Graphs & Charts
A bar graph uses rectangular?bars of different lengths to show and compare data.條形圖使用不同長度的矩形條形來顯示和比較數據。
The lengths of thebarsare proportional?to thevaluestheyrepresent.條的長度與它們所代表的值成比例
The bars can be vertical, up and down, or horizontal.這些條可以是垂直的、向上和向下的,也可以是水平的。
A circle graph, often called a pie graph, is shaped like a circle.圓形圖丛肢,通常稱為餅圖,形狀像一個圓。
It is divided into segments?that look like pieces of a pie.它被分成幾個看起來像餡餅的小塊奇瘦。
Percentages are used to compare the segments, which are ordered?from biggest to smallest.百分比用于比較從大到小排序的片段。
Line graphs areusedtoshowthe relationship between two variables,such astime and distance.線形圖用來表示兩個變量之間的關系劲弦,如時間和距離耳标。
These variables are plotted?on 2 axes, the X-axis and the Y-axis.這些變量繪制在兩個軸上,x軸和y軸邑跪。
The x-axis often shows time while the y-axis shows how quantities, such as distance, temperature or profits change with time.x軸通常表示時間次坡,y軸表示數量,如距離画畅、溫度或利潤如何隨時間變化砸琅。
A flowchart is a type of graph that shows how a process or project flows from start to finish.流程圖是一種顯示流程或項目如何從頭到尾流動的圖形類型。
A flowchartconsistsof startpoints, inputs,outputsanddecisionpoints.流程圖由起始點轴踱、輸入點症脂、輸出點和決策點組成
An organizational chart, or org chart shows the structure of a company.組織結構圖,或組織結構圖顯示了公司的結構淫僻。
It shows how people and departments within a company are connected.它展示了公司內部人員和部門之間的聯(lián)系诱篷。
It defines the roles and responsibilities of people and departments within a company.它定義了公司內部人員和部門的角色和職責
Line graphs are very good at showing how things change over time.線形圖非常善于顯示事物是如何隨時間變化的
In a flowchart, a decision point shows that happens when a decision is made.在流程圖中,決策點表示在做出決策時發(fā)生的情況雳灵。
Legal Terms
Laws are rules that people are supposed to follow.法律是人們應該遵守的規(guī)則棕所。
A system of laws governs?the behavior of people within a country.法律體系管理一個國家內人們的行為
Criminals are people who break the law.罪犯是違法的人
People whocommitacrimearecalledcriminals.犯罪的人被稱為罪犯。
Some criminals are very dangerous and needed be put in jail.有些罪犯非常危險细办,需要關進監(jiān)獄橙凳。
A jail or prison is a place where criminals are locked behind bars, sometimes for many years.罪犯被關在監(jiān)獄里蕾殴,有時會被關很多年
Prisons are designed to keep criminals away from other people.監(jiān)獄的設計目的是使罪犯遠離其他人。
A courthouse?is where someone charged with committing a crime goes on trial.法院是被控犯罪的人受審的地方岛啸。
In court, evidence is presented to show the guilt or innocence of a person on trial.在法庭上钓觉,呈上的證據表明受審者有罪或無罪
When someone breaks the law, they may be arrested by the police.當有人違法時,他們可能會被警察逮捕坚踩。
To arrest someone means to take and hold them until they go on trial.逮捕某些人的意思是拿住他們直到他們受審
When someonebreaksthe law, theymaybearrestedand put ontrail.當有人違反法律時荡灾,他們可能會被逮捕和審判。
An actionthatfollowsthelawis a egalaction.遵循法律的行為是法律行為瞬铸。
Someone who commits a crime may be sent to prison.犯罪的人可能會被送進監(jiān)獄批幌。
When a person is charged with breaking a law, they are tried in?court of law.當一個人被指控違法時,他們會在法庭上受審