? ? ? ? ? ? 接下來,就是我們最喜歡看的接力賽抗果,接力賽的內(nèi)容過于精彩筋帖。就不一系列介紹了。
? ? ? ? ? 我們班的汪子偉冤馏、顧玉橋日麸、程碩(不知道陳佳軒在不在)的速度很快,汪子偉的拿到接力棒后逮光,立馬以自己最快的速度代箭,沖向程碩,程碩接到接力棒的時候可能慢了幾秒涕刚,但還是超過了幾個人嗡综,棒子傳遞給了顧玉橋,顧玉橋以雷霆冠軍之士杜漠,沖沖向了終點极景!
? ?
Xuan is here or not) is very fast. After Wang Ziwei got the baton, he immediately rushed to Cheng Shuo with his fastest speed. When Cheng Shuo received the baton, it may be a few seconds slow, but it was still more than a few people. The stick was passed to Gu Yuqiao, and Gu Yuqiao rushed to the end with the champion of Thunder!