NestedScrollView 源碼學(xué)習(xí)(一)


1. ParentView

1. NestedScrollingParent

2. NestedScrollingParentHelper

NestedScrollingParent 是一個(gè)嵌套滑動(dòng)父View的相關(guān)方法的接口對(duì)象索抓。NestedScrollingParentHelper 是一個(gè)嵌套滑動(dòng)父View的事件輔助類,主要是暴露出來與子view交互辆飘。

  • onStartNestedScroll
    子View要開始滑動(dòng)時(shí),會(huì)尋找要跟它嵌套滑動(dòng)的父view哄孤。當(dāng)返回 true 時(shí)悴势,表示這個(gè)父View將跟他一起執(zhí)行嵌套滑動(dòng)钱贯。
    * @param child Direct child of this ViewParent containing target
    * @param target View that initiated the nested scroll
    * @param nestedScrollAxes Flags consisting of {@link ViewCompat#SCROLL_AXIS_HORIZONTAL},
    *                         {@link ViewCompat#SCROLL_AXIS_VERTICAL} or both
    * @return true if this ViewParent accepts the nested scroll opera tion
    public boolean onStartNestedScroll(View child, View target, int nestedScrollAxes);
  • onNestedScrollAccepted
    當(dāng)父View要跟隨嵌套滑動(dòng)后挫掏,此方法就提供一個(gè)機(jī)會(huì),讓父View和子View初始化嵌套滑動(dòng)的配置秩命,比如 橫向滑動(dòng)尉共,縱向滑動(dòng),還是都有弃锐。
     * @param child Direct child of this ViewParent containing target
     * @param target View that initiated the nested scroll
     * @param nestedScrollAxes Flags consisting of {@link ViewCompat#SCROLL_AXIS_HORIZONTAL},
     *                         {@link ViewCompat#SCROLL_AXIS_VERTICAL} or both
     * @see #onStartNestedScroll(View, View, int)
     * @see #onStopNestedScroll(View)
    public void onNestedScrollAccepted(View child, View target, int nestedScrollAxes);
  • onStopNestedScroll
    當(dāng)嵌套滑動(dòng)結(jié)束(結(jié)束就是 touch 的ACTION_UP,ACTION_CANCEL)時(shí)就會(huì)調(diào)用袄友。
     * React to a nested scroll operation ending.
     * <p>Perform cleanup after a nested scrolling operation.
     * This method will be called when a nested scroll stops, for example when a nested touch
     * scroll ends with a {@link MotionEvent#ACTION_UP} or {@link MotionEvent#ACTION_CANCEL} event.
     * Implementations of this method should always call their superclass's implementation of this
     * method if one is present.</p>
     * @param target View that initiated the nested scroll
    public void onStopNestedScroll(View target);
  • onNestedScroll
     * @param target The descendent view controlling the nested scroll
     * @param dxConsumed Horizontal scroll distance in pixels already consumed by target
     * @param dyConsumed Vertical scroll distance in pixels already consumed by target
     * @param dxUnconsumed Horizontal scroll distance in pixels not consumed by target
     * @param dyUnconsumed Vertical scroll distance in pixels not consumed by target
    public void onNestedScroll(View target, int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed,
            int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed);
  • onNestedPreScroll
    當(dāng)子View執(zhí)行 dispatchNestedPreScroll(子view中的方法接口)時(shí)當(dāng)用此方法。當(dāng)正在執(zhí)行嵌套滑動(dòng)時(shí)浇辜,在子view滑動(dòng)前,父view可以在方法中做些操作唾戚。
    * @param target View that initiated the nested scroll
    * @param dx Horizontal scroll distance in pixels
    * @param dy Vertical scroll distance in pixels
    * @param consumed Output. The horizontal and vertical scroll distance consumed by this parent
    public void onNestedPreScroll(View target, int dx, int dy, int[] consumed);
  • getNestedScrollAxes
    * Return the current axes of nested scrolling for this NestedScrollingParent.
    * <p>A NestedScrollingParent returning something other than {@link ViewCompat#SCROLL_AXIS_NONE}
    * is currently acting as a nested scrolling parent for one or more descendant views in
    * the hierarchy.</p>
    * @return Flags indicating the current axes of nested scrolling
    * @see ViewCompat#SCROLL_AXIS_HORIZONTAL
    * @see ViewCompat#SCROLL_AXIS_VERTICAL
    * @see ViewCompat#SCROLL_AXIS_NONE
   public int getNestedScrollAxes();
  • 還有些 Fling(快速滑動(dòng))的接口方法柳洋,這里就不講了,大家可以自己看下源碼叹坦。

2. ChildView

1. NestedScrollingChild

2. NestedScrollingChildHelper

NestedScrollingChild 是一個(gè)嵌套滑動(dòng)子View的相關(guān)方法的接口對(duì)象熊镣。NestedScrollingChildHelper 是一個(gè)嵌套滑動(dòng)子View的事件輔助類,主要是暴露出來與父view交互。

  • setNestedScrollingEnabled
    設(shè)置子view是否可以滑動(dòng)绪囱,如果 true 就是可以测蹲,否則不可以。
    當(dāng)子view正在嵌套滑動(dòng)時(shí)鬼吵,設(shè)置為false扣甲,效果將與 stopNestedScroll() 一樣。
     * Enable or disable nested scrolling for this view.
     * @param enabled true to enable nested scrolling, false to disable
     * @see #isNestedScrollingEnabled()
    public void setNestedScrollingEnabled(boolean enabled);
  • isNestedScrollingEnabled
    返回子view 是否可以嵌套滑動(dòng)
     * Returns true if nested scrolling is enabled for this view.
     * @return true if nested scrolling is enabled
     * @see #setNestedScrollingEnabled(boolean)
    public boolean isNestedScrollingEnabled();
  • startNestedScroll
    2.startNestedScroll 將會(huì)初始化滑動(dòng)操作涣脚。當(dāng)觸發(fā)ACTION_DOWN事件時(shí)示辈,就會(huì)觸發(fā) startNestedScroll。當(dāng)執(zhí)行ViewParent#requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(boolean) 時(shí)遣蚀,會(huì)自動(dòng)打斷嵌套滑動(dòng)操作矾麻。當(dāng)結(jié)束嵌套滑動(dòng)時(shí),必須調(diào)用 stopNestedScroll 方法芭梯。
    3.如果 此方法返回true险耀,表示找到了一個(gè)配合一起滑動(dòng)的父View。如果返回 false,表明父View不關(guān)心此次的滑動(dòng)事件粥帚。
    當(dāng)正在滑動(dòng)時(shí)胰耗,調(diào)用此方法,將會(huì)默認(rèn)返回 true芒涡。
    4.每次滑動(dòng)的步驟中一旦 startNestedScroll 計(jì)算出了滑動(dòng)的距離柴灯,都會(huì)調(diào)用 dispatchNestedPreScroll 方法。如果此時(shí)有一起嵌套滑動(dòng)的父View费尽,父View就至少會(huì)消耗一部分滑動(dòng)距離赠群,這時(shí)子View的滑動(dòng)距離就要相應(yīng)的調(diào)整。
    5.在子View對(duì)剩余的滾動(dòng)距離做了響應(yīng)后旱幼,就要調(diào)用 dispatchNestedScroll 方法查描,將 已消耗的距離和剩余的距離告訴父View,父View可能會(huì)有不同的操作
     * Begin a nestable scroll operation along the given axes.
     * <p>A view starting a nested scroll promises to abide by the following contract:</p>
     * <p>The view will call startNestedScroll upon initiating a scroll operation. In the case
     * of a touch scroll this corresponds to the initial {@link MotionEvent#ACTION_DOWN}.
     * In the case of touch scrolling the nested scroll will be terminated automatically in
     * the same manner as {@link ViewParent#requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(boolean)}.
     * In the event of programmatic scrolling the caller must explicitly call
     * {@link #stopNestedScroll()} to indicate the end of the nested scroll.</p>
     * <p>If <code>startNestedScroll</code> returns true, a cooperative parent was found.
     * If it returns false the caller may ignore the rest of this contract until the next scroll.
     * Calling startNestedScroll while a nested scroll is already in progress will return true.</p>
     * <p>At each incremental step of the scroll the caller should invoke
     * {@link #dispatchNestedPreScroll(int, int, int[], int[]) dispatchNestedPreScroll}
     * once it has calculated the requested scrolling delta. If it returns true the nested scrolling
     * parent at least partially consumed the scroll and the caller should adjust the amount it
     * scrolls by.</p>
     * <p>After applying the remainder of the scroll delta the caller should invoke
     * {@link #dispatchNestedScroll(int, int, int, int, int[]) dispatchNestedScroll}, passing
     * both the delta consumed and the delta unconsumed. A nested scrolling parent may treat
     * these values differently. See
     * {@link NestedScrollingParent#onNestedScroll(View, int, int, int, int)}.
     * </p>
     * @param axes Flags consisting of a combination of {@link ViewCompat#SCROLL_AXIS_HORIZONTAL}
     *             and/or {@link ViewCompat#SCROLL_AXIS_VERTICAL}.
     * @return true if a cooperative parent was found and nested scrolling has been enabled for
     *         the current gesture.
     * @see #stopNestedScroll()
     * @see #dispatchNestedPreScroll(int, int, int[], int[])
     * @see #dispatchNestedScroll(int, int, int, int, int[])
    public boolean startNestedScroll(int axes);
  • stopNestedScroll
     * Stop a nested scroll in progress.
     * <p>Calling this method when a nested scroll is not currently in progress is harmless.</p>
     * @see #startNestedScroll(int)
    public void stopNestedScroll();
  • hasNestedScrollingParent
     * Returns true if this view has a nested scrolling parent.
     * <p>The presence of a nested scrolling parent indicates that this view has initiated
     * a nested scroll and it was accepted by an ancestor view further up the view hierarchy.</p>
     * @return whether this view has a nested scrolling parent
    public boolean hasNestedScrollingParent();
  • dispatchNestedScroll
     * Dispatch one step of a nested scroll in progress.
     * @param dxConsumed Horizontal distance in pixels consumed by this view during this scroll step
     * @param dyConsumed Vertical distance in pixels consumed by this view during this scroll step
     * @param dxUnconsumed Horizontal scroll distance in pixels not consumed by this view
     * @param dyUnconsumed Horizontal scroll distance in pixels not consumed by this view
     * @param offsetInWindow Optional. If not null, on return this will contain the offset
     *                       in local view coordinates of this view from before this operation
     *                       to after it completes. View implementations may use this to adjust
     *                       expected input coordinate tracking.
     * @return true if the event was dispatched, false if it could not be dispatched.
     * @see #dispatchNestedPreScroll(int, int, int[], int[])
    public boolean dispatchNestedScroll(int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed,
            int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed, int[] offsetInWindow);
  • dispatchNestedPreScroll
     * Dispatch one step of a nested scroll in progress before this view consumes any portion of it.
     * @param dx Horizontal scroll distance in pixels
     * @param dy Vertical scroll distance in pixels
     * @param consumed Output. If not null, consumed[0] will contain the consumed component of dx
     *                 and consumed[1] the consumed dy.
     * @param offsetInWindow Optional. If not null, on return this will contain the offset
     *                       in local view coordinates of this view from before this operation
     *                       to after it completes. View implementations may use this to adjust
     *                       expected input coordinate tracking.
     * @return true if the parent consumed some or all of the scroll delta
     * @see #dispatchNestedScroll(int, int, int, int, int[])
    public boolean dispatchNestedPreScroll(int dx, int dy, int[] consumed, int[] offsetInWindow);
  • 還有些 Fling 方法叮阅,就不一一介紹了,大家可以自己查看源碼泣特。



查看源碼:在 NestedScrollView 的一些touch 監(jiān)聽中就可以看到對(duì)以上方法的調(diào)用浩姥。同時(shí),可以看到在ChildHelper中主要調(diào)用了ViewParentCompat類的方法状您。ViewParentCompat是一個(gè)和父view交互的兼容類勒叠,它會(huì)判斷api version,如果在Lollipop以上膏孟,就是用view自帶的方法眯分,否則判斷是否實(shí)現(xiàn)了NestedScrollingParent接口,去調(diào)用接口的方法柒桑。

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