1)plain sailing, 一帆風順焰情;
2)disclaimer, (n.) 免責聲明/條款脾猛;
3)mandatory, (a.)強制的嗤锉,法定的源祈,義務的煎源,e.g.Mandatory rules in your school;
4)lenient, (a.) 仁慈的新博,寬厚的薪夕,e.g. Is your boss lenient or strict?
6)slump,大幅度下降原献,暴跌,a sudden falling of economy(經(jīng)濟大衰退);
7)accredited, 公認的埂淮;?
10)kitchen ventilator,抽油煙機痪蝇;
11)vacuum machine,吸塵機鄙陡;
12)electric iron,電熨斗;
13)procrastinator, (n.) 拖延者躏啰,拖拉者趁矾,tend to put things off,反義詞:organized or self-motivated. procrastinate (v.)/procrastination (n.)给僵;
14)remuneration, (n.)賠償毫捣,報酬,酬勞帝际;
15)idiomatic, (a.) 符合語言習慣的蔓同,通順的;
16)squad, (n.)? team蹲诀,小隊斑粱,e.g. Suicide Squad(自殺小隊);
17)complication, (n.) 使更復雜化的事物,并發(fā)癥脯爪,糾紛珊佣,混亂;
18)distortion, (n.) 扭曲,變形披粟,(信號咒锻、波形等)失真;
19)onlooker, (n.) 旁觀者;
20)blow your mind, 讓你鉚足了開心,意亂情迷;
21)cardboard, (n.) 硬紙板守屉;
22)allegedly, [??led??dli] (a.) 據(jù)說惑艇,據(jù)傳,據(jù)…聲稱,e.g. A woman was arrested yesterday for allegedly using a homemade Oregon license plate on her car, according to the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department滨巴;
23)water hyacinth, 水葫蘆(植物)
24)hydrogen, ['ha?dr?d??n] (n.) 氫思灌;氫氣;
25)jackpot, (n.) 最高獎金(通常用于lottery);
26)not by a long shot, (informal) 不可能,definitely not;
27)backstabbing, (n.) 背后中傷恭取,暗箭傷人(常用于政治)泰偿,e.g. I've worked hard for the program, but her backstabbing is really getting to me;?
28)scintillating, ['s?nt(?)l.e?t??] (a.) 才華橫溢的,妙趣橫生的(多指演講蜈垮,討論耗跛,表演等),e.g. The conversation at dinner last night was scintillating;
29)overzealous, [.o?v?r'zel?s] (a.) 過于熱心的攒发,激情過高的调塌,e.g. He's a little overzealous at times, but otherwise he's asplendid addition to the team;
30)parliamentary, [.pɑrl?'ment(?)ri] (a.) 議會的,國會的惠猿,e.g. He gave a parliamentary speech;
31)cabinet, ['k?b?n?t] (n.) 內閣羔砾,儲藏柜,e.g. cabinet meeting偶妖,內閣會議;
32)superficially, [?sup??f???l?] (ad.) 從表面上看;
33)jolly, ['d?ɑli] (a.) 愉快的姜凄,快樂的萄窜,令人高興的;
34)highbrow, [?ha?bra?] (a.) 趣味高雅的捣作,陽春白雪的,有文化修養(yǎng)的靡馁,e.g. It's sophisticated but not overly highbrow, positive but not superficially jolly;
35)inversion, [?n'v?r?(?)n] (n.) 倒置腹缩,顛倒,倒轉;
36)debris, [d?'bri] (n.) 碎片空扎,殘骸;
Natural Disasters(自然災害)
37)volcano,?[vɑ:l?ke?no?]藏鹊,火山,e.g.The?volcano?erupted last year killing about 600?people;
38)tsunami, [tsu?nɑmi] (n.) 海嘯转锈,huge wave caused by an earthquake or volcano eruption Flood;
39)typhoon, ['h?r?.ke?n] (n.)盘寡,臺風,Tropical storm Hurricane撮慨,?similar to hurricane ['h?r?.ke?n] 颶風;
40)avalanche, ['?v?.l?nt?] (n./v.) 雪崩竿痰,山崩,崩塌;
41)drought,?[dra?t]砌溺,旱災影涉,干旱(時期),旱季规伐,opposite of a flood蟹倾,e.g.?Drought?and famines have killed up to two million people?here;
42)earthquake,?地震; 大變動;
43)landslide, ['l?nd.sla?d] (n.) 山崩,滑坡,e.g. He won last month's presidential election by a?landslide;
44)flood, [fl?d]鲜棠,(n.)?洪水; 泛濫; 溢流肌厨,(vt.)?淹沒,e.g.?More than 70 people were killed in the?floods, caused when a dam?burst;
Man-made disasters(人為災害)
45)Nuclear explosion, 核爆炸豁陆,e.g. Following?the?nuclear?explosion?in?Chernobyl,?thyroid?cancers?started to significantly?increase?only?seven years?after?exposure(切爾諾貝利核電站爆炸發(fā)生七年以后甲狀腺癌的發(fā)病率才開始明顯上升);
46)Global warming, 全球變暖柑爸,an increase in the earth's temperature due to fuels, industry, and agricultural processes caused by human, natural, and other gas emissions. This results in an increased emission of greenhouse gases;
47)Toxic waste,?[?t?ksik weist],有毒廢料盒音,e.g.?Toxic?waste?could endanger lives and poison?fish(有毒廢物可能危及生命表鳍,毒死魚類);
48)Extinction of endangered species, 瀕危物種滅絕;
49)Oil spills,?石油泄露;
50)stand-alone (a.) 獨立的,獨立式 e.g. But such an exciting start was often taken no further, at least in the setting of the stand-alone business schools.
51)wrong footed (a.) 亂了腳步里逆,亂了陣腳 e.g. Although markets had largely priced in a quarter-point rise by the ECB, the Bank of England move wrong-footed markets.
52)facilitate the conversation flow 进胯,使話題繼續(xù)(接茬)