 
     * @Description:    重寫了輸出函數(shù)含衔,主要是加載writer有改變 
     * @param dataSet
     * @param writer
     * @param encoding
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws DataSetException  
     * @throws
    public static void write(IDataSet dataSet, Writer writer, String encoding)
            throws IOException, DataSetException
        Utf8FlatXmlWriter datasetWriter = new Utf8FlatXmlWriter(writer, encoding);



public class Utf8FlatXmlWriter implements IDataSetConsumer{

     * Logger for this class
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FlatXmlWriter.class);

    private static final String DATASET = "dataset";

    private Utf8XmlWriter _xmlWriter;
    private ITableMetaData _activeMetaData;
    private int _activeRowCount;
    private boolean _includeEmptyTable = false;
    private String _systemId = null;

    public Utf8FlatXmlWriter(OutputStream out) throws IOException
        this(out, null);

     * @param outputStream The stream to which the XML will be written.
     * @param encoding The encoding to be used for the {@link XmlWriter}.
     * Can be null. See {@link XmlWriter#XmlWriter(OutputStream, String)}.
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
    public Utf8FlatXmlWriter(OutputStream outputStream, String encoding) 
    throws UnsupportedEncodingException
        _xmlWriter = new Utf8XmlWriter(outputStream, encoding);

    public Utf8FlatXmlWriter(Writer writer)
        _xmlWriter = new Utf8XmlWriter(writer);

    public Utf8FlatXmlWriter(Writer writer, String encoding)
        _xmlWriter = new Utf8XmlWriter(writer, encoding);

    public void setIncludeEmptyTable(boolean includeEmptyTable)
        _includeEmptyTable = includeEmptyTable;

    public void setDocType(String systemId)
        _systemId = systemId;

     * Enable or disable pretty print of the XML.
     * @param enabled <code>true</code> to enable pretty print (which is the default). 
     * <code>false</code> otherwise.
     * @since 2.4
    public void setPrettyPrint(boolean enabled)
     * Writes the given {@link IDataSet} using this writer.
     * @param dataSet The {@link IDataSet} to be written
     * @throws DataSetException
    public void write(IDataSet dataSet) throws DataSetException
        logger.debug("write(dataSet={}) - start", dataSet);

        DataSetProducerAdapter provider = new DataSetProducerAdapter(dataSet);

    // IDataSetConsumer interface

    public void startDataSet() throws DataSetException
        logger.debug("startDataSet() - start");

            _xmlWriter.writeDoctype(_systemId, null);
        catch (IOException e)
            throw new DataSetException(e);

    public void endDataSet() throws DataSetException
        logger.debug("endDataSet() - start");

        catch (IOException e)
            throw new DataSetException(e);

    public void startTable(ITableMetaData metaData) throws DataSetException
        logger.debug("startTable(metaData={}) - start", metaData);

        _activeMetaData = metaData;
        _activeRowCount = 0;

    public void endTable() throws DataSetException
        logger.debug("endTable() - start");

        if (_includeEmptyTable && _activeRowCount == 0)
                String tableName = _activeMetaData.getTableName();
            catch (IOException e)
                throw new DataSetException(e);

        _activeMetaData = null;

    public void row(Object[] values) throws DataSetException
        logger.debug("row(values={}) - start", values);

            String tableName = _activeMetaData.getTableName();

            Column[] columns = _activeMetaData.getColumns();
            for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++)
                String columnName = columns[i].getColumnName();
                Object value = values[i];

                // Skip null value
                if (value == null)

                    String stringValue = DataType.asString(value);
                    _xmlWriter.writeAttribute(columnName, stringValue, true);
                catch (TypeCastException e)
                    throw new DataSetException("table=" +
                            _activeMetaData.getTableName() + ", row=" + i +
                            ", column=" + columnName +
                            ", value=" + value, e);

        catch (IOException e)
            throw new DataSetException(e);


public class Utf8XmlWriter{

     * CDATA start tag: {@value}
    public static final String CDATA_START = "<![CDATA[";
     * CDATA end tag: {@value}
    public static final String CDATA_END = "]]>";

     * Default encoding value which is {@value}
    public static final String DEFAULT_ENCODING = "UTF-8";
     * Logger for this class
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Utf8XmlWriter.class);

    private Writer out;      // underlying writer
    private String encoding; // the encoding to be written into the XML header/metatag
    private Stack<String> stack = new Stack<String>();        // of xml element names
    private StringBuffer attrs; // current attribute string
    private boolean empty;      // is the current node empty
    private boolean closed = true;     // is the current node closed...

    private boolean pretty = true;    // is pretty printing enabled?
     * was text the last thing output?
    private boolean wroteText = false;
     * output this to indent one level when pretty printing
    private String indent = "  ";
     * output this to end a line when pretty printing
    private String newline = "\n";

     * Create an XmlWriter on top of an existing java.io.Writer.
    public Utf8XmlWriter(Writer writer)
        this(writer, null);

     * Create an XmlWriter on top of an existing java.io.Writer.
    public Utf8XmlWriter(Writer writer, String encoding)
        setWriter(writer, encoding);

     * Create an XmlWriter on top of an existing {@link java.io.OutputStream}.
     * @param outputStream
     * @param encoding The encoding to be used for writing to the given output
     * stream. Can be <code>null</code>. If it is <code>null</code> the 
     * {@link #DEFAULT_ENCODING} is used.
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException 
     * @since 2.4
    public Utf8XmlWriter(OutputStream outputStream, String encoding) 
    throws UnsupportedEncodingException
            encoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING;            
        OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream, encoding);
        setWriter(writer, encoding);

     * Turn pretty printing on or off.
     * Pretty printing is enabled by default, but it can be turned off
     * to generate more compact XML.
     * @param enable true to enable, false to disable pretty printing.
    public void enablePrettyPrint(boolean enable)
            logger.debug("enablePrettyPrint(enable={}) - start", String.valueOf(enable));

        this.pretty = enable;

     * Specify the string to prepend to a line for each level of indent.
     * It is 2 spaces ("  ") by default. Some may prefer a single tab ("\t")
     * or a different number of spaces. Specifying an empty string will turn
     * off indentation when pretty printing.
     * @param indent representing one level of indentation while pretty printing.
    public void setIndent(String indent)
        logger.debug("setIndent(indent={}) - start", indent);

        this.indent = indent;

     * Specify the string used to terminate each line when pretty printing.
     * It is a single newline ("\n") by default. Users who need to read
     * generated XML documents in Windows editors like Notepad may wish to
     * set this to a carriage return/newline sequence ("\r\n"). Specifying
     * an empty string will turn off generation of line breaks when pretty
     * printing.
     * @param newline representing the newline sequence when pretty printing.
    public void setNewline(String newline)
        logger.debug("setNewline(newline={}) - start", newline);

        this.newline = newline;

     * A helper method. It writes out an element which contains only text.
     * @param name String name of tag
     * @param text String of text to go inside the tag
    public Utf8XmlWriter writeElementWithText(String name, String text) throws IOException
        logger.debug("writeElementWithText(name={}, text={}) - start", name, text);

        return endElement();

     * A helper method. It writes out empty entities.
     * @param name String name of tag
    public Utf8XmlWriter writeEmptyElement(String name) throws IOException
        logger.debug("writeEmptyElement(name={}) - start", name);

        return endElement();

     * Begin to write out an element. Unlike the helper tags, this tag
     * will need to be ended with the endElement method.
     * @param name String name of tag
    public Utf8XmlWriter writeElement(String name) throws IOException
        logger.debug("writeElement(name={}) - start", name);

        return openElement(name);

     * Begin to output an element.
     * @param name name of element.
    private Utf8XmlWriter openElement(String name) throws IOException
        logger.debug("openElement(name={}) - start", name);

        boolean wasClosed = this.closed;
        this.closed = false;
        if (this.pretty)
            //   ! wasClosed separates adjacent opening tags by a newline.
            // this.wroteText makes sure an element embedded within the text of
            // its parent element begins on a new line, indented to the proper
            // level. This solves only part of the problem of pretty printing
            // entities which contain both text and child entities.
            if (!wasClosed || this.wroteText)
            for (int i = 0; i < this.stack.size(); i++)
                this.out.write(indent); // Indent opening tag to proper level
        this.empty = true;
        this.wroteText = false;
        return this;

    // close off the opening tag
    private void closeOpeningTag() throws IOException
        logger.debug("closeOpeningTag() - start");

        if (!this.closed)
            this.closed = true;

    // write out all current attributes
    private void writeAttributes() throws IOException
        logger.debug("writeAttributes() - start");

        if (this.attrs != null)
            this.empty = false;

     * Write an attribute out for the current element.
     * Any XML characters in the value are escaped.
     * Currently it does not actually throw the exception, but
     * the API is set that way for future changes.
     * @param attr name of attribute.
     * @param value value of attribute.
     * @see #writeAttribute(String, String, boolean)
    public Utf8XmlWriter writeAttribute(String attr, String value) throws IOException
        logger.debug("writeAttribute(attr={}, value={}) - start", attr, value);
        return this.writeAttribute(attr, value, false);

     * Write an attribute out for the current element.
     * Any XML characters in the value are escaped.
     * Currently it does not actually throw the exception, but
     * the API is set that way for future changes.
     * @param attr name of attribute.
     * @param value value of attribute.
     * @param literally If the writer should be literally on the given value
     * which means that meta characters will also be preserved by escaping them. 
     * Mainly preserves newlines and tabs.
    public Utf8XmlWriter writeAttribute(String attr, String value, boolean literally) throws IOException
            logger.debug("writeAttribute(attr={}, value={}, literally={}) - start", 
                    new Object[] {attr, value, String.valueOf(literally)} );

        if(this.wroteText==true) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("The text for the current element has already been written. Cannot add attributes afterwards.");

        if (this.attrs == null)
            this.attrs = new StringBuffer();
        this.attrs.append(" ");
        this.attrs.append(escapeXml(value, literally));
        return this;

     * @Title:          writeNullAttribute 
     * @Description:    增加對空數(shù)據(jù)的處理 
     * @param attr
     * @return  
     * @throws
    public Utf8XmlWriter writeNullAttribute(String attr){
        if (this.attrs == null)
            this.attrs = new StringBuffer();
        this.attrs.append(" ");
        return this;
     * End the current element. This will throw an exception
     * if it is called when there is not a currently open
     * element.
    public Utf8XmlWriter endElement() throws IOException
        logger.debug("endElement() - start");

        if (this.stack.empty())
            throw new IOException("Called endElement too many times. ");
        String name = (String)this.stack.pop();
        if (name != null)
            if (this.empty)
                if (this.pretty && !this.wroteText)
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.stack.size(); i++)
                        this.out.write(indent); // Indent closing tag to proper level
            if (this.pretty)
                this.out.write(newline); // Add a newline after the closing tag
            this.empty = false;
            this.closed = true;
            this.wroteText = false;
        return this;

     * Close this writer. It does not close the underlying
     * writer, but does throw an exception if there are
     * as yet unclosed tags.
    public void close() throws IOException
        logger.debug("close() - start");


        if (!this.stack.empty())
            throw new IOException("Tags are not all closed. " +
                    "Possibly, " + this.stack.pop() + " is unclosed. ");

     * Output body text. Any XML characters are escaped.
     * @param text The text to be written
     * @return This writer
     * @throws IOException
     * @see #writeText(String, boolean)
    public Utf8XmlWriter writeText(String text) throws IOException
        logger.debug("writeText(text={}) - start", text);
        return this.writeText(text, false);

     * Output body text. Any XML characters are escaped.
     * @param text The text to be written
     * @param literally If the writer should be literally on the given value
     * which means that meta characters will also be preserved by escaping them. 
     * Mainly preserves newlines and tabs.
     * @return This writer
     * @throws IOException
    public Utf8XmlWriter writeText(String text, boolean literally) throws IOException
            logger.debug("writeText(text={}, literally={}) - start", text, String.valueOf(literally));

        this.empty = false;
        this.wroteText = true;

        this.out.write(escapeXml(text, literally));
        return this;

     * Write out a chunk of CDATA. This helper method surrounds the
     * passed in data with the CDATA tag.
     * @param cdata of CDATA text.
    public Utf8XmlWriter writeCData(String cdata) throws IOException
        logger.debug("writeCData(cdata={}) - start", cdata);

        boolean hasAlreadyEnclosingCdata = cdata.startsWith(CDATA_START) && cdata.endsWith(CDATA_END);
        // There may already be CDATA sections inside the data.
        // But CDATA sections can't be nested - can't have ]]> inside a CDATA section. 
        // (See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#NT-CDStart in the W3C specs)
        // The solutions is to replace any occurrence of "]]>" by "]]]]><![CDATA[>",
        // so that the top CDATA section is split into many valid CDATA sections (you
        // can look at the "]]]]>" as if it was an escape sequence for "]]>").
        if(!hasAlreadyEnclosingCdata) {
            cdata = cdata.replaceAll(CDATA_END, "]]]]><![CDATA[>");
        this.empty = false;
        this.wroteText = true;
        return this;

     * Write out a chunk of comment. This helper method surrounds the
     * passed in data with the XML comment tag.
     * @param comment of text to comment.
    public Utf8XmlWriter writeComment(String comment) throws IOException
        logger.debug("writeComment(comment={}) - start", comment);

        writeChunk("<!-- " + comment + " -->");
        return this;

    private void writeChunk(String data) throws IOException
        logger.debug("writeChunk(data={}) - start", data);

        this.empty = false;
        if (this.pretty && !this.wroteText)
            for (int i = 0; i < this.stack.size(); i++)


        if (this.pretty)

    // Added for DbUnit

     * Escapes some meta characters like \n, \r that should be preserved in the XML
     * so that a reader will not filter out those symbols.  This code is modified
     * from xmlrpc:
     * https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/webservices/xmlrpc/branches/XMLRPC_1_2_BRANCH/src/java/org/apache/xmlrpc/XmlWriter.java
     * @param str The string to be escaped
     * @param literally If the writer should be literally on the given value
     * which means that meta characters will also be preserved by escaping them. 
     * Mainly preserves newlines and carriage returns.
     * @return The escaped string
    private String escapeXml(String str, boolean literally)
        logger.debug("escapeXml(str={}, literally={}) - start", str, Boolean.toString(literally));

        char [] block = null;
        int last = 0;
        StringBuffer buffer = null;
        int strLength = str.length();
        int index = 0;

        for (index=0; index<strLength; index++)
            String entity = null;
            char currentChar = str.charAt(index);
            switch (currentChar)
                case '\t':
                    entity = "  ";
                case '\n':
                    if (literally) { entity = "
"; }
                case '\r':
                    if (literally) { entity = "
"; }
                case '&':
                    entity = "&";
                case '<':
                    entity = "<";
                case '>':
                    entity = ">";
                case '\"':
                    entity = """;
                case '\'':
                    entity = "'";
                    if ((currentChar > 0x7f) || !isValidXmlChar(currentChar))
                        entity = "" + currentChar;

            // If we found something to substitute, then copy over previous
            // data then do the substitution.
            if (entity != null)
                if (block == null)
                    block = str.toCharArray();
                if (buffer == null)
                    buffer = new StringBuffer();
                buffer.append(block, last, index - last);
                last = index + 1;

        // nothing found, just return source
        if (last == 0)
            return str;

        if (last < strLength)
            if (block == null)
                block = str.toCharArray();
            if (buffer == null)
                buffer = new StringBuffer();
            buffer.append(block, last, index - last);

        return buffer.toString();

     * Section 2.2 of the XML spec describes which Unicode code points
     * are valid in XML:
     * <blockquote><code>#x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] |
     * [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]</code></blockquote>
     * Code points outside this set must be entity encoded to be
     * represented in XML.
     * @param c The character to inspect.
     * @return Whether the specified character is valid in XML.
    private static final boolean isValidXmlChar(char c)
        switch (c)
            case 0x9:
            case 0xa:  // line feed, '\n'
            case 0xd:  // carriage return, '\r'
                return true;

                return ( (0x20 <= c && c <= 0xd7ff) ||
                    (0xe000 <= c && c <= 0xfffd) ||
                    (0x10000 <= c && c <= 0x10ffff) );

    private void setEncoding(String encoding)
        logger.debug("setEncoding(encoding={}) - start", encoding);

        if (encoding == null && out instanceof OutputStreamWriter)
            encoding = ((OutputStreamWriter)out).getEncoding();

        if (encoding != null)
            encoding = encoding.toUpperCase();

            // Use official encoding names where we know them,
            // avoiding the Java-only names.  When using common
            // encodings where we can easily tell if characters
            // are out of range, we'll escape out-of-range
            // characters using character refs for safety.

            // I _think_ these are all the main synonyms for these!
            if ("UTF8".equals(encoding))
                encoding = "UTF-8";
            else if ("US-ASCII".equals(encoding)
                    || "ASCII".equals(encoding))
//                dangerMask = (short)0xff80;
                encoding = "US-ASCII";
            else if ("ISO-8859-1".equals(encoding)
                    || "8859_1".equals(encoding)
                    || "ISO8859_1".equals(encoding))
//                dangerMask = (short)0xff00;
                encoding = "ISO-8859-1";
            else if ("UNICODE".equals(encoding)
                    || "UNICODE-BIG".equals(encoding)
                    || "UNICODE-LITTLE".equals(encoding))
                encoding = "UTF-16";

                // TODO: UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE ... no BOM; what
                // release of JDK supports those Unicode names?

//            if (dangerMask != 0)
//                stringBuf = new StringBuffer();

        this.encoding = encoding;

     * Resets the handler to write a new text document.
     * @param writer XML text is written to this writer.
     * @param encoding if non-null, and an XML declaration is written,
     *  this is the name that will be used for the character encoding.
     * @exception IllegalStateException if the current
     *  document hasn't yet ended (i.e. the output stream {@link #out} is not null)
    final public void setWriter(Writer writer, String encoding)
        logger.debug("setWriter(writer={}, encoding={}) - start", writer, encoding);

        if (this.out != null)
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "can't change stream in mid course");
        this.out = writer;
        if (this.out != null)
//        if (!(this.out instanceof BufferedWriter))
//            this.out = new BufferedWriter(this.out);

    public Utf8XmlWriter writeDeclaration() throws IOException
        logger.debug("writeDeclaration() - start");

        if (this.encoding != null)
            this.out.write("<?xml version='1.0'");
            this.out.write(" encoding='" + this.encoding + "'");

        return this;

    public Utf8XmlWriter writeDoctype(String systemId, String publicId) throws IOException
        logger.debug("writeDoctype(systemId={}, publicId={}) - start", systemId, publicId);

        if (systemId != null || publicId != null)
            this.out.write("<!DOCTYPE dataset");

            if (systemId != null)
                this.out.write(" SYSTEM \"");

            if (publicId != null)
                this.out.write(" PUBLIC \"");


        return this;

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