In 2001, Musk turned thirteen and he began to revisit his childhood fantasies around rocket ships and space travel. In 2002, Musk established Space Exploration Technologies, namely SpaceX, building his modest-sized rocket. Musk and his team dedicated all their effort to this project, but it’s not very smooth. No matter how hardship it was, Musk never failing to stick to. Besides that, he also had been trying to fund something in electric car area. In early 2004, he invested $6.5 to Tesla, which makes him become the largest shareholder of Tesla and the chairman of the company.In 2008, Tesla was running out of money.
我們從小就背過“天將降大任于斯人也筒主,必先苦其心志使兔,勞其筋骨火诸,餓其體膚置蜀,空乏其身盯荤,行拂亂其所為秋秤,所以動心忍性绍哎,增益其所不能”崇堰『;澹可是每天遇到一點點小困難挫折的時候便感覺痛苦極了,常常迎難而下蚯斯。我從八月下旬開始溉跃,先是季節(jié)性眼睛過敏,每天眼睛又癢又疼,前后去看了兩次醫(yī)生募疮,用了五瓶不同的眼藥水阿浓,眼睛終于正常了筋蓖;還沒好兩天緊接著又感冒粘咖,犯了鼻炎,又喝了好多藥讽坏,也不見好震缭,也不知道究竟是感冒還是鼻炎,反正兩種藥來來回回都喝了巡社,也許是季節(jié)性流感吧,這還沒好,嗓子又出了問題姜胖,天天咳嗽的停不下來淀散,想去輸點液慢蜓,可是醫(yī)生說我這是小毛病,不適合輸液 耘柱,又開了一堆藥喝著伪朽,現(xiàn)在還在喝藥烈涮,雖然這兩天感覺好些了。因為要備考,所以原本每天的時間都有安排,最近由于生病和身體不適,沒辦法靜心學(xué)習(xí),有時候還擔(dān)心就算考過了帝雇,身體出了毛病可怎么辦。不過呢蛉拙,每天看到Musk這樣執(zhí)著尸闸,特別是那天Eric在群里分享的發(fā)射火箭的剪輯視頻,配樂很搞笑刘离,我反復(fù)看了幾遍室叉,覺得世上這般執(zhí)著之人還有幾個?記得王安石的《游褒禪山記》中有這樣一段話:世之奇?zhèn)チ蛱琛⒐妍悺⒎浅V^野来。常在于險遠恼除,而人之所罕至焉,故非有志者不能至也。有志矣豁辉,不隨以止也令野,然力不足者,亦不能至也徽级。有志與力气破,而又不隨以怠,至于至于幽暗昏惑而無物以相之餐抢,亦不能至也现使。然力足以至焉,于人為可譏旷痕,而在己為有悔碳锈;盡吾志也而不能至者,可以無悔矣欺抗。
1. It hired the kid fresh out of Stanford for $45,000 rather than the proven guy....
fresh out of, have just experience.
【例句】 From what I've heard he started wheeling and dealing fresh out of college.
【仿句】Fresh from the college, she got married.
2. You could understand why Musk might want some of the shine of Tesla to rub off on him.
rub off on, affect/influence
【例句】I was hoping some of his genius might rub off.
【仿句】He's trying to rub off on others all the time.
3. Now that the company employed about three hundred people, he felt less effective and didn't relish the idea of suffering for another five tears to bring the sedan to market.
relish, look forward
【例句】 He relished the idea of getting some cash.
【仿句】He relished the idea of passing the exam.
4. Tarpenning recalled. Tesla still needed a lead inbestor who would pony up the bulk of the $7 million needed to make what's known as a mule or a prototype vehicle.
pony up, pay the money that is needed for womething, often unwillingly.
【例句】 People can't even afford to pony up for movie tickets.
【仿句】The company is not prepared to pony up employee's salary.
5. Musk peppered Tarpenning, who had been away on a trip, with questions about the financial model.
be pepper with, be filled with
【例句】Outside, the road was peppered with glass.
【仿句】The lake was peppered with waste.