This chapter is telling their examination. Ithink it is common at that time the father and his two sons went to have the examinationtogether. Nowadays it is hard to imagine. And before their examination, the twobrothers have married with the girls arranged by their parents. But luckily,they all had their happy marriage life.
Then they went to the capital for theexamination. Obviously, Su Tongpo and his brother were more relax than theirfather who seems so nervous about this exam. During this exam, undoubtly, Su Tongpowas found by their main examiner Ou Yangshei as a very brilliant young man. Evenwhen Ou Yangshei read his article, always felt excited.
As a result of the exam, the brothers obtainedthe official degrees. Su Tongpo’s mother died, however, when he began to have hisofficial career and he had to go back home for a twenty-seven-month’s period ofmouring. For his father, he has been waiting for his appointment. However, he finallyrefused the appointment as further exam needed which he disliked a lot.
If your soul has not perished, come andvisit us.
Perish,to die, especially ina terrible or sudden way,文中應(yīng)該是使麻木的意思,另外有毀壞的意思。
Eg:The boot hasbeen used for more than 10 years, it must be perished and need to be changed.
When Su Tungpo and his brother wereadolescents and almost ready to take their examinations, inevitably themarriage question came up.