? ? ? ? 我夢想中的旅行是去杭州,我想要在六月份去,我會坐船去胰挑,這樣我就可以更好的欣賞岸邊的風景试读,我將會邀上兩三位好友杠纵,一起去共度我們的假期
? ? ? ? My dream journey is to go to hangzhou, I want to go in June, I will go by ship, so I can better appreciate the scenery along the shore, I will invite two or three friends, go to spend our holiday
? ? ? ? 杭州古城──世界上最美麗華貴的城市的隕落, 在人們_的記憶中钩骇,杭州是一座歷史文化名城是中國的自然比藻、人文、歷史之美倘屹,和中國最強勁的經(jīng)濟脈搏與現(xiàn)代精神的城市银亲。
Hangzhou city ─ ─ the world's most beautiful city of showily falling, in people's memory, hangzhou is a famous historical and cultural city is China's beauty, nature, humanities, history, and China's strong economic pulse with the spirit of the modern city.
西湖有十景:蘇堤春曉务蝠、曲院風荷、平湖秋月烛缔、斷橋殘雪馏段、花港觀魚轩拨、 柳浪聞鶯、三潭印月院喜、雙峰插云亡蓉、雷峰夕照、南屏晚鐘够坐。
? ? ? ? In addition to historical stories, there are m any scenic spots in Hangzhou that can be appreciated. The following is an introduction:
West lake has ten sights: Su di Chun Xiao, Qu yuan Feng he, Ping Hu Qiu Yue, broken bridge snow, Huagang watching fish, Liu Lang Wen Ying, three pools of Indian moon, bimodal clouds, Lei Feng Xi Zhao, Nanping evening bell.
? 靈隱寺始建于東晉咸和元年(公元326年)寸宵,至今已有約一千七百年的歷史,為杭州最早的名剎元咙,也是中國佛教禪宗十大古剎之一梯影。雷峰塔位于浙江杭州西湖南岸夕照山的雷峰上,是中國首座彩色銅雕寶塔庶香。 雷峰塔一名黃妃塔甲棍,又稱西關磚塔。雷峰塔也因《白蛇傳》中禁錮白娘子的傳說而聞名遐邇赶掖。 千島湖感猛,是1959年我國建造的第一座自行設計、自制設備的水力發(fā)電站而攔壩蓄水形成的人工湖奢赂,是國家一級水體陪白。 由于注重對環(huán)境的保護,千島湖水在中國大江大湖中位居優(yōu)質水之首膳灶,“天下第一秀水”名不虛傳咱士。九溪十八澗位于浙江省杭州市的著名景點西湖之西的群山中,上自龍井起蜿蜒曲折7公里入錢塘江轧钓。
Leifeng pagoda is located on the South bank of the west lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. it is the first copper sculpture pagoda in China. Leifeng tower, a huangfei tower, also known as Xiguan brick tower. Leifeng pagoda is also famous for the legend of the white lady imprisoned in the legend of the white snake.Qiandao lake, built in 1959 in China's first selfdesigned, selfmade equipment of the hydraulic power station and dam water storage formed artificial lake, is a national level water. Due to the emphasis on environmental protection, Qiandao lake water in China's largest rivers and lakes ranked first in highquality water, "the world's first show water" well-deserved reputation. Jiuxi 18 streams in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, the famous scenic spot west of the west lake in the mountains, winding 7 km from Longjing winding into the Qiantang river.
? ? ? ? 在杭州序厉,我想去靈隱寺看看經(jīng)過歷史的沉淀的景色,瀏覽這古剎的壯觀毕箍。雷峰塔弛房,我早有耳聞。小時候的白蛇傳絕對是一份讓人難以忘卻的記憶而柑。有時間的話我同樣會去觀賞一番文捶。我特別想去的地方是千島湖,環(huán)境優(yōu)美的湖一直是我夢想中的世外桃源媒咳。在那里和我的伙伴一起放松身心拄轻,感受大自然的美好。
? ? ? ? ? In hangzhou, I want to go to lingyin temple to see the historical precipitation of the scenery, to browse the magnificent ancient temple. Leifeng pagoda, I have heard before. As a child, the white snake is an unforgettable memory. If I have time, I will also look at it. The place I especially want to visit is qiandao lake. The beautiful lake has always been my dream. Relax with my partner there and feel the beauty of nature.